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Member postings for Roderick Jenkins

Here is a list of all the postings Roderick Jenkins has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Simple case hardening recipe
28/03/2023 20:45:44

Quite right Duncan. I expect SOD to correct the record at the earliest opportunity wink


Thread: What did you do today? 2023
27/03/2023 21:01:53


That's nice work, it really ought to have it's own thread rather than be in what you did today.

I love my Farm Boy. Anytime I get a little depressed about another cock up in the work shop I go to the Farm Boy, put my thumb over the mixer air intake, turn the engine over twice, turn on the ignition, flick a fly wheel and it goes - every time. It's a cracking design.


Thread: Machining EN3b mild steel
21/03/2023 22:09:03
Posted by John Reese on 21/03/2023 21:53:32:

As a general rule, any cold rolled material will turn into a banana if you machine only one side.

Which is why Reeves used to sell pickled hot rolled plate for making loco frames. Does anybody sell it now?


Thread: Flying and fizzy drink cans
18/03/2023 15:36:17
Posted by Dave Halford on 18/03/2023 15:17:58:

As a can of pop has now been escalated to a boiler.

I wonder if anyone has lit a fire under a sealed, water filled and written off boiler with a remote pressure gauge just to see at what pressure and just how a bad one would let go.

I think it was the Reading Society of Model Engineers who did just that. The result was unspectacular. Sadly, I cant find a link to it.


Thread: Geometer
17/03/2023 09:08:22
Posted by David Ambrose on 16/03/2023 17:47:01:

The more I read the Beginner’s Workshop articles by Geometer, the more I feel that they were written more than half a century ago. I would say they were written in the sixties, or even earlier. For example, this month’s shows a side valve engine, which would have been an anachronism in 1973. The drawings have a very old-fashioned feel to them.

Nothing anachronistic about side valve engines. Still commonly used in motor mowers, other small agricultural implements and generators. While not the most efficient or powerful of formats, they have the advantage of simplicity and being compact.


Thread: ML7 - Zeroing the Topslide?
14/03/2023 10:26:48

To expand on Hopper's meanwhile method, I often use the topslide to measure up to a shoulder. The angle scale on the topslide can be set within 1 degree by eye. The cosine error is very, very small: Cos(1)=0.9999. So, over a 1" length, your actual length would be 1/10,000" short.


Thread: James Coombes but not as you know him
11/03/2023 19:01:28

Very nice!


Thread: Rod's Hoglet
10/03/2023 21:42:46


It took a bit of fiddling about, the timing is still not quite right, it's blowing back a bit through the carb but, hey, it goes smiley

Edited By Roderick Jenkins on 10/03/2023 21:43:29

Thread: Eyelet setting(?) tool - how to use?
08/03/2023 22:36:27

This Newey tool has a very similar pair of punches and a reversible die. You'll need the correct kit of parts to use it.

newey stud instructions.jpg

I have a plier type hole punch with a rotating head and a yard long straight edge both made by Maun



Thread: Why is the world of model engineering still imperial?
08/03/2023 21:27:15
Posted by Martin Kyte on 08/03/2023 20:53:51:

I will find it eventually as I read all 20 books every 2 or 3 years.

Me too!


08/03/2023 18:11:17

The US pint contains 16 fluid ounces I.e. 1 lb of water, which does at least seem more consistent than the Imperial version.


Thread: Abrafiles
08/03/2023 10:50:51

A few posts in the past have bemoaned the fact that Abrafiles are no longer available. This chap seems to have unearthed a stock and is selling them at a very reasonable price. I have just bought a packet and am pleased with the result. I have no relationship with the seller other than as a satisfied customer.

abrafile ebay link


Edited By Roderick Jenkins on 08/03/2023 10:52:31

Thread: Rod's Hoglet
07/03/2023 18:37:21

That Hall probe holder didn't work. It needs to be able to rotate through a larger angle, which means that the crankshaft timing gear screw needs to be flush with the gear which means disassembling the engine to remove the half shaft - glad I didn't Loctite it!

Redesign of the Hall detector meant using the die filer to make a D shaped hole smiley


I think this design is a bit more in keeping with the overall look



I'll try again tomorrow (minor domestic crises permitting)


Thread: The Workshop Progress Thread 2023
06/03/2023 13:01:28

Hi Martin,

I followed the instruction to to drill the hole with the drill in the headstock chuck and pushing from the tailstock, then sawed off the square filler piece. I used a length of 1/4" silver steel through both holes to give me a reference and then clamped to the mill bed with padding under the head, using a DTI on the steel bar to ensure orthogonality. I squared up the top and bottom faces of the rectangular boss (as seen when the bow is in operation). I was then able to hold the bow in a vice to mill the boss to the correct thickness and drill and countersink the holes.



05/03/2023 20:33:02

I've spent the last couple of weeks making the ETW/Hemingway Die filer


I was actually more interested in the jig sawing capabilities


I think it is about time that I considered actually using my carefully hoarded Abrafiles and make an adapter for the filer bow.



Thread: Rod's Hoglet
05/03/2023 20:22:40

This is the carb that I made according to the Matador drawings. It seems to be quite flexible since it has run my Matador, my 10cc side valve four stroke and the Wyvern. If it works I'll make a version that suits the Hoglet rather better than this lash up.


This is a prototype Hall probe holder



Needs a re-design to fix a couple of silly mistakes and improve the aesthetics but it is functional. Tomorrow I will have a go at getting the Hoglet to fire up. Don't hold your breath.


Thread: Why is the world of model engineering still imperial?
03/03/2023 12:02:58

It's a good question.

Off the top of my head I get think of 3 reasons:

Most of the published designs are old or from the US

The old machines that we repurpose for ME are imperial

Most of us are old gits


Thread: Rod's Hoglet
28/02/2023 23:19:55

There has been a slight hiatus in my Hoglet completion since I seem to have mislaid the Hall effect lead and have had to order another from Just Engines, which has now arrived. Seems to work OK on 6V, One of the plugs sparks when the magnet is passed over the sensor and, with the magnet turned around, the the other sparks . Just need to find a good way of mounting it.


Thread: DRO display problem
28/02/2023 23:09:35

Thanks for the comments chaps. The wretched thing has reverted to being fully functional after 5 minutes but I will open it up and have a look round when I've finished a couple of present projects.



Thread: James Coombes but not as you know him
27/02/2023 19:56:01

Watching and learning. Thanks.


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