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Member postings for SteveW

Here is a list of all the postings SteveW has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Camshaft
23/06/2020 16:42:39

Camshaft and timing gear from a 120cc 4 stroke. I’ve not seen this in an engine before. What chance of a 3D print of something like it for a model?

picture in album

Edited By SteveW on 23/06/2020 16:45:21

Thread: Questions about lathe power feeds.
06/06/2020 11:02:06

I think you would want to accelerate the lathe spindle speed rather than the feed to keep the surface speed the same with the same (constant) depth of cut set by the gearbox. I think that would be equally worrying to the operator!


Thread: Arc welding rods
28/05/2020 18:48:36

Thanks all for your help! I’ll take the pies out before I put the rods in!


28/05/2020 16:38:20

I know that arc welding rods used to absorb moisture and to remove/reduce it they were ‘baked’. I can’t remember (if I ever knew!) the temperature or time to soak. From what I do remember it was barely enough to warm a pie... Can anyone help?


Thread: Unimat 3 Tailstock Die Holder
21/04/2020 17:19:33

Is it necessary to get metric and imperial size dieholders? I seem to be able to use my holders interchangeably but that could be luck!

Thread: Cutting / tapping oil
18/04/2020 17:34:13

I just use a dab of grease especially in blind holes so the swarf is expelled but for what I do I think anything a bit oily works. Wd40 is convenient. I don’t worry...

Thread: Hall Class Display Model
22/01/2020 21:02:12

Looks good to me! And I quite like the natural finish. I would like to see more. Were the parts laser cut?


Thread: Extending router shanks
13/11/2019 21:13:24

Leave the dust shoe off. Work outside. Wear a reasonable face mask. If you only have a clock case to do it will only take a tick. Sorry not an engineering solution... But safer than a flying router bit!

Thread: Disposal of workshop contents
02/09/2019 16:40:41

You may be surprised by ‘clearance prices’. If there is any desire to raise significant funds from the sale then splitting up and selling at auction (not necessarily eBay) is really the best way. The owner will get what they are ‘worth’ less commission.

Thread: New member seeking advice
25/07/2019 14:21:09

Everything has a value. You may want to try eBay to let them find their level. There may be a local “Men in Sheds” workshop operating near you who could give some of the tools a charitable home where they would be loved and used. Contact Age Concern.

I suggest this with mixed feelings. My Tuesday morning was trying to reduce the enormous pile of duplicated tools in our local branch. There is a natural limit to the number of hammers... we stuck at 2 for each member!


Thread: Soft Feel Finish on Radio
06/04/2019 13:50:51

Wine bottle stopper changed to a thick black gloop in our cutlery drawer. With some elbow grease it did all come off with methanol. Will now have to finish the bottle...wink

Thread: Yet more confusion!
12/01/2019 16:24:43

Or, is it a sign that the poles north and South are about to reverse?

I hope that doesn't happen I don't want to live in the North!

Thread: High Speed Sensitive Drilling Machine : 1909
12/01/2019 16:20:01

Best thing is the drive is communicated by a sleeve and a feather. Not something I've tried yet...


Thread: Comfortable Working Height for a ML7
10/10/2018 16:39:48

Make it too high rather than too low. You can always stand on a box or a pallet duckboard to see right over the top if you want or need to.

Thread: C0 lathe question.
23/09/2018 12:23:09

Remember it's (normally) possible to do small work on a large machine but not the other way round... I'd go a bit bigger.if you are able to, life will be easier and possibilities much wider.

Thread: Todays Mystery Object?
17/07/2018 18:38:08

Mirror galvanometer to detect balance point on a Wheatstone bridge? Hint on the picture which shows circuit. Clamp stops the device from swinging free and potentially damaging itself in transport or storage.  SOD beat me to it!

Edited By SteveW on 17/07/2018 18:40:03

Thread: This weeks offer at Lidl
26/05/2018 12:55:32

Yes, mine has a blind hole. I may do as you say and drill it through but I guess a file may foul the others in the handle. Collet geometry is not brilliant but it seems to work well enough.

Thread: Clean hands?
26/05/2018 08:56:03

Table salt also improves the effectiveness of hand cleaners and may be antiseptic.

Thread: This weeks offer at Lidl
24/05/2018 18:36:09

I bought the set of 6 diamond needle files for £2.99. Handle is hollow and takes all the files for storage. I have given it a go on HSS lathe tool and it would be OK for a touch up but not serious shaping. I did use it to re-make a screwdriver for use on 'tamper proof' screw which was fine. I thought it was worth it for the handle

Thread: advice for a beginner?
19/04/2018 14:39:25

If it's a kit your starting with I'd ask whoever produces it. I'd not forget hand tools - files, toolmakers clamps. I'd just buy the set of metric or imperial drills you need. Again the kit manufacturer will know what you need and you'll be able to save some money for the unexpected. I think a lot of kits are quite prefabricated with not much machining to do.

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