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Member postings for Limpet

Here is a list of all the postings Limpet has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Digital ME & MEW Issues
18/03/2018 08:23:43

Many thanks Jason simple when you know how - It still doesn't excuse the Pocketmags staff


18/03/2018 06:37:31


Posted by Neil Wyatt on 17/03/2018 22:17:38:

Hello Lionel,

I've seen the figures and the numbers of unique users of the windows reader each month was less than an average of one reader per title... unfortunately MEW and ME readers seem to be more PC focused than most.

Jason can explain how to delete files.

Resellers can't offer archive access because we have no access to their subscription systems and can't validate their subscriber numbers. Check their adverts and you will see they don't offer archive access.

To get or keep archive access you need to buy or renew your subscription through us using the subscriptions link on the green bar above or go to: Choose the right title and it will take you to our subs website where you have to create a new account using a different password from the one for this website.

Renewal reminders from us should direct you to our subs website.


I DO have a current Digital and print subscription according to your site it runs out on the 19/05/2020 it was only when I added extra issues on that I'm restricted from the archive. I have been sent a new subscription number but that now ends on 24/0219 which results in a few lost issues, hence the dispute.

Not to be too complimentary on the Pocketmags support staff, but if Jason knows how to delete issues why do the support staff for the reader not know or is it they do know but can't be bothered to answer.

On a more positive note - Perhaps Jason could let us all know the procedure for deleting digital issues as I'm sure I'm not the only one it would be useful for.



Edited By Limpet on 18/03/2018 06:39:23

Thread: What are these Now with Photo
17/03/2018 21:53:54

Dave you may want to do a bit more research as I have been requested to build one as well (how can you say no to your daughter) and the other main driving method is a cone on the motor rotating a rubber wheel and the cone moves in or out on the edge of the wheel with the motor running at a constant speed. It gets rid of all that expensive electronic trickery

Check the net for potters wheel repair for utube videos full mechanical speed regulation


Thread: Digital ME & MEW Issues
17/03/2018 21:42:57

The number of people reading digital magazines on a windows PC is so very small Pocketmags stopped supporting them.


It's nice to know that I'm a small insignificant user!!!!! My biggest gripe with pocketmags is their support or rather lack of of it. A few months ago I had a page missing from the digital edition after several emails back and forth they told me to delete the faulty edition .And download it again. I am still waiting for the answer to my response back of how do you delete issues. It seems even pocketmags support doesn't know. I am once again in dispute with them after my subscription has stopped me using the archive even though I have print and digital. Pocketmags has got to be the worst app I have ever used.


Thread: What did you do Today 2018
02/03/2018 20:02:33

I had to thaw my condensate drain and thats a 32mm one but I'll look at fitting one of those gizmos that stores when it warms up. Looks like we were once again cut off in the South West as the fencing and sea wall copping stones were washed over the rail track by the rough seas at Dawlish and both the A38 and A380 were shut at Holden/Telegraph hills. Lucky for me the workshop is heated by the central heating lovely and toasty


01/03/2018 20:48:03

What most drivers don't realise is that when there's a red weather warning their insurance won't cover them so it would be interesting to know how many of today's idiotic driver were legally covered.

Tired from walking home


Thread: Any other out of touch members ?
27/02/2018 21:26:53

Looks like I'm joining the pre-historic band, although I have what is supposed to be smart phone (cheapest one I could find at the time ) the only thing I've managed to do with it apart from making calls to keep a catalogue listing of my old books which stops me buying the same book twice in the second hand book shops, I rarely watch the non smart TV and cannot abide any of the social media sites


Thread: Warco Major or WM16B
19/02/2018 17:31:50

Many thanks Thor & Trevorh for the feedback.I hadn't thought that hard about the round column but can now see it will be an annoyance to say the least, I discounted the GH18 due to the limited longitudinal traverse (360mm) I need min 400mm.

So I will be ordering the 16B - unless someone says differently!!!!

Many thanks


18/02/2018 19:01:29

Hi all

I'm looking at upgrading my Chester Conquest mill to either the Warco Major of the WM16b is there any out there that I can get opinions for or against. After dealings with Chester I will avoid their offerings. Many thanks in advance


Edit misplaced words

Edited By Limpet on 18/02/2018 19:02:33

And spelling

Edited By Limpet on 18/02/2018 19:03:40

Thread: What did you do Today 2018
18/02/2018 18:53:26

Well today I actually got my DB8 lathe to go forwards and backwards with its new inverter/motor conversion since the dc motor died in November, although I still have the pulley sizes and back panel to sort out, but well pleased it worked.


06/02/2018 06:30:45
Posted by Mick B1 on 05/02/2018 15:47:46:
Posted by Martin Kyte on 05/02/2018 15:10:04:

So why can't we have a decimal week? We could get a whole 3 extra days !!!! and surely we should standardise the month.

regards Martin

Yes, if we moved Earth out to a 400-day orbit, only a few people would find it colder, and we could have 4 Quarters of 10 x 10 day weeks. Months are obviously dodgy, irrational, variable and old hat, so we should Monxit.

I only want a 10 day week if the extra days are at the weekend! And nobody has mentioned 72 points (I think) to the inch for font sizing - still used on all computers


04/02/2018 21:44:49
Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 04/02/2018 19:12:48:

After wrestling with Slugs for 5 minutes the logic of SI might win a few converts. If not do some calculations in Slinches.

Go to the bottom of the class if you love imperial and can't explain what a Blob is...




I was trained in both imperial and metric and am happy to work in either - but only came across slugs and blobs last month while studying 'Design of Machinery'.

You learn something new every day - whether it's useful or not remains to be seen


Edited By Limpet on 04/02/2018 21:48:45

03/02/2018 09:18:14

Hope you both get well soon.

Thread: Sad but true!
05/01/2018 20:37:13

What about the 10 that describe how to make one from parts in the scrap box, and another 30 for the correct torque that should be applied when fitting.

From the lurker

Thread: Gauge 0 standards
29/11/2017 16:40:51

If your looking at British standards there are basically three, Coarse scale which would include the old Hobby tin plate. Finescale which is the popular standards today and Scale 7. If your are going back to Brunel's broad gauge then Scale 7 is the most popular. As previously said the Gauge O Guild is the place to go. The Scale 7 society also have their own website. There are plenty of Gog and Scale7 area groups around details should be on the respective sites

Thread: Workshop Heating
25/11/2017 20:26:19

I use one of the efergy monitoring the electric for my pond it will show graphs of usage against time so you would see when your heater is on and how long. Mine has a transmitter that I clip around the live feeding the pond the receiver is a mobile unit to see the graphs you have to download the data to a pc. I find it very useful to monitor when air pumps have been turned on etc.

Thread: Chester or Warco.
21/11/2017 21:41:35

I'll look into that thank you Dave

21/11/2017 21:23:16

I have a Chester DB8 which I bought about 8 years ago and have been happy with it. My main criticism is that I tried to buy new brushes for the dc motor only to find they are no longer available and the new motor is the best part of £300 that's just the motor no controller. It seems quite a large expense for the sake of two motor brushes.

I think that part of the problem is that the majority of people buying far eastern machines are able to and I suspect like to improve by the very nature of the hobby

By the way I have decided to go the 3 phase and vfd route saving just under £100 - which makes me as guilty as the next person.

Thread: In praise of Oldtimers
18/11/2017 19:38:56
Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 18/11/2017 19:33:45:
Posted by John Gardener on 18/11/2017 19:15:13:

My favourite old workshop sign was one in a glass cutters in Plymouth many years ago and shortly after decimation (word used intentionally)


If God had wanted us to be metric, there would have been ten disciples.

Perhaps God is metric. Why else give us 10 fingers... wink


He didn't he gave us 8 fingers and 2 thumbs - does that make him bi-octal wink


Edit spelling

Edited By Limpet on 18/11/2017 19:40:02

Thread: John Stevenson
21/10/2017 19:31:04

I only know John through the posts but always liked his helpful direct opinions. Get well soon


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