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Member postings for Stuart Smith 5

Here is a list of all the postings Stuart Smith 5 has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Best way of moving milling machine
03/10/2023 16:59:46


My delivery was actually by the local transport company. As I understand it, pallets get delivered by a system similar to parcels, where they are picked up by a local company then moved overnight to the destination part of the country for the local delivery company to deliver. I think as long as you make it easy, they will place the pallet where you want.


03/10/2023 14:32:00


I have had a milling machine delivered by pallet line ( actually 3 times because the first one had a fault and was replaced).

They used a large vehicle with a tail lift and a motorised pallet truck. They didn’t just leave it at the end of the drive but put it in my garage (about 40 metres from the road). I have a gravel drive and considered using boards on top of the gravel but in the end I scraped the gravel to one side to expose the hardcore base in a 1 metre wide strip.

Maybe you could do something similar?





Edited By Stuart Smith 5 on 03/10/2023 14:32:31

Thread: digi phase converter for 10 machines.....
03/10/2023 14:06:40


From your profile I presume you are in Greece, so the application process / costing for a 3 phase upgrade might well be different from the UK, but here the cost will depend on the work required.

It may be that the original 1000 euro guesstimate was based on a nominal power requirement, while the 12000 euro will presumably be based on you filling an application form in with your requirements. If this is the case, it may be that the price is a lot more because for instance the transformer needs to be changed. If this is the case, it may be worth asking what the maximum power and starting current you could have on the existing. They may have assumed that you want to run all your machines at the same time for instance.


02/10/2023 23:15:07

A 3 phase generator would be my choice (sized to cater for the maximum starting current of your biggest motor). No matter what type of converter or vfd you got, you cannot get more out of your single phase supply than its capacity.


Thread: Cost effective DROs for mills
29/09/2023 16:49:51

Micro usb sockets to connect scales to Arduino and Bluetooth module to connect Arduino circuit to Android tablet


for more photos see my album ‘Mill DRO’


29/09/2023 16:16:47

Have a look at the TouchDRO website for info. If you decide to build a diy one, I can send you the Arduino sketch I used and a drawing of the circuit I made.


Edited By Stuart Smith 5 on 29/09/2023 16:17:47

29/09/2023 14:59:32

I fitted the digital readout bars from Arceurotrade to my Warco mill, but found the display a bit small. I made a circuit on veroboard with an Arduino nano and Bluetooth module to use the TouchDRO app by yuri as mentioned by Colin above. The app runs on a very cheap tablet ( I think it was £35). I fitted a 3rd readout bar to replace the existing quill dro.

There are photos in my Mill DRO album : **LINK**

If you happy with programming the Arduino and a bit of soldering, it is a cheap alternative to a ‘proper’ DRO.


Thread: Searching forums and albums
17/09/2023 11:44:53


The Google search box is near the bottom of the home page



17/09/2023 10:22:25


Is the article on the backplate?


I did a search using the search box near the bottom of the home page.

I searched for ‘David Clark 1 backplate’ and this came up.

or this one: ‘David Clark 1 album’ 




Edited By Stuart Smith 5 on 17/09/2023 10:26:39

Thread: WM18 - Z Axis power feed
09/09/2023 23:28:31

Thanks to both of you. I’ll make something like that.


09/09/2023 16:15:47

I am going to make one for my WM16. It has the 2 thin nuts at the top of the shaft. How did you couple your stepper to the shaft? I am thinking of removing the top nut and making a coupling with the same internal thread.


05/09/2023 11:02:24

Fees are 24% for a lot of the items. Only 44% if being sold by vat registered company. If you click fees on each item you can see if 24% or 44%.


Thread: How irritating
31/08/2023 12:45:48

Chronos advertise various ones here:


Thread: Help! Excessive machine marks!
27/08/2023 11:54:09

This video by Blondihacks explains the subject quite well:

“Metal Lathe Tutorial 12 : Surface Finish”:



Thread: Quiet floor pads for lathe
15/08/2023 00:44:15

Would any of these be suitable.


Anti vibration mounts from Bearingboys website.

I have bought transmission stuff from them but not these.


Thread: Chester Cathedral : New model railway
10/08/2023 20:01:19

It’s OO.

See this YouTube video


Thread: channel section
05/08/2023 13:46:52

Metals4u have 30 x 30 x 3 mild steel you could cut down or 30 x 15 x 4 stainless.


Thread: Who can transport a grinder M62 corridor?
02/08/2023 00:31:53

I have not used him, but there have been a number of positive posts on this forum about Steve Cox of Landylift. He is based in West Yorkshire and advertises on the Homeworkshop website. See link below.



Thread: Vintage Austin Brake Adjuster
12/07/2023 11:02:28


You could make it as one part.

Turn the outer diameter and then the groove for the cable either using a custom tool or a profiling tool.

Then offset the part in the 4 jaw and turn to the outside diameter of the lug. Then turn the smaller diameter of the lug using a parting tool or a custom made tool.. Reset the part in the 4 jaw and part off (the large diameter).

Then cut off the unwanted part to make the crescent and file to shape or if you have a mill, use that.

I am no expert, but that is what I would do.


Thread: My cruise
03/07/2023 23:01:45


You might find this review of a ‘Northern Lights’ cruise of interest:

Webpage : **LINK**

and YouTube video: **LINK**

I have visited Norway on a few cruises but in the summer / autumn, so the weather was not that cold. The most northern one was round Nordkapp to the port of Honningsvag.


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