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Member postings for NJH

Here is a list of all the postings NJH has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Trade description
07/09/2017 09:51:04

Oh come on Neil - everyone knows that model engineering is a serious business - some folk even get PAID for their involvement! devil

06/09/2017 16:36:42

Good grief Vic - 0.0038 mm oversize that's less than a fleas eyelash surely. What are you making that needs that sort of accuracy and, indeed, is your drill/chuck that true !

Thread: What Did You Do Today (2017)
06/09/2017 16:26:24

Good grief Geoff

".......after being attacked by vice in the Workshop."

I read that quickly and paused a moment - Vice in the workshop ? !! disgust now there's a thought

Seriously though I hope you recover soon.


03/09/2017 14:08:03


I did consider dropping in but instead I've decided to tidy my study - the weather is wet, wet,wet here too. ( It takes a lot to get me to tidy my study .... and who knows what I may find ! question)


02/09/2017 14:38:23

It's a drilling machine - but not as you or I know them ! ( Unless you have a VERY big workshop)


Thread: Off to the races!
02/09/2017 10:23:07

.... or indeed, on the iPad, just use two fingers on the image and " Stretch" it to fill the screen.


Thread: Myford saddle
01/09/2017 17:49:05


I "lived" with the saddle traverse handle of my ML4 moving the carriage the opposite way to that expected on other lathes. In the end I looked upon it as a "little quirk" of an old lady and forgave "Millie the Myford" her little excentricities ! You will quickly learn to turn it in the right direction - just be really careful if you are close to the chuck!


Thread: What's wrong with the tooling
27/08/2017 12:54:03

Larry - this thread is 6 years old ! If the original poster hasn't sorted it by now I doubt that he will. What is you reason for bad mouthing Chester ? I've not heard bad reports of them and they do support the forum.


Thread: Who won the Crebbin Memorial Trophy ?
26/08/2017 19:01:19


You had me going there for a moment - then I see that you reference the Crebbin cup in 2011 !

Lots of water under the bridge since then!


Thread: What Did You Do Today (2017)
26/08/2017 17:29:12

Rain - what's that?

Is it that stuff which means we don't have to go out each evening with a watering can? 😎

( I guess I may regret that remark - better get the wellies etc lined up! )


Thread: Why is everything you buy such rubbish!!
26/08/2017 14:50:25

Quite so Jason

I thought I was suffering from "deja vue" but it does seem that several old threads have been resurrected - the danger is, of course, that when replying one does no contradict the opinion that one gave previously ! smile o


Edited By NJH on 26/08/2017 14:51:26

Thread: What Did You Do Today (2017)
26/08/2017 11:26:30

Come on guys

It's the Bank holiday, the sun is shining, the birds are singing and all is right with the world. Get out into your sheds, find the biggest bit of steel bar that you have, clamp it in your vice, and cut a slice off it with your (hand operated!) hacksaw. All your angst will disappear in the joy of "proper" metalwork !


Thread: How to cover a wooden bench top with a steel sheet
24/08/2017 23:36:33

I guess I like to hedge my bets! I have three work benches - one is a length of laminated kitchen worktop with two double cupboards beneath with a gap between - and a swivel chair for those assembly / electronics jobs. I then have another long bench and this has thermoplastic floor tiles stuck to the top and a length of aluminium angle on the front edge - for general use. My main vice is mounted on a sturdy dexion framed workbench with a steel plate top and a similar plate shelf below ( it weighs a "ton"!) A couple of storage racks also have kitchen worktops and are used for general assembly / ( or , to be honest, places to dump stuff for a while!) I can't understand a need for a large metal topped bench - and I would find it a bit " dodgy" particularly if any electrical projects were to be carried out! Why not leave it as wood or, maybe, try the kitchen worktop solution?


Edited By NJH on 24/08/2017 23:41:30

Thread: What Did You Do Today (2017)
22/08/2017 12:49:03

........One of the joys of living out in the wilds of Mull is that when the plumbing fails, you have to fix it yourself.

Ahhghhhhh Tony !

That is certainly one job that I would be very pleased to pay someone to do!

I guess that once started, you had to finish as, I assume, until then you couldn't have a shower!


20/08/2017 17:42:42

Very nice too Jason! I suspect though that they may reduce your output a bit - firstly because they will entertain you no end and take your mind off the job and secondly that they will ensure that they get you away from that workshop and out pounding the local fields / pavements / parks etc.( If my experience with dogs is anything to go by they are very entertaining and hence terrible time wasters! )


( PS If the choice was dogs or workshop I would be selling my kit! - thankfully it's not an either / or situation)

Edited By NJH on 20/08/2017 17:44:02

19/08/2017 16:49:51

Good idea John !

My No.2 son is a Graphic Designer and he bent my ear for years saying " For goodness sake Dad - get a Mac!"

A couple of years ago my latest Windows machine gave the well known symptoms of "congestive failure" so I took said son's advice and bought an iMac . I thought in for a penny etc and bought the 27" iMac with Retina display - then loaded it up a bit with 16 Gb of RAM !

I'm sold - almost instant start up and never the slightest hesitation. As a nod to my Windows past I purchased Office for Mac ( Word, Excel, Publisher) so all that works the same. I do quite a bit of photography so also purchased a subscription to the Adobe CC - (Lightroom, Bridge & Photoshop) package.

I am very happy with the whole set up.

My wife still has a Windows machine so there is access to that if ever it is needed.

John I don't think you will regret the change.



Edited By NJH on 19/08/2017 16:57:32

18/08/2017 16:29:51

That is sad Jason & Neil - we get so much from our dogs and it's always a huge wrench when they go. I feel that the only solution is to find a pup asap.

The dilemma we face when our sad day arrives is that we may well depart before the pup.


Thread: WW2 Engine Ground Attacks
16/08/2017 16:49:17

Hmmmm best not to think about it maybe.....


Thread: Merryweather Steam Fire King self propelled
13/08/2017 17:05:10

Lovely work - excellent!

<----------- I see one of my avtar's mates got in on the act too!


Edited By NJH on 13/08/2017 17:13:47

Thread: Myford Mandrel thread.
07/08/2017 22:08:09

That's true Nicholas but my height gauge is pretty big and rather unwieldy to use on the lathe - my little gauge sits happily on the lathe shelf. I guess I could add a second arm to use it on the cross slide but, in truth, I've never needed to do that.


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