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Member postings for martin perman

Here is a list of all the postings martin perman has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Screwdrivers
07/12/2022 21:30:54

I like Wera tools but I am biased as I spent a week in Germany at their factory learning about the Profilator machines they made that machined the blades.

Nice tools

Martin P

Thread: Photograph Resizer
03/11/2022 13:50:18


Thank you for your suggestions which had Clive not come up with PIXresizer I would have made a better attempt to understand.

Thankfully it was PIXsizer that I lost and couldnt remember the name of now its downloaded and I'm happy again,

Thank you for all your efforts.

Martin P

02/11/2022 19:16:49

I must be as thick as a plank, I've downloaded Irfanview I think ive reduced a picture but it does'nt ask where I want to save it so don't know what its done with it and am I assuming that I need to reduce copies as I dont want to reduce originals.

Martin P

02/11/2022 18:32:15


It is Windows (11)

Martin P

02/11/2022 17:58:43

Thank you Gentlemen, forgot to add I need to resize several pictures at a time.

Martin P

02/11/2022 17:32:12


Good evening, I'm looking for a photo resizer, free to download, I had one on my old Laptop but when it died in April I lost it and I can't remember its name, I'm now trying to look for one as I need to resize some pictures, does anybody have any suggestions for one I can download and is easy to use.


Thank you,

Martin P

Edited By martin perman on 02/11/2022 17:32:38

Thread: The cheek of McDonalds
20/10/2022 08:15:02
Posted by Bill Phinn on 18/10/2022 18:31:09:

Am I the only person here who's never had food, or what passes for food, at McDonalds?

I also have never eaten their products and will never do so.

Martin P

Thread: Can a .doc file be converted into a .jpg file for display on a digital photo frame?
10/10/2022 12:07:03

Martin and Emgee,

Using computers was part of my job, talking to machine tools etc but this morning I've learnt stuff I never knew existed, W11 its called snipping tool and is now attached to my Task Bar.

Thank you.

Martin P

10/10/2022 11:16:04

Thank you for that Neil, everyday a learning day.

Martin P

10/10/2022 09:57:17


I've followed the above but cant get PRT SC to do anything or where does it go, where do I find SNIP

Martin P

Thread: Allendale-Ultrasonics
06/10/2022 19:06:35

Have you got your parts in a basket or directly in the tank, they should be in a basket isolated from the tank bottom.

Martin P

Thread: Great Dorset Steam Fair Announcement
04/10/2022 07:37:49

My daughter sent me that from Facebook last night, I'm not surprised, I rallied there for twenty years until 2019 and decided during Covid that I would not carry on in the future because of health issues, this summer I've noticed that whilst rally's are creeping back they are in some cases thinned down, not so many public and stall holders who were always attending were no longer attending.

Martin P

Thread: What Did you do Today 2022
23/09/2022 12:51:12

I've just spent a good hour removing two magneto's from two of my stationary engines, a 1924 Bosch flick magneto which died on me a couple of weekends ago at a rally and a ML magneto that died three years ago, again at a rally but Covid got in the way and as I'm getting the Bosch refurbished my friend can do the other as well, the ML I thought would be a doddle to remove until I found it at the other end of the engine which meant rearranging the shed to get to it, its amazing how stuff gets heavier as the years pass.

I dont know how I'm refitting the Bosch as gravity helped the nuts off but there's only room for one finger or spanner to defy gravity putting it back.

Martin P

Thread: Towing on an A frame
18/09/2022 09:32:56

My brother has recently had a car professionally modified to tow on an A frame behind his motor home, the A frame operates the cars hydraulic brakes and a socket was fitted under the bonnet to connect the towing vehicle's lights to the car lights, Structurally the car had strengtheners fitted to the chassis to fit the A Frame.

Martin P

Thread: Stuck Morse Taper in Warco Major 3024YZ
17/09/2022 09:04:21

As somebody who spent his working life repairing and rebuilding machine tools I would always replace the bearings, just because you cant see or measure marks on the tracks you could have flat spotted the rollers or balls which will still do damage.

Martin P

Thread: Disorder at steam rallies
21/08/2022 08:25:48

I can understand stall holders deciding not to turn up, I'm not a stall holder but I do take stuff for sale to Bring and Buys, stationary engine parts, tools and the like, one of the biggest attended Oakley moved further west to the other side of Oxfordshire last year, it used to take an hour and fifteen minutes to get there but now its two and a quarter hours, it opens at seven so that means leaving before home five but thats not the main reason, the cost of fuel and entry fee means I've got to sell around £60 to cover the costs, twice a year, rallies have to cover there costs but some seem to request a lot of money from stall holders. The last time I rallied at the GDSF stall holders were being charged 100's. Fortunately a bring and buy has started up thirty minutes from me now but this year it clashes with something else I'm attending.

Martin P

Thread: Stuck Morse Taper in Warco Major 3024YZ
19/08/2022 10:13:55
Posted by not done it yet on 18/08/2022 21:37:17:
Posted by old mart on 18/08/2022 20:53:35:

Nothing wrong with a morse taper. The user just needs to be aware of the operational requirements and actually follow them. There have been no stuck tapers in my workshop - except when I put a cold taper into the warm spindle on my lathe. No real problems, otherwise, and that one was extracted quite easily with a little thinking outside the box, as I recall. The main problem at the time was that it was a reducing sleeve with nowhere to use wedges.

My wedges are now linked as pairs - and easily found hanging on a hook on the wall.


Totally agree, never had any issues with them apart from the one I posted because the previous owner had put a tangless sleeve in the tailstock.

Martin P

Thread: Disorder at steam rallies
18/08/2022 11:35:39

See this Pickering Traction Engine Rally 2022 (

Sadly there has always been elements that try to disrupt vintage Rally's, one that I've displayed at for 20+ years employs a security firm because of previous problems, some while ago at another rally I displayed at you could have your generator nicked in the evening and buy it back the next day on one of the stalls and there was one case of a lady making her family lunch when the caravan started moving, she opened the door and kicked up a fuss and the vehicle that was towing it was blocked from moving any further. When I rally I carry several chains and padlocks to stop my trailer going walkies.

Martin P

Thread: Stuck Morse Taper in Warco Major 3024YZ
17/08/2022 14:53:43

Got a tangless chuck stuck solid in my lathe tailstock put there by the previous owner, took the chuck and tailstock slide and placed it in the freezer, left it for a couple of days and the took it out and quickly heated the sleeve, one tap up the middle of the sleeve had the chuck removed..

Martin P

Thread: Do you "still" enjoy driving?
16/08/2022 11:53:51

Until my wife became unable to climb into our caravan we used to use it regularly travelling to Vintage rally's etc, I now rely on a nice inflatable tent on the back of my estate but I can appreciate what Peter says regarding motorists and caravans, I had to go to Warwick a few weeks ago to swap over a delivery vehicle for another and travelled up the M1 to the M45, I was passing a stream of traffic in the middle lane when I was flashed by a large 4 x 4 pickup to move over but when I looked again in my mirror he was towing a very large four wheeled caravan and I was spot on 70mph, its them that also give us (ex) caravaners a bad name, I passed a vehicle I was catching and left the pickup to annoy the next vehicle. I tow a trailer with my hobby on board and its not unusual to see cars and trailers in the outside lane these days either.

Re John Doe 2s comment regarding cars travelling along at 38 - 44 mph on a 60mph max road, there is no legal requirement to travel at 60mph and I for one travel at 40 - 45mph particularly when driving my Renault Kango modified to carry wheelchair/mobility scooter that my wife uses, it has a 1.2 petrol engine which is happy at said speed and even though the load is fastened down in the back I don't wish to find myself with the possibility of wearing a scooter because I've had to brake hard or take evasive action.

Regarding the rest of his post all I can say is its a shame there's never a policeman available when he is undertaking regardless of how careful he is.

Martin P

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