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Member postings for john fletcher 1

Here is a list of all the postings john fletcher 1 has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: LED Angel lights
27/09/2023 16:56:17

Has any one ( I'm there is) fitted an Angel led light to their mill and what diameter did they use. Fitting and other detail will be appreciated

Thread: Peculiar electrical problem
25/09/2023 17:41:25

Back again, many thanks chaps, plenty to read and ideas to act upon. I've print out the text and will give to my friend, I'll come back some time later to let you all know the result. John

24/09/2023 11:47:01

A non computing friend called around yesterday, and during the course of conversation he told me about his mill and lathe, I haven't seen either. He said he had fitted both with inverters, and normally would run one machine or the other in the interest of safety, amongst other things. More recently he had attempted to run both at the same time and the RCD tripped, The friend didn't know much about the electric supply to his workshop, other than it is a ring main system and is fitted with an RCD. This seems a strange situation, any advice would be appreciated. John

Thread: Capacitor selection
10/09/2023 18:09:23

If you have access to an old RS components catalogue they used to have a table in it of cap values. I have a book with some value in and it says 80/ 140 pF, they are not critical at all, and are special AC electrolytic type, 400 volt or more rating. But be very careful with that string starting method. When you have run the motor did you hear a click sound as the motor slowed down,before stopping as that would be the centrifugal switch closing, it doesn't say its OK though, the contact could be burnt, its an old motor. Can you borrow a capacitor from a friend, before wasting your money. Finally you could dismantle the motor then you will have access to the start winding terminals, then, one way or another. you will be certain of its continuity. John

Thread: Starter Capacitor on a 1950s bench grinder
27/08/2023 12:35:27

Simon, when you installed the lower value capacitor it wasn't passing sufficient current in the start winding to speed up the motor, when you doubled the value it permitted more current to flow. Its all about Xc = 1/ 2 x pi x f x c.

I've noticed some of these el cheapo small grinder have swing connections, with both windings having the same resistance as Malcolm above mentioned. Very handy if you wire a change over switch to give forward and reverse as for a small tool grinder. John

Thread: Are All Our Heritage Industries being Outsourced now
10/08/2023 15:58:48

I recently had a visitor, a plumber or should I say a boiler fitters/ changers, he asked me what was that in one of my workshop draws in which I keep my soldering equipment/ gear, it was stick of plumbers solder. He asked me about it and how did they wipe a joint on lead pipe. those old skills have long gone. For most plumbing work, it now push fit and collect the money vis bank transfer on the phone. I notice we have some female plumbers and electricians, good luck to them. John

Thread: Help Valuing Late fathers workshop equipment
27/07/2023 13:23:04

I had a now deceased friend who contacted an auction house with a view to selling his workshop contents. The visitors made notes and suggested values, they charged for coming , for valuation, transported to sale room, got the mill accessorise mixed up with the lathes and the VAT at every level. Yes they have to make money but 20 % is a lot plus the VAT. My friend said he wished he had given it away. I agree with Chris contact a local club if possible. John

Thread: Sheet Metalwork
27/07/2023 12:30:05

I have set of home made rollers and a folder for sheet metal, both work well but would like to be able to cut sheet steel and sheet aluminium, with out the usual marks with tin shearers, should I buy a 3in 1 job from Machine Mart or Axminster. Your comment will be appreciated. John

Thread: Mill power feed speed modification
24/07/2023 17:42:31

There are still plenty of other electronic component sellers since Maplin went, try Rapide, RS components , Farnell and CPC, just google components or even Ebay. john

Thread: Centrifugal switch replacement
24/07/2023 17:32:37

Looks to be a good set of winding, all is not lost, as if you bring out the pair of wires which went to the centrifugal switch, you could use a freezer relay or even a toggle switch. The toggle switch would be manually operated in conjunction with the normal mains switch. When motor were not so plentiful as today it was amazing what people did to power workshop machines. john

Thread: Wanner 300 - 4 oil gun
20/07/2023 17:08:36

Many thanks Rod and the other respondent, not done it yet, I'll try again, the gun looks so well made. I didn't know there were so expensive new. John.

19/07/2023 15:17:25

I haven't managed to get my Wanner 300-4 oil gun oil tight. I post a help request on here several years ago, but didn't get anywhere. Oil leaks past the filler cap up the fine threads the pressure is so high. I've made a new filler cap washer using some plastic, all to no avail. I could do with a good clear picture of the component parts as I might have the gun assemble wrong. John

Thread: Colour of Machines and Workshop Efficiency
09/07/2023 17:51:46

Well when I was in the forces all the tents were the same colour, bleached, and the flies were like sparrows. John

Thread: How did these work theory or practice?
06/06/2023 11:04:11

I lived in South Lincolnshire during WW11, Boston area, and we had gas powered buses, single decker's, they towed a trailer/gas unit and I remember seeing one with an inflatable bag on the roof. I also remember seeing fire/flames at the back of the unit when the driver put in some coke where a small door was. No one was in a hurry those days, just pleased to get a ride, better than walking, or got on your bike. For us youngster a penny each way, into town, adults three pence return. john

Thread: Workshop Lighting
24/05/2023 13:10:11

I have a cheap meter similar to what Dave above has, mine does indicate Power factor and is accurate enough for domestic/ workshop use. I have an ex university Wattmeter and I've checked my el cheepo against it out of interest, good enough. Regarding Power factor in industry some machine have the capacitor wired across the inductive load direct, so the capacitors are only in operation when the load requires them, but in that arrangement they cannot adjust to a varying load, so power factor is near enough, .8 or so. The other idea as Dave mention, such injection moulding machines, with a varying load, then a bank of capacitors in a steel cabinet is used, and VAR sensing equipment fitted, one can hear the contactor switching in and out, keeping the Pf near .9. Maybe things have moved on and some electronic device does the same job in a quiet manner now days. On the C&G Electrical Installation course, power factor was part of the syllabus back in the 60's, 70's & 80's. John

23/05/2023 14:53:08

About a year ago in our garage I fitted two LED tubes as replacements for the two 1500mm fluorescent lamps. One LED failed altogether within a couple of months, the second one started flashing on off, then only illuminated 50% until it failed, on the label attached to the LED it said, 15000 light hours, the shop replaced both FOC keep your receipts !. For the workshop, I bought 3 lengths of 30 X 30mm angle plastic and via the net a 5 metre length of self adhesive 12 volt DC LED. I stuck the LED to the angle and the angle to the roof, Its powered via a redundant computer power supply, I have a pull switch in the roof which controls the PSU input. The lighting system work well and I intend to extend the system in the autumn. Recently I fixed the driver for a friends LED outside light I was amazed how little there was in it, five components, ingenious, but it worked. John

Thread: Warco WM18 Y Axis power feed project
12/05/2023 13:18:11

That looks good, neat and tidy, perhaps it could be a future article in MEW in a manner to which Carl ?? did for the rotary table. John

Thread: Rose indexer
12/05/2023 13:05:31

Many thanks to all respondents, I had thought of making one, but thought if they are readily available and not to expensive I would buy one. Will be another job for next winter, after a summer of hedge and lawn. John

12/05/2023 10:18:23

I watched a YouTube on milling, the operator used a Rose Indexer, what a useful tool, does any one know where I can buy one here in UK ?

Thread: No longer a free postage threshold at Arceurotrade?
10/05/2023 16:52:26

How many of us actually need next day delivery or even this week. We have so many white vans wizzing around our streets like formula one. Being retired at home most of the day we take in parcels for neighbours helping the drivers who schedule so tight they have hardly any time to blow their nose or sneeze. John

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