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Member postings for Gray62

Here is a list of all the postings Gray62 has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Aligning a round column mill between tooling changes
07/12/2010 23:15:34
The subscription to the digital mag archives is well worth it, then you get access to any MEW from issue 1 to current, I don't regret taking up the subscription, saved me a fortune in buying magazines from ebay etc
Thread: You are going to the Model Engineer Exhibition aren't you?
07/12/2010 22:31:06
Planning on being there Friday
Thread: Aligning a round column mill between tooling changes
07/12/2010 22:26:45
Aha, found it, issue 108 of MEW has the details of the principal I implemented, an article entitled 'Round with Dovetail Advantages'
07/12/2010 22:13:28
Aha, found it, issue 108 of MEW has the details of the principal I implemented, an article entitled 'Round with Dovetail Advantages'
07/12/2010 22:02:20
I used to own the Warco equivalent of this mill, to maintain alignment, I made a bracket that attached to the head which was a close sliding fit with a stationary vertical 20mm bar, attached to the column by another bracket.
I recall there was an article in MEW along these lines but so far I cannot find it.

Thread: Cutting steel plate
29/11/2010 18:11:53
I use an Evolution Rage 185mm Circular Saw for cutting MS plate. I must admit I was very sceptical at first but these saws are amazing. Max cut in MS is 6 mm however I have cut 12mm plate in 2 passes with no problems, no sparks, no heating, the metal is cool to touch immediately after cutting, see


Thread: dividing tuition
29/11/2010 10:18:52
HI Toby,
pm me, I'm in Bordon hants, just started cuting gears for my 4inch Ruston Proctor, you are welcome to visit any time
Thread: Working with Cast Iron Billets (Grade Selection)
25/11/2010 21:17:20
As jason says, SG and Spheroidal Graphite Iron are one in the same and are usually specified for high stress applications such as Model traction Engine crankshafts. This is also called ductile iron and exhibits many of the structural properties of some steels whilst being easier to machine.
Grey Iron is best suited to engine cylinder heads and blocks, gears and machine slideways but does not have the ductile strength of SG Iron.
White Iron is unalloyed cast iron with low carbon and silicon content such that the structure is hard brittle iron carbide with no free graphite.Very limited in its applicable use as it has a low impact resistance.
There are many other grades of cast iron that exhibit differing properties and it really depends on the application as to what type you require. This is also applicable to steel as this also comes in varying grades such as EN1A EN8 EN24 etc etc all with differing properties. Then there is stainless, bronze et al.
Maybe DC can put in an article or two covering the different grades of these materials and their application, if this has not been covered already.
Thread: issue 171
25/11/2010 15:28:49
Received: today
Snow: No
Sun: No
Cold: ish
I raised the issue of late delivery with myHobbystore last month and they told me they would 'put a trace' on it, to track delivery times, seems to be getting later each month, I used to get it about 1 week before it hit the shelves.
Thread: Chinese lathes
24/11/2010 18:05:01
My GH1330 came from    Warco recentlyg as an ex demo as I have previously stated. I have not experienced any of the issues which seem to have started this thread. In fact the machine has more than exceeded my expectations. This is the 5th machine that I have purchased from Warco and I have been happy with all of them ( two have since been sold on as they have been superceeeded by other equipment)
Please stop giving the supplier a hard time before they have been given a chance to rectify the problems (if that is applicable in this case), and defend their position.
There is no evidence to suggest that  this machine was not procured direct from Warco as new or ex demo, My lathe was purchased recently but is dated 2004 and was from their ex demo stock, that said, it still comes with a limited warranty which, based on past experience with Warco will cover pretty much all eventualities.
To quote an actual case, I bought a drill press from them which was deemed out of spec and sold at their open day at a much reduced price, that said, it still had a limited parts only warranty. 
When after a couple of weeks, the sliding drive dog for the main pulley broke, they were quite happy to send me a replacement free of charge, 

As Ketan has quite rightly said, incorrect information has a negative impact on a suppliers reputation/livelyhood/business.
Get your facts straight and engage brain before fingers!! But keep it clean and professional  profanity and expletives should be kept out of this arena.

22/11/2010 19:58:53
I do not see the need for abusive or offensive comments in this or any other forum.
John Stevenson, you are bang out of order in your arrogant attitude and you have no place in this forum if you think that you can say just whatever you want. Remember, as David quite rightly pointed out, the deputy editor is a female as may may be other forum members, and we also encourage younger members to participate in these activities. If you are the older generation then I find it difficult to understand your attitude, if you are of the younger persuasion, then I may give some latitude considering the modern climate and attitudes, that said bad language, expletives etc are unnecessary and unwelcome. Cal a spade spade or a shovel or what ever you wenat, but do it with decorum and consideration for others. Arrogance does not endere you to anyone.
Now back to the subject... 
21/11/2010 23:53:45
It would be interesting to hear from Lathejack at some point in this thread - did he raise his issues/concerns with Warco? and how did they respond?
I too own a GH1330. I agree with John, these are not Rolls Royce machines, but then I think the comparison to a Lada a little harsh .
I bought my machine as an ex demo machine and have so far found nothing to complain about, yes these machines are built to a price but they are also very functional and in careful hands are capable of reasonably accurate and acceptable work. I've made all the cylinders for a Whittle V8 on this machine and also machined the gear blanks for a 4" Ruston Proctor SD, all with a very acceptable degree of accuracy and repeatability.
I did remove the leadscrew guards as these prevent the full specified travel being achieved. The chuck guard on mine was also removed as it prevents the 12" faceplate being fitted, this is one issue I have raised with Warco and apparently this is (or has already been) addressed on newer machines, (mine is of 2004 vintage) .
I have also added a large chip guard which travels with the saddle, this allows the use of flood coolant without getting a coolant shower and keeps the flying chips at bay, I would strongly recommend this for any lathe user.
These import machines are quite satisfactory for the majority of hobby users, and with careful use and maintenance will produce fine work for a long time. We are often too quick to criticise, and comment such as made earlier regarding chinese workmanship should be carefully guarded against. There is no real need or place for this kind of offensive comment in these forums. I also object to any form of bad language and find that churlish and unncessary.
I now retire from my soapbox

Edited By CoalBurner on 21/11/2010 23:54:31

Thread: Bridgeport Reverse feed Trip
10/10/2010 18:42:06
   Hi all, does anyone have dimensions for the little barbell shaped pice that forms the rocker part of the reverse feed trip on a bridgeport head.
I Have an Ajax AJT4 whose head is very similar to a Bridgy and this piece is missing.

Edited By CoalBurner on 10/10/2010 18:42:59

Thread: Eagle Surface Grinder
09/10/2010 23:43:13
Hi Dias,
this is the thread I followed, I thinkit is the only one Bogs has done on the construction

Remember before you do the final truing up on the lathe, to take a light skim off your faceplate, I was surprised how much runout I had in mine  


Thread: Warco Gearhead Lathes
08/10/2010 22:48:20
I have a Warco GH1330, the gearbox does produce some noise but then so will any gear driven machine. Using high quality gear oil will substantially reduce noise and wear.
I would reiterate Nicks comment regarding lathe size, when I first looked at the GH1330 I thought it may be overkill however, the extra be length and a gap bed have already proved very advantageous. As to the accuracy, I ave run my own tests as the machine was ex demo and therefore was missing its test report however, I have found that all parameters are within specified tolerances and the machine is an absolute pleasure to use.
Thread: Eagle Surface Grinder
08/10/2010 20:29:36
Hi Bogs,
I've read that post a few times recently, I've been thinking about something along those lines, do you have any dimensioned drawings
Your posts are very informative, I've just finished making the tramming tool you documented in another post, 
many thanks
07/10/2010 17:51:11
   I have a Mk2/3 eagle surface grinder which whilst adequate for most purposes could be improved with wet grinding facilities. I am aware that these machines were supplied with a wet grinding facility and would appreciate any information, pictures etc of such a machine. I don't think the conversion would be a difficult one but any information on how this was implemented by the manufacturer will be4 very much appreciated.
Thread: Newall DRO UK Suppliers?
24/09/2010 23:00:18
Not sure if they do Newall but are worth a punt. They do a good range of DRO systems from budget upwards.


Thread: Quorn Construction
13/09/2010 15:26:14
Duncan, thanks but, as I have already machined up a batch of blanks ready for ball turning, I'm going to go the purist route
Joe, I have scoured that group on several occasions and you are correct there is a wealth of information there.
What seems to be missing is any general discussion of pitfalls or things to avoid/change etc.
I would have preferred to use split collets however, as these castings are already part machined, the clamping method is by splitting the casting in most cases, so I think I will carry on with that theme unless anyone out there has a reasonable suggestion to modify this to split collets. I've had a couple of thoughts but they seem to be more trouble than they are worth.
If anyone else is building a Quorn, this chaps website also has a good build diary,

There are also some good pictures of completed Quorns on Tony's lathes website here,
cheers all



11/09/2010 15:21:27
   Hi all,
I have just (today) acquired a set of part machined Quorn Mk2 grinder castings and associated bits and peices, along with a complete set of drawings.
I also have a cop of the construction articles from ME 1974 by D H Chaddock.
There are a few bits that need some fine tuning to get the construction back on track but overall the workmanship is good.
The downside is, I am now going to be spending a lot of evenings producing the many ball handles required for this project
I was wondering if any of you quorn owners out there can give any useful hints and tips to supplement the build articles or give links to any wesites that detail Quorn construction that would be helpful.
Many thanks (in anticipation )
Graeme (aka coalburner)



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