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Member postings for Mikelkie

Here is a list of all the postings Mikelkie has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Battery powered lawn mowers?
25/04/2023 19:44:55
Posted by Neil Lickfold on 22/04/2023 22:13:36:

My wife has a Stihl mower that takes the smaller size of the two battery types. We only have a small lawn, less than 100m2 area. But she does mow the neighbourers outside lawn at times too. What effects the battery life the most is the sharpness of the blade. Initially I was just resharpening the blade along the profile of the initial blade as supplied. A college suggested that I start sharpening it from the under side. So I bought a spare, and I change out the blade as it needs sharpening and clean out in that area of trapped very smeely decaying grass. Since starting on the underside, I have noticed that the blade stays sharper longer. A dull blade can mean that you get as low as 50% of the lawn mowed. She does not pick up the fallen leaves or twiggs on the ground, they just all get mulched with everything else. This year the wet summer and the warmer than usual spring, has meant we have mowed the lawns the most I have ever known.

"My wife's lawnmower" she mows the lawn, how lucky some guys get !!

Thread: Rust !
11/01/2023 19:55:38

About thirty years ago the late Basil Palmer gave me a litre of what was marked as "Duraphos" when metals is cleaned and a thin layer is applied with a rag it leaves a dull surface that does not rust. I treat everything prone to rust with it and is also a good primer for painting. I have no idea where this stuff came from or what it is, other that it works

Edited By Mikelkie on 11/01/2023 19:56:12

Thread: Coffee grinder __ recommendations please
16/09/2022 19:02:08

My SPONG & CO works well still probably 80 plus years old!!

Thread: Workshop Machines - How Big is Too Big?
16/09/2022 18:56:17
Posted by Jelly on 16/09/2022 18:26:18:

Spurred on by comments in another thread about something smaller than one of my own machines being too big to move, I'm curious to know what other members think is the upper limit of what they will/can put into their workshop and why?

For my sins I've drawn the line at 1.5 tonnes weight, because that's what I can practically move for myself with a 3500kg MAM van and a hired forklift or gantry and tifor.

Access to the workshop is down a narrow private road with a tight bend and no larger vehicles can pass, so anything heavier would need to be lifted in (and out again) over the fence from a neighbouring cul-de-sac, at which point it just starts getting silly (it is feasible though and not obscenely expensive).

When I next move it is my full intention to ensure I have the space and access to fit bigger equipment in, to match some of my longer term ambitions.

Edited By Jelly on 16/09/2022 18:33:11

Thread: 3"burrell
26/07/2022 17:04:50

You might have problems with difference of expansion steel vs copper. What problem are you experiencing? Leaking and or corrosion?

Thread: Filing rest - hardened guides ruining files
11/07/2022 21:49:14

Try teflon for filing rollers

Thread: Stirling regulator stuck
16/02/2022 20:07:52

Could be that the regulator was left shut when last used, try filling boiler with boiling water and that the expansion might free it. Worked once for me. I always make sure that the reg and all valves are open when cooling.Good luck.

Thread: Motor protection
03/02/2022 17:14:41

I automated my band saw about a year ago for cutting short pieces from bar stock, it was necessary to stop when things go wrong so i installed a system to stop the motor if the driven wheel does not complete a revolution in a preset time (blade brake. slip off or jamming) This work great and i can do other work while the saw carries on.

Thread: Three phase reversing
15/01/2022 22:06:27

I revers my lathe by throwing the switch at full speed all the time without any problems. The Herbert preopt turret lathes has a "plugging" switch mounted at the rear of the motor (many people confuses it with a tacho for speed control). This device is driven by the shaft and is arranged so that the motor when running sets up a opposite direction as soon as the motor is stopped through a set of "plugging relays" enabling a quick stop of the motor.This work in both directions. Check schematic drawing for no. 5 and 7 preoptive lathes. The big Herbert drilling machines has a manual reversing switch along with a 4 speed switch and is reversed at any speed without any ill effects. i shall not attempt this with screw on chucks on a lathe, I will post part of the wiring diagram later

Thread: Hello fromlincoln
26/12/2021 19:34:42

Hi Mike as Howard says age, is no barrier I am in my mid 70's as well and as long as one remember what you went to the bathroom for you'r ok still, misplacing (or rather tools going missing while it is in your hand) or don't remember your wife's birthday one can live with that i think.

Another mikewink

Thread: The Bistella motorcycle
24/12/2021 21:02:39
Posted by JimmieS on 24/12/2021 16:13:41:

Don't know if this topic has being discussed before.


A wonderful achievement, some adventure too well done

Thread: a little diversion
10/10/2021 15:59:58

I like Macolm's explanation (3)

Thread: Crankshaft Factory
02/10/2021 20:31:26

Where am I (or us)?. slip guages, dro's, sine bars, cnc, qtp's etc etc will take me a lifetime making on of those as someone said in a James Watt like workshop. Good video though

Edited By Mikelkie on 02/10/2021 20:32:23

Thread: joy valve gear (Derby 4f)
10/09/2021 20:19:45

Wanted to build a Derby 4f myself experience difficulties with the drawing some 25 years ago, gave it away and did a Simplex instead. I suspect Don Young's drawings had some incorrect measurements

Thread: Electric motor speed
04/09/2021 21:45:06

Commonly called a universal motor, not to be run without load

Thread: Gas Burners for boiler
31/08/2021 20:58:33

Hi Matt Stevens, check out my photo album for pics of a round gas burner that i made long ago. i'm using it on my vertical boiler also 6 inch in dia. It is quite easy to make in any size and performs well. pm me if more info needed Regards Mike

Thread: Overheated Drill
31/08/2021 18:23:58
Posted by John Haine on 31/08/2021 16:52:24:

Builders I have spoken to don't expect even quite expensive drills to last much more than a year or two.

Correct. the smaller drills and angle grinders became a consumable item i go through 3 each annually and

bin them, not worth even opening them.

Thread: Boiler Fittings
11/06/2021 17:33:51

J Bay regretfully is no longer in business as Mr Heydenrych retired about three years ago. Made wonderful stuff for the ME enthusiasts.

Thread: Injector LBSC type
26/05/2021 18:10:19
Posted by Speedy Builder5 on 26/05/2021 12:50:26:

I am under way in making one of LBSC's injectors for a 5" SPEEDY loco.

It seemed a simpler idea once the body was made to make what was described as a "Slotted Cone" for the combining cone. as detailed in the attached drawing.

Can someone explain what the slots in the sides of the cone do and should those slots pierce the Venturi which passes through the cone?

injectordetails.jpgDAG Brown's book on injectors explains it all very well

Thread: Lathe Motor running Lumpy :-)
15/05/2021 17:56:41

Check the function and condition of the centrifugal switch if fitted

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