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Member postings for V8Eng

Here is a list of all the postings V8Eng has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Well done the lionesses!
02/08/2022 14:38:18

We needed something to pull us out of the doldrums and seemingly endless political crap.

The ladies did that for sure what a brilliant job.

Edited By V8Eng on 02/08/2022 14:38:33

Edited By V8Eng on 02/08/2022 14:40:39

02/08/2022 10:58:16

Woke appears to mean different things to different people and sometimes might be seen as social justice in reverse.

Some might think it’s (perhaps a minority) trying to dictate the rights of themselves over others as in we want to be allowed to call ourselves X but we will also decide what you will be called.

Politicians also regularly hijack things like sporting victories for their own ends so taking a pop at them and their swinging opinions seems fair game to me.


02/08/2022 09:49:07

I found Piers Morgan’s comments on that re: the Lionesses very entertaining .


Edited By V8Eng on 02/08/2022 09:51:51

Thread: Secrets of the London Underground
26/07/2022 12:00:41

I was born in London and lived there until nearly the end of my school years at the end of 1950s.

Not managed to see much of this series but gained some info about my favourite way of getting about in those days, funny how things can just get taken for granted if part of every day life.

The trains were very noisy and made strange clunking and banging noises speeding up or slowing down.

The underground got us to wonderful places like the the science museum where handles could be turned or buttons pressed to make mechanisms work it also took us to hospitals (not so good).

You could look at maps on the train ceiling and follow progress to  know exactly when your step off point was due some of the maps even showed exotic sounding place names (Theydon Bois etc)!

Later in teen years it took me to many shops in places like Tottenham C’t Road to get odd surplus stuff for follow my hobbies.

And into Soho where lots of  “models” lived upstairs and had signs at the door then strange people stood in dimly lit doorways inviting you into clubs. Happy days!

Edited By V8Eng on 26/07/2022 12:06:09

Edited By V8Eng on 26/07/2022 12:06:50

Thread: Time and Money. But also ageing.
18/07/2022 11:17:26
Posted by Ady1 on 18/07/2022 08:54:18:

The one socialist bit they did hang onto was the NHS

That one being deconstructed would affect the middle classes more than the lower order oiks, so it stayed


I think you might find that all three of the main political parties have been involved in regulations which in essence assist with privatising areas of the NHS (deconstructing?).

This has been in progress for several decades and I suggest you begin by looking up the “Any willing provider scheme” although it might be easier to find the “Any competent provider scheme” as it was called by the following government.

I find it very interesting to see which party / person originated the scheme, the whole thing is well worth investigating further.

You could start here with Wikipedia:-

Providers scheme

Our excellent area Audiology facilities were privatised from within 3 years ago and many users of these facilities received letters telling them to register with sub contractors.


Edited By V8Eng on 18/07/2022 11:30:17

Thread: Buying webspace and associated email addresses.
15/07/2022 08:12:40

Look at And their linked to see if they suit your needs (good service and very helpful).



Edited By V8Eng on 15/07/2022 08:20:20

Thread: ML7 Leadscrew Handwheel Bafflement
13/07/2022 12:35:12

I think Myford currently list spare imperial and metric hand wheels for the ML7 you could check for matches to yours.

Thread: A trigonometry puzzle … perhaps
09/07/2022 17:31:51
Posted by Michael Gilligan on 09/07/2022 16:45:55:
Posted by V8Eng on 09/07/2022 14:40:35:

Bit too far away for an iPad to measure I think.

Don’t ya just love the effect modern technology is having on landscapes!!!


Not quite sure I get your point, V8

This is a screen-grab from the zoomed-in ‘Street View’

[ click the image for a bigger version ]




Once calibrated, you could probably build a credible scale model from that.


Edited By Michael Gilligan on 09/07/2022 16:48:35


I was thinking in terms of the iPad measure feature which I tried on our big trees (20m+) without success.

That was a rather tongue in cheek experiment anyway.

09/07/2022 14:40:35

Bit too far away for an iPad to measure I think.

Don’t ya just love the effect modern technology is having on landscapes!!!

Edited By V8Eng on 09/07/2022 14:40:48

Edited By V8Eng on 09/07/2022 14:42:30

04/07/2022 23:59:23

In the last two years my car has only travelled a quarter of the mileage  I would usually expect to cover in one year due to Covid restrictions and family disasters.

Assuming the ongoing family issues get sorted out before then I shall regard the 180 mile round trip as worthwhile for a very good show.

Edited By V8Eng on 05/07/2022 00:06:01

Thread: Can this small motor be reversed?
04/07/2022 23:44:12

Some motors have a wiring diagram fixed inside the connection box cover.

Thread: Anyone an expert in kitchen knives
04/07/2022 00:00:49
Posted by Ian Parkin on 03/07/2022 14:04:56:

V8 eng

your knife has that funny puddle type of area near the tang area

any idea what it is?

I tend to go with the weld idea as the marks sort of form a semi circle onto the blade section but oddly the other side of that blade is fairly smooth at the same point.

the handle is held on by a brass pin through it.

My wife has owned the knife for about 50 years (it was old then) and was  from the local deal in anything type guy.



P.S. the wife says her granny always sharpened knives in the back step.

Edited By V8Eng on 04/07/2022 00:01:59

02/07/2022 20:15:23

Here is our vey old one and the blade is about 220mm long (middle photo is the sharp side) no makers mark either.

Not been able to afford a joint big enough to use it on for years!


Edited By V8Eng on 02/07/2022 20:16:42

02/07/2022 19:24:35

Likely a well used carbon steel carving knife originally supplied as a set of three implements ie. the knife, two pronged fork and a honing steel to keep it sharp.

A good quality carving knife is still a delight to use we have one and a honing steel (when the wife comes in I’ll ask her where it is)

Many very fine ones originated in Sheffield from the 1900s.

Edited By V8Eng on 02/07/2022 19:34:36

Thread: Used Myford S7 makes £8k at auction!
02/07/2022 09:18:25

A country Manor House attic sale!

All I seem to find in the attic is junk that should have been dumped years ago.

Having said that I only Live in a small bungalow anyway.

Edited By V8Eng on 02/07/2022 09:18:50

Thread: Simple Quiz... Missing Weight
01/07/2022 13:44:06

I would try the lazy way first and trawl the local charity shops or eBay but that’s just me!

Thread: Access to digital issues
24/06/2022 12:09:24

Thank you John & Jason.

I confess to not being very impressed by the handling of this and being digital only plus not paying by DD seems not to have helped.


Edited By V8Eng on 24/06/2022 12:11:25

24/06/2022 10:41:16

How tiresome all this has become, I have a digital only subscriptions to ME & MEW and enjoyed accessing back issues.

Whilst I appear to have access through my Pocketmags account that is only part of an answer

I have been reading both magazines for several decades (MEW from issue 1).

I do not appear to have a customer number.

I think you might have lost a customer at next renewal and I may be thumbing through issues at the newsagents then buying if required.


Edited By V8Eng on 24/06/2022 10:42:50

Thread: My Faith in Human Kindness is Reinforced
02/06/2022 10:55:23

When the Covid problems began our (very) new neighbours offered to get shopping for us.

That was a kind offer but we felt just a bit embarrassed both being fully mobile back then.

Faith in human kindness, yes occasionally!

Edited By V8Eng on 02/06/2022 11:01:17

Thread: Ml7 just bought, need help to set up
29/05/2022 20:07:30

Welcome to the forum Chris.


Edited By V8Eng on 29/05/2022 20:08:32

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