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Member postings for daveb

Here is a list of all the postings daveb has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: New member
15/12/2018 21:00:42

I would go with photo etching, if they are a standard size you could do the artwork once and print them as needed.

Thread: What material is it
15/12/2018 20:52:04

There are different grades of brass, some alloys are hard, some are ductile. It could be bronze. There are different grades of bronze. Sometimes difficult to tell one from the other. Daveb

Thread: It's not rocket science
13/12/2018 22:18:06
Posted by mark costello 1 on 13/12/2018 22:02:04:

The meteorite I just turned was so hard it must have been heat treated in the sun, and quenched in the shadow of the moon.

I think I've got some bars of that stuff, I can let you have it for a real keen price. Daveb

Thread: Pro’s and cons of owning an horizontal milling machine
10/12/2018 21:28:27

Most of the small bench mounted horizontal mills lack a backgear, that and the small motor makes them suitable for slitting saws and not much else. Daveb

Thread: Help with Electrics on Emco FB-2 Milling head/table
10/12/2018 21:12:29

Emco motors are a bit peculiar and their schematics leave much to be desired. I've had two of the 4 speed milling heads, one 3 phase and one single phase. The single phase motor was actually a 3 phase delta connected motor with the line and neutral connected to (any) two of the wires and the capacitor connected between line or neutral (depending on which direction you want the motor to run) and the other wire. To confirm, use a multimeter to check the resistance between the 3 black wires, 1-2, 2-3, 1-3, they should all be the same. Daveb

Thread: Mk1 Super 7 - What colours ?
28/11/2018 16:15:04

In the 60s/70s Myfords got a touch of flower power and produced some lathes in interesting colours. I particularly admired the bright orange. Hippies with lathes, whatever next? Daveb.

Thread: What did you do Today 2018
26/11/2018 19:14:24

Started taking the motor off the Super7 to replace noisy bearing. Disconnected wiring, slackened screws and then found motor pulley was loose.

Nice and quiet now!

I get worse as I get older!


Thread: Parallel Machine Files
26/11/2018 19:02:46

You need to search for PARALLEL MACHINE FILES. Good luck with that!

I had the same problem about 12 years ago, easier to get bull feathers! I eventually bought some from Federal file co in the USA for my bench machine (files, not feathers), they are a similar size to Swiss files. (I have an unused set of these PM if interested). I could not find any new or used files for my large filer so I bought a set of Swedish files (no particular reason for buying Swedish except the shop had a set in stock that looked as if it would do) 12", round, flat, square, tri, half round, etc. I cut off the non parallel parts and ground the ends to fit my machine, 60 degree point at bottom, 1" square tang at top to fit chuck, cuts on down stroke. Medium or coarse files are better, you will die of old age if you use fine files on these machines. If you haven't used a filing machine before, hold downs are essential if you value your fingertips.

Harold Hall designed a small filing machine some years ago, he made some suggestions on modifying standard files, should be some info on his website. Daveb

Thread: Myford Super 7 Back Gear / Reverse Levers
25/11/2018 18:02:20

If you take the levers off the machine and remove the knobs, the plungers and springs can be pushed through and a full size screwdriver used to remove the slotted caps. These screw down against a shoulder and are often very tight.

Thread: 'shop tip from 1921
25/11/2018 17:47:24
Posted by duncan webster on 24/11/2018 22:55:00:

Reminds me of many years ago when I was trying unsuccessfully to run an EDB diesel. Fuel was home made equal parts of diesel, redex and ether. My Dad decided to get the pot bellied stove in the kitchen going by dousing the coke in ether and applying a match. Not only blew the doors off the stove, all the coke was spread around the kitchen together with a lot of the soot out of the chimney. Mother was not a happy bunny. Neither was I as he didn't volunteer to buy more ether. Strange how as a teenager I could just wander into Boots in a small market town and buy such stuff no problem.

Years ago, young fellow tried to light a pot bellied stove by filling with paper, wood and coke and soaking with cellulose thinners. Resulting explosion demolished stove and removed most of his clothes. Daveb

Thread: Myford Super 7 quick change gearbox fitting
04/11/2018 13:37:53

Not sure about ML7s but you have to change the output gear on the tumbler if retrofitting a gearbox to the Super7. You will probably need a shim between the gearbox and the mounting point on the bed. As far as I know, the shim is needed on all lathes except the PCF models.

Thread: Centering microscope
14/10/2018 10:59:39
Posted by Clive Hartland on 13/10/2018 22:53:25:

I was waiting for someone to come up with spider web. First catch your spider and put him in a box on his own. Then you starve him ! why, because when he craps it is attached to the web like a round object. After starving for a while get the spider onto a wire frame, wind the web he issues around the frame spaced apart so you can lay the strand across the cell where you want the cross wires. Fix in place with shellac.



Yes! That's exactly how I did it nearly 60 years ago but we used to buy the web ready wound on cardboard frames. I always checked to make sure there were no spiders in the box. I should think the web winding trade has died out by now, so if you need to do this, you will probably have to catch you own Black Widow. I believe it needs to be female, they're a bit bigger than the males. Daveb

Edited By daveb on 14/10/2018 11:00:38

Thread: What has happened to fly spray?
17/09/2018 11:31:32
Posted by Brian G on 17/09/2018 05:53:30:

Electric fly swat from Poundland - the thrill of the chase (and the basis of an electrostatic flocking device).


Swish, CRACK!. Har, har, har. Very satisfying too!

Thread: fire warning
16/09/2018 14:51:35
Posted by Brian G on 16/09/2018 07:48:25:

I was told that the demonstration firings of HMS Cavalier's guns are carried out with custard powder (I assume there is an oxidiser as well, but nobody mentioned that).

Timely, as Chatham Dockyard's "Salute to the 40s" continues today.


Top it up with jelly and our navy would would give the enemy their just desserts. thinking

12/09/2018 11:09:02

Many years ago I was driving home and felt a strange sensation in the front of my jeans. A quick look revealed that they were on fire, not only on fire but the fire had consumedthe entire fly section and was working its way down my legs. I was a smoker at the time, I supposed a spark had ignited the cord jeans which smouldered away until I became aware. An Australian colleague commented that bush fires were common back home. Cord jeans were made of interesting material, biological washing powder caused it to disintegrate and it also made an excellent wick. I believe I narrowly avoided a SHC incident. I no longer smoke, smoulder or wear cord jeans. Daveb.

Thread: A good quality oil can..?
29/08/2018 16:27:15
Posted by Mike E. on 22/08/2018 18:34:28:

Here's a thought..... Why not make your own ?

I often see metal hip flasks for a couple of pounds in charity shops. Machining a simple drip nozzle replacement cap with an O-ring would make for a handy size oil can.

Would ye care for a wee drippy?

Thread: What did you do Today 2018
29/08/2018 16:15:01

This is where you learn the difference between a cheap Allen key and the others. It helps if the Allen screws are good quality too, unfortunately, there are poor examples of both, either of which will make you wish you were doing anything, absolutely anything else. Daveb.

Thread: Myfirst Myford Super 7 Mk1 Lathe - accessory identification
29/08/2018 15:59:11

Hakon, if you intend to tilt the lathe down for storage, bear in mind that the gearbox has oil in it and is not sealed. Too much tilt will result in the oil running out of the gearbox.


Thread: What did you do Today 2018
15/08/2018 20:54:02

Nice work, Limpet.

15/08/2018 20:51:45
Posted by Michael Gilligan on 11/08/2018 17:19:07:
Posted by Michael Gilligan on 04/08/2018 08:43:36:
Posted by Neil Wyatt on 04/08/2018 08:09:08:

Wow, did it really take you 27 years to decide?


The decision was triggered by this particular copy being 40p

For your amusement: You may like to plot the offer price of issue 1 against time surprise



daveb ... did you miss the follow-up ^^^ question

If I recall correctly, the price peaked at about £25

but those silly days are long gone.


Yes, thanks Michael, I usually do, upto date now. I remember copies of the Book of the Myford going for £45+ a while ago, must've upset a few people when they printed a new batch. Dave

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