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I've been looking at getting a traction engine.

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Henry Ruiter19/04/2018 22:52:01
69 forum posts
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The main problem with this is I don't have a lathe of a mill would have look at a complete on or one of the STW kits.if I did have the what scale and would be the easiest to build.

Thanks Henry
JasonB20/04/2018 07:03:27
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Better question is what do you want to do with the TE once built. If you just want a show model that will get run once in a while then a smaller 2" one will be more practical. If on the other hand you want to be out rallying every weekend and doing road runs then a large 3" would be the minimum preferably 4". Transport will also become a consideration once you get larger.

There is no more work to making one or the other, it's just the size that changes.

If you can get hold of Julia Old's book on building a Burrell kit engine you will see what is involved. I think it may be available to donating members of Traction Talk forum but would need to look to make sure.

Martin Johnson 120/04/2018 08:57:57
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I agree with Jason B. Start from the position - " Where will I store it? How will I tansport it? Am I fit enough to manhandle it?" There is also the important question "Can I afford it?"

When you have answered those questions, the rest will fall into place.


Former Member20/04/2018 13:03:59
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Henry Ruiter20/04/2018 23:46:49
69 forum posts
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I was thinking about something that could ride/pull me a family member or a mate.For storeage I have a large garage and there a park near by I could take to as for size I was thinking 2"/3" mostly because a don't really what to shift 1/2 ton 4"traction engine around.

Thanks Henry
Henry Ruiter20/04/2018 23:51:33
69 forum posts
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I've got book Introducing Model Traction Engine Construction by John Haining.I also got the feeling that the Burrell is the most popular made TE but I could be wrong.

Thanks Henry
Henry Ruiter21/04/2018 00:00:29
69 forum posts
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I not sure if people in NZ rally there TE but do take it club meetings I was thinking of just taking it around the neighborhood.

Thanks Henry
Ian S C21/04/2018 12:57:07
7468 forum posts
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Yes model TE's are rallied in NZ, sometimes even on parade with the big boys in their 12" to the ft TEs. Did you go to the Steam Extravaganza at MacLean's Island the other weekend, maybe you should get over there and see what's going on. At the same place, Steam Scene there is Christchurch Live Steamers.

There is also the Canterbury Society of Model and Experimental Engineers.

Halswell Miniature Trains.

Ian S C

Edited By Ian S C on 21/04/2018 13:17:23

Henry Ruiter21/04/2018 23:26:55
69 forum posts
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No I didn't go to the Steam Extravaganza last weekend.well it's good to know people rally the TE in NZ to.

Thanks Henry
Henry Ruiter24/04/2018 02:17:03
69 forum posts
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Who makes the best kits and any other useful information that anyone can give.

Thanks Henry
JasonB24/04/2018 07:05:33
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You don't have a lot of choice, Maxitrak for small kits and Steam Traction World for ones you could use for what you want.

Former Member24/04/2018 08:00:33
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Henry Ruiter24/04/2018 08:46:13
69 forum posts
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I'm not really keen on spending ?15000 on a traction engine witch would be something like $19-20,000 in my money .I was hoping to get something maybe around $5500 to 7000.

Thanks Henry
Henry Ruiter24/04/2018 08:47:23
69 forum posts
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Would maybe cheaper if I were to build it myself.

Thanks Henry
Former Member24/04/2018 09:19:46
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Henry Ruiter26/04/2018 02:18:07
69 forum posts
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What model of traction engine castings are available and is the most commonly made/built traction engines
JasonB26/04/2018 07:23:48
25215 forum posts
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At the moment the trend is to build bigger engines so although common they are really out of the scope of what you can manage.

In 2" I would say look at the following

2" Minnie, Durham & North Yorks, Fowler A7, Fowler R3. The first two are easier to build being a bit less detailed.

You could also look at the 3" Little Samson which is at the small end of the 3" engines

Henry Ruiter04/05/2018 09:26:50
69 forum posts
2 photos
Thanks Jason for the Information.

Thanks Henry
bricky04/05/2018 23:06:07
627 forum posts
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I would agree with jason on a 2"but not a gold medal tractor which I chose to build.A lovely engine but very detailed in it's construction.Whilst building the engine I wished that I had chosen a 3" but now at 72 I am glad I didn't as this small model weighs 95lbs and I find it just enough for me now.


Henry Ruiter09/05/2018 02:23:34
69 forum posts
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The Allchin builders Group from Australia make castings for a 3"Allchin.

Thanks Henry

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