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Member postings for Maurice Taylor

Here is a list of all the postings Maurice Taylor has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Average Energy Consumption
30/09/2023 13:19:37

Hi, Thanks for your reply. I can’t see how it’s complicated , if a person has spent £8000 on kit after a year he should be able to say how much he’s saved.

It doesn’t matter what size batteries or other kit he’s got ,the only thing that matters is total cost and yearly saving, so it’s really very simple.


30/09/2023 10:04:16

Hi, How much does all this electricity saving kit (panels,batteries,etc) cost and how much is saved per year ?


Thread: Brake line junction block.
26/08/2023 22:35:45


The brake hoses on my Discovery 2 have banjos which are sealed with copper washers, the hydraulic hoses on the anti roll bar have banjos which are sealed with Dowty seals.


Thread: Britains new Super Mine
19/08/2023 16:44:46

Hi, It’s a poly halite mine between Scarborough and Whitby ,just off the A171. I go by it regularly


Thread: 24V rectifier for lighting.
19/08/2023 13:08:33

Hi Robin

,if you’ve got an old type car battery charger (consists of transformer and rectifier giving about 17 volts),you could try your new lamp on this .

If it works ok, add your rectifier to your 24volt supply.


Edited By Maurice Taylor on 19/08/2023 13:21:52

Thread: Recommendations sought for a non-shrinking, non-spill oil pot.
30/07/2023 16:05:51

Hi ,

Make one from a glass jam jar ,make a hole in the lid for your brush.


Thread: Why do modern car engines have different types of bolt type heads like Torx etc?
27/07/2023 16:20:42
Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 27/07/2023 13:17:18:
Posted by Nigel McBurney 1 on 27/07/2023 10:10:31:

... vehicles have improved in the last fifty years and engine performance is really good until the green nutters decide to abandon i/c engines, has any one thought out how umpteen million cars are going to get their electric cars charged from our already on the limit electricity supply.....

It's the fossil-fueled nutters you need to worry about Nigel! They're in denial about two much bigger problems: the oil supply running out, and man-made climate change.

The future of IC engines depends entirely on cheap oil. Pure fantasy to believe that mineral oil supplies are inexhaustible, the question is when demand for oil exceeds supply, not if. Prices are going to sky-rocket.

I'm not sure why the need for green is so difficult to comprehend. Is it just that folk can't bear to admit they got it wrong? Can't cope with any form of change? Fear? Vested interests? Or simply that the old ways are the best, even when it's obvious they aren't.

Over the last 40 years there's been a barrage of anti-green propaganda, most of which has proved wrong: green energy will always be expensive; green will never replace coal as a way of generating electricity; electric cars won't work; it's all too difficult etc etc etc. All deniers have managed to do is delay change, causing a lot of avoidable damage, whilst green engineering provides answers.

Although IC engines did a great job in the past, I'm afraid the end is in sight. They are not future proof. Given that transport is vital, I say it's essential to find alternatives to Internal Combustion pronto! Expecting oil to last for ever isn't an alternative.

Never mind where electricity for cars is coming from, ask where will the oil for IC come from in 30 years time? One of the two is a dead-end.


Hi Dave ,what sort of battery car have you got ?


Thread: Hydraullic crane question
03/07/2023 09:00:13
Posted by John Doe 2 on 03/07/2023 00:06:36:
Posted by not done it yet on 02/07/2023 21:36:01:

It’s a one way ram, so unlikely to be the actual ram if it is not leaking oil. That leaves leak-back through the pumping mechanism. Fresh O rings should be a few pence as a fix -

Yes, that's what I assumed, when repairing my car trolley jack. It had developed a leak past the pump piston, so I took it to bits, and the pump O ring was as hard as plastic, flattened, and it broke into three pieces, when I extracted it.

So I measured the ID, OD and cross sectional diameter. Unfortunately none in my O ring kit were close enough to fit correctly, so I contacted a hydraulic supplier to get a new one. One comedian wanted £10 + postage for a single ~13mm O ring !!!

I just ignored his email and got the nearest larger size O ring with the correct ID from my kit and filed down the OD and profile by spinning it mounted around a bolt in an electric drill, and holding a file against it. Fitted and worked perfectly.

(And, no; I never rely on the trolley jack to support the car; I always use axle stands before going underneath.)

Hi, I never trust axle stands ,always use short lengths of railway sleeper.


Thread: Domestic electricity supply voltages in UK
24/06/2023 10:20:13

Hi Robert, Thank you for your reply.


23/06/2023 20:48:32

Hi , what happens when small industrial premises are mixed with domestic premises, won’t they be connected to the same power supply as the domestic premises , won’t the interference go to the domestic premises.

Have the industrial premises got filters to prevent this ?


Thread: An expesive day
14/06/2023 13:43:23
Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 14/06/2023 11:57:47:
Posted by blowlamp on 14/06/2023 11:34:33:

Why use rubber belts when chains would work without issue?


Partly because chains don't work without issue! They break, have to be lubricated, are noisy and have other disadvantages.

Engineering is all about meeting requirements at minimum cost. I've no problem with belts provided they meet the specification, which Steve's didn't. It doesn't mean that all belts are bad. Within specification, belts are lighter, quieter, cheaper, and smoother than chains, plus they don't need a tensioner and are low-maintenance.

Whilst chains are highly efficient, I don't know how belts compare. They're lighter, which would save energy, but I guess friction is higher. There's probably a trade-off related to distance and the amount of power transferred.


Hi ,Dave

,which engines do not have tensioners on the timing belt ,have you changed any that haven’t.How is a belt with no tensioner tensioned.
As for maintenance ,some need changing every 70000 miles ,chains don’t .


Thread: Toyota Hydrogen
11/06/2023 16:06:08
Posted by Hopper on 11/06/2023 15:17:32:

And were does all that lovely clean-burning hydrogen come from? Largely it is made from natural gas or it can also be made from water by splitting H20 into Hydrogen and Oxygen. Both processes require huge amounts of electricity. So unless they set up enough solar panels and wind turbines to power the hydrogen processing plants, hydrogen will be made by burning coal to make electricity to make hydrogen.

There are major problems with storing and transporting hydrogen on a mass scale because the molecules are so small they can pass through steel pipes and tanks, and simply laugh at pipe flanges and gaskets as they pass merrily by. And new research indicates hydrogen could be many times worse for the atmosphere than Co2. Interesting article on these problems with hydrogen here Leaky hydrogen a climate risk

Hydrogen does have strong support from the fossil fuel industry, because it is a huge market for their natural gas.

Edited By Hopper on 11/06/2023 15:19:29

Hi ,when hydrogen was piped into houses from the 1830s to the 1970s ,I don’t think it used to leak from the pipes.


Thread: Making a large washer.
10/06/2023 10:02:31

Hi , washer could be made using a bench drill, a vice ,a hacksaw and files.


Thread: How did early Automatic gear boxes on cars work?
06/06/2023 09:33:16

Hi, What’s ABBA got to do with an interesting discussion on automatic gearboxes


Thread: Long span shelving - support material
30/05/2023 17:06:04

Hi, I’ve just tried Hopper’s suggestion only using 4 x 2 timber 3m long . I used 3 pieces side by side ,2 people (approx total weight 150kg) stood in the middle ,only very slight deflection.


29/05/2023 19:08:29

Hi,Have you considered using 4 x 2 timber ,I’d use 3 pieces of 4 x2 to span the garage and put a piece of 18mm plywood on the top of it . Cheaper and easier than steel.


29/05/2023 17:49:21

Hi , I think it would be easier for members to give answers if you put photos of location of shelf on.


Thread: Workshop Purchase (wish)list
28/05/2023 18:22:14

Hi, I presume you have a 16 amp socket installed for this welder ,the instructions mention do not connect to a 13 amp plug.
This subject has been discussed before on the forum.


Thread: Possible use of ALDI car battery charger as a bench power supply
04/05/2023 09:48:52

Hi,If you convert your old charger into a power supply, I would make sure it still works as a charger.

I’ve found the electronic chargers won’t charge a flat battery .


Thread: Tapping 5/8 UNF to 3/8 BSP
27/04/2023 23:16:14

Hi , Easiest way to make adapter is to get a 5/8 unf bolt and drill and tap 1/4 bsp .Job done.


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