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Stuart 10H Hard spots in a casting

How much is too much?

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Jon Lawes06/03/2018 19:14:12
1078 forum posts

Can I please ask how many hard spots a casting can have before you consider it unusable? I'm trying to sort out the box bed for my Stuart 10H and I'm struggling as the file just glides over hard shiny sections and makes cutting it really difficult. I've emailed Stuart and await their response.



Chris Evans 606/03/2018 19:40:11
2156 forum posts

If I get "Chilled Spots" in cast iron it usually spends a night in the wood burning stove and comes out OK to machine. Even SWMBO never notices.

roy entwistle06/03/2018 19:49:06
1716 forum posts

+1 for Chris's answer


JasonB06/03/2018 19:50:50
25215 forum posts
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Stuarts are usually quite good about replacing so wait to you hear back from them before cooking it.

Jon Lawes06/03/2018 19:54:50
1078 forum posts

I don't have a wood burning stove; I guess a night on a radiator just wont cut it! laugh

JasonB06/03/2018 20:00:02
25215 forum posts
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Propane torch may just do it, that is what I usually use

Jon Lawes06/03/2018 20:35:14
1078 forum posts

That has potential; I'll see what Stuart say. I have already taken a couple of cuts so hopefully I haven't weakend it too much.

Jens Eirik Skogstad06/03/2018 21:32:53
400 forum posts
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See this link:

Edited By Jens Eirik Skogstad on 06/03/2018 21:33:24

JasonB07/03/2018 07:23:41
25215 forum posts
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Suggesting a tipped tool will be OK for facing the surface but you are still stuffed when it comes to drilling and tapping fixing holes if the hard spot is any more than surface chill.

Jon Lawes10/03/2018 17:28:57
1078 forum posts

They have said they will send me a replacement with no quibbling at all. I was a bit worried what their customer service would be like after my original order took some months to arrive but they seem to have good after care.

mechman4811/03/2018 00:31:12
2947 forum posts
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Posted by JasonB on 06/03/2018 19:50:50:

Stuarts are usually quite good about replacing so wait to you hear back from them before cooking it.

​I had a similar problem with the standard for my S10 V some time ago I mentioned this to Stuarts at the last Harrogate ME exhib. they promptly sent me a replacement...+ 1 for stuarts.


Jon Lawes06/04/2018 22:25:31
1078 forum posts

Nothing arrived yet, a month after being told they would send out a replacement. After a delay of over 6 weeks between paying for the kit and it actually turning up I guess Stuart run a fairly slow moving business. Frustrating, but I understand how low volume manufacturers work.

IanT06/04/2018 23:33:06
2147 forum posts
222 photos

Hi Jon,

I don't have a wood-burning stove either but (as I've mentioned elsewhere here recently) - I do have a garden incinerator.

I compost or 'brown-bin' my soft cuttings but any 'wood' is dried out, cut or chopped up and burnt in the incinerator. I wait till I have a bright fire going (with a red-hot ash bed) and lower the part(s) in to rest on top. I then keep feeding the fire for an hour or so and then let it burn overnight with the lid on.

Next day, there will still be hot ashes in the bottom and the parts will still be pretty warm but the wood fire doesn't get hot enough to damage any steel/cast iron parts. I did once try wrapping a part in kitchen foil to help keep it clean - but the foil melted. So aluminium parts/castings may get damaged doing this but wouldn't benefit from any heat treatment anyway. But for hard spots in castings and for de-stressing steel parts this seems to work OK though... I will eventually get around to trying case-hardening in it as well...



Jon Lawes11/04/2018 21:14:38
1078 forum posts

After chasing them a couple of days ago its turned up today. Looks excellent as always.

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