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Member postings for JohnF

Here is a list of all the postings JohnF has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Running a Myford S7 in Reverse
10/02/2022 15:03:38

Mitch, have a look at this thread for metric threads on a Myford with a gearbox **LINK**

As far as cutting in reverse unless it's a very large course thread its unlikely to cause you a problem, I do it regularly when cutting internal threads in a blind bore.


Thread: Internal threading
10/02/2022 10:37:19

Geoff, have a look at this photo of hand ground HSS tools, first & third from the LHS **LINK**.

Made to work with the lathe running in reverse and the carriage traveling Left to Right — away from the chuck thus cuts a RH thread from a shoulder or blind hole with an undercut.


Thread: Non-warping Wood for Base?
06/02/2022 12:50:25

Depends on your location but if you want quality hardwood look here **LINK** also look at the latest Blog on the site relating to how they treat heir timber. I have no connection other than a satisfied customer, if you are close enough they usually have a bin of off cuts always very inexpensive.


Thread: Colchester lathe production
02/02/2022 10:24:02

Worth a watch and shows why theses and others made machines that last


Thread: The demise of UK fossil fuel Power Stations
25/01/2022 11:25:34
Posted by Samsaranda on 25/01/2022 10:20:47:

With the very real threat of a war in Eastern Europe and much of Europe dependent on Russian Gas for their energy requirements, and yes we also depend on some Russian gas too, keeping the lights on might be a bit difficult now, if Russia decides to turn off the gas, now that we have demolished a lot of our perfectly serviceable coal fired power stations. I realise that we have to plan for reducing our carbon output but I think keeping our people warm and our economy functioning takes precedence as far as I am concerned. Let’s get over any impending military action then refocus on Climate Change, or am I being too simplistic. Dave W

I agree with Dave it is crass stupidity to demolish these power stations -- take them out of service and mothball them is a far better solution until we see what the future holds. We do need to and indeed must clean up our act, stop ravaging our planet of the finite resources and polluting our environment, remember the old kings quote " the world is not ours to do with as we wish we must account to those who come after " or something close !


Thread: Can you identify this motorcycle?
24/01/2022 16:18:19
Posted by duncan webster on 24/01/2022 00:21:29:

Most small 2 strokes would have flywheel magneto, not a drive up to a dynamo. C10 had battery and coil ignition, you can just make out the distributor. As to the lack of an oil tank, we'll you can't see the gearbox either, but I'll bet it's got one. Exhaust would be lower down on 2 stroke as well

I agree with Duncan, look at these photo's you can see there are two filler caps on the tank and its not unknown for the oil tank to be part of the fuel tank, this clearly has a dynamo & there is also a distributor at the front of the engine indicating a 4-stroke -- same as on the C11, C11G & C12 -- C11 was my first bike. Timing chain/dynamo drive cover is the right shape plus as Duncan rightly says I cannot recall ever seeing a 2 -stroke with a dynamo, they had a magneto & points mainly on the LHS of the engine.


23/01/2022 20:52:29

My observations are it appears have a solid frame and girder forks so most probable pre war or at least pre 1950 I think, Had a short search and a BSA C10 c1939 seems a possibility, the timing cover looks similar and its a side valve engine [C10 was made for several years well into the 50's with tele forks] See a couple of links


edit -- Ha! Duncan beat me to it 

Edited By JohnF on 23/01/2022 20:53:30

Thread: 'Vision aid magnifying glasses', any good?
19/01/2022 21:26:43

I have used Optivisor for many years, originally I purchased from the USA, I was buying a fair amount of other goods at the time and the price was much better than here. now there is less difference so probably not worth the bother. However I find the number 5 [2.5x] lens to be the most useful, it has a focal length of 8 inches. I also have a No 8 lens [3.5x] but very early use it, same result for the loop.

The lenses are indeed very good quality but I have never compared them to other makes -- beware the bargain offers for "Optivisor" on the internet auction sites !!!


Thread: New Toy
17/01/2022 21:15:19

Well done David -- would the new toy be one of the pneumatic graving tools ?

Thread: Running needle rollers between cast iron plates
17/01/2022 21:07:14

I have a Boxford T & C grinder that doubles as a surface grinder, the top table which is of course cast iron runs on linear needle roller bearings nested in plastic cages so its clear this type of bearing is well suited to use with cast iron --- deepening of course on the grade of the material.

See the link below for a photo -- I hope !


edit -- keep in mind the load on these bearings is low, they serve only to allow easy back and forth movement of the table.

Edited By JohnF on 17/01/2022 21:09:11

Thread: Pratt No. 58 5" 3-jaw stuck backplate
13/01/2022 10:09:50

Mike, assuming the thread in the backplate is larger than the centre hole in the chuck body, I would make a threaded plug to fit the backplate then a drift through the chuck to remove it. Use longer screws in the body to support it whilst using the drift. And use a large hammer 4lb with a gentle tap increase if needed.

Its unusual for this to happen usually they are easily separated, I appreciate my method is time consuming but it is less likely to cause damage to the chuck IMO !


Thread: Harrison 250
12/01/2022 18:43:24

"Gravel paths and drives are fine unless you want to shift heavy objects."

Thick plywood sheets will help here, the least expensive types used as shuttering etc, you probably only need 2 and move along as you go using rollers or skates.

If there is a slope then a block & tackle is useful to pull the lathe along, I/we loaded a large lathe onto an Ifor trailer via the ramps with a block & tackle plus some harness etc. Do remember though lathes in particular are top heavy so take care.


Thread: Just Finished, I think!
11/01/2022 13:01:48

Well done David it looks fantastic, you must be very proud !

Hacksaw -- a fab story love it !!


Thread: Smoothing a bore.
03/01/2022 10:57:43

My two bits, if using paper wrapped on either a metal or wooden mandrel add a thin layer of “foam rubber” under the paper — acts as a spring keeping the paper in contact with the work. I have not used it on so small a bore but it works well on larger bores. The other is use a lead lap, cast some lead onto a metal bar and turn to size then load with abrasive, you can also use a wedge or D & T for a screw to adjust the size.


Thread: How do you find someones 'profile'?
01/01/2022 11:43:32

Peter, please look at you message box


Thread: A Merry Christmas to All
26/12/2021 00:00:03

Merry Christmas to everyone and hope for a better New Year ! Not been on t'internet today just though I'd have a quick look before we climbed the wooden hill !! Stay well one and all

Thread: Darwin's long-lost microscope
16/12/2021 22:50:32

Fantastic historical item of national importance and interest -- my only hope it that it was sold to someone in the UK -- really should have been purchased for the nation ! The provenance is also amazing.


Thread: EMCO Maximat Super 11 Operating Manual
13/12/2021 22:46:38

See you messages

Thread: Aftermath of storm Arwen
10/12/2021 21:46:35

Daughter lives in the lakes, no power for 7 days ! we visited and did a tour around, the number of trees down is staggering and of course to damage to power lines the same. There were crews form several different utility areas so yes they had been drafted in. Its clear a huge amount of clearing tree debris needed clearing which is very time consuming but requires doing before power lines can be reinstated.

Thread: Volkswagen
30/11/2021 09:59:02
Posted by J Hancock on 30/11/2021 08:55:09:

The first decent wind this year and 100,000 went without electricity for 'x' days.

And if they had all relied on their EV.................?

Our daughter lives in South Cumbria and still has no power ! It went of on Friday night and if they are lucky it will be back tomorrow Wednesday— maybe?

The outfit she now works for supplied a small EV a BMW model ? did not take long for her to request one with a ICE ! set off one day to the top of the county, poor weather necessitating the use of wipers, lights etc thus not enough range to drive home without a recharge.

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