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Member postings for Jon Lawes

Here is a list of all the postings Jon Lawes has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Cleaning Lathe after use
08/08/2018 12:34:10

No, it's just the way my trousers sit.

I don't, I wasn't aware such a thing existed but that sounds like a good idea, thanks.

08/08/2018 12:16:50

I'm getting worried about how much cast iron dust gets into the slide mechanism of my ML7, I've got a little guard that was made to keep the worst off the bed but its still worrying how much gets into places to cause abrasive mayhem.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how best to either keep it at bay or routinely clean everything after use? I don't have an airline, I've been flushing everything with duck oil or similar.

Suggestions welcome; its a hole in my knowledge I would love to sort.

Thread: Vauxhall Omega on Screen Display
06/08/2018 20:23:49

Yes those are bayonet fit bulbs (well bulb holders but they usually come as a complete unit), quite a simple fix.

Thread: mystery tool
06/08/2018 20:09:15

I was a coward with my leg coming off; General anaesthetic! laugh

However the physio did come to see me the next day to tell me if I behaved myself I could be out of the bed and walking on crutches by the end of the week. I was eating a chocolate bar I'd bought from the vending machine in the main corridor at the time... I couldn't work out if she was pleased or grumpy when I told her.

This was a little over ten years ago, and I was off work for four weeks. These days the only residual pain is phantom limb syndrome, which I would happily swap for a kick in the gentlemans area any day of the week. Kidney stones you can keep mind.

Thread: Murray's Hypocycloidal Engine - Antony Mount
05/08/2018 21:12:14

What a lovely piece of work, well done.

Thread: Vauxhall Omega on Screen Display
31/07/2018 16:19:44

I'm fairly certain a bulb has gone....

Thread: Hosting a lathe manual pdf?
29/07/2018 15:59:06

Feel free to use this link for a dropbox account, then we both get more space than standard (as a referal incentive). Unless of course JasonB wants to provide a referral link, only fair as he mentioned it first.


Thread: About slide valves
27/07/2018 18:52:41

Have you got a bit more information so we can flesh out the request a little? Was this the aforementioned Jenny?

Thread: Self starting small steam engines
27/07/2018 16:08:51

Your plunger could be held out the way by steam pressure, only engaging when steam pressure is removed from the feed.

Thread: Increasing cost of entry into model engineering
27/07/2018 15:51:43

I didn't actually know mills were that affordable... I'd almost written them off as "I'll never own one of those"...

Thread: Is this the right place for me?
27/07/2018 15:46:25

It sounds like you are in exactly the right place.

Thread: What type of glue to use...
23/07/2018 18:29:14

Second vote for Prittstick, I've used it for holding a guitar pickguard pattern to a sheet of stainless before marking out and it held remarkably well and removed cleanly.

Thread: Songs for the Workshop
23/07/2018 18:28:09

How Green was Myford - Althread Newman

No Plate Like Chrome - Glenn Camballjoint.

Foo Fighters - Monkey Wrench

Thread: Does anyone know of a project for someone looking to get in the hobby
23/07/2018 16:36:20


This seems like a good starter, something like that would be ideal. Did you manage to get a lathe in the end?

23/07/2018 16:09:36

As a beginner myself I'm finding a lot of the things I am interested in take a little searching, or research, or conversion into a useful scale or size. It's a great deal of the pleasure, not much is "on a plate".

Thread: German Optics fo British Rubber
22/07/2018 20:49:18

On the ranges at Larkhill one of the Observation posts overlooking the shell landing points has a set of German U-Boat binos on a tripod, complete with Eagle insignia. No one could remember where it had come from but it was suspected from a captured U-Boat during WW2. The optics were so perfectly crystal it was like an extension of your own eyes. Amazing.

Thread: Security bit identification and how to get it out
22/07/2018 20:43:47

Only place I've ever seen Tri-wing is a BAE Hawk! Tri wing I thought look a bit narrower on the "wings" than that.

Thread: BR1 Tender tunnel
22/07/2018 20:38:40

Can I just say what a fantastic job you have made on that tender. I'll be attempting a 3.5 BR1D soon and if I can come close to the finish and fit of the one you have made I would be very happy. Nice work.

Thread: Balancing full size locomotive wheels
20/07/2018 13:03:06

Whilst reading David Clarke's book on the Riddles Class 7 Standard Pacific ("Britannia" Class) he shows a close up of the balance weight on a main driving wheel. He points out that these were actually not solid, but merely pockets that were filled with molten lead to achieve the correct balance.

My question is how did they achieve this back in the day? Before accurate dynamic balancing machines using strain gauges and such, was it just a static balance (maybe balance it on a point and add lead till it sits level as some cheap home automotive balancers do?).

Thanks for any information, as you've probably guessed I don't have any full size loco wheels to balance but would love to know how it was done effectively! I guess it didn't have to be perfect as the speed of rotation was relatively low even for high speed locomotives with smaller wheels.


Thread: Macgregor digimac transmitter receiver crystals 3
15/07/2018 09:03:20

It would probably work out more cost effective to buy modern 2.4ghz radio gear, I realise for some people using the older kit is half the appeal though. The newer stuff has hugely superior battery life, range, resistance to shared channels and is a fraction of the price.

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