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Member postings for Gary Wooding

Here is a list of all the postings Gary Wooding has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Cost effective DROs for mills
29/09/2023 10:14:16
Posted by Pete on 29/09/2023 00:01:44:


Newall is regarded as one of the easiest to mount because of the universal kit of mounting brackets and screws that are included. Studying what they use on there website might be very helpful if you have to design and build anything to mount yours to whatever machine you have. Newall dro's use fairly small round magnetic scales , so the rectangular shaped bar scales are of course different.

The Newall scales are not magnetic, they are a chain of accurately sized ball bearings enclosed in a carbon fibre tube. The reader detects changes of magnetic flux induced as the balls pass along inside it. The system is unique and totally incompatible with all other systems, glass or magnetic.

I had to make my own mounting brackets when I installed a Newall system on my Centec.

Thread: ChatGPT - need we worry?
24/09/2023 10:23:07
Posted by Michael Gilligan on 24/09/2023 09:57:10:

Been there, contributed, and didn’t get an answer to my question

… shows how reliable humans can be sad


Did I miss the question?

24/09/2023 09:47:11

Take a look at THIS thread to see how reliable AI can be.

Thread: Thumb screw
22/09/2023 10:13:31

I did something similar for the gib locking screw of my Centec mill. The BSW socket headed locking screw for the Y-axis is rather long and inaccessible, making it rather cumbersome to use with a standard hex-key. I made the illustrated extension from a lump of aluminium. The mating part is a round force-fit into the hex socket, which works very well.

giblock dwg.jpg

giblock xtn1.jpg

giblock xtn2.jpg

Thread: DROs etc
22/09/2023 07:55:49


Me too, hence my surprise.

22/09/2023 07:36:52

I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned the 'Half' function that almost all DROs have. That, together with an edge-finder is a game changer.

20/09/2023 15:31:52

+1 for DRO on the mill, but don't skimp and go for only 2-axis, the Z scale is so useful. Contrary to other opinions I fitted DRO to my lathe too, and wouldn't be without it now. But overall, the mill benefits the most.

Thread: Greetings from Canada
18/09/2023 15:01:23

Hi Gary,

Just to repeat what's already been said about the weight, a 7.25" loco will be about 3x as heavy as an identical 5" loco. Just so you don't get a nasty surprise later on.

Thread: Scams
12/09/2023 11:34:07

My landline has a very simple, free, and effective method of screening me from unwanted calls. If the caller's number is not in my "white list" they are asked to state their identity, which is recorded before ringing my phone. When I answer, the recording is played and I'm given three options; press "1" to receive the call and place the number in my white list, "2" to receive the call but not put it in my white list, and "3" to reject the call.

I can't remember the last dubious call I've had.

Thread: Assembly diagrams - how are they done?
02/09/2023 07:37:25
Posted by Robin Graham on 01/09/2023 22:25:40:

I did see a comment on a 'best 10 CAD programs for Linux' article claiming that Fusion can be used under WINE but from my experiences with WINE I doubt it.

Why not try it? Fusion is free to download and try. If you decide that you like it, the restrictions in the free hobbyist version are unlikely to cause you problems.

01/09/2023 11:28:38

***THIS*** video shows how simple it is to create an exploded, annotated, view in Fusion 360. Even the free version can do it.

Thread: Another Mystery Object
28/08/2023 10:11:39

I reckon I'll make a set.

27/08/2023 10:44:16

Thank you - now I need some pins.

27/08/2023 10:29:20

This item cropped up in a club auction. Nobody has a definite answer as to its use, but it has been suggested as being a device to hold a motorcycle chain together for fitting.

Its well made and clearly not home brewed. The adjustment wheel has left and right hand threads and is clearly not man enough to apply pressure at the far end.



Thread: Assembly diagrams - how are they done?
25/08/2023 07:25:10

Fusion 360 has such a facility, it's called an Exploded View, which is part of the Animation facility.

Thread: making BLACK chess pieces
13/08/2023 15:38:27
Posted by Frances IoM on 13/08/2023 13:24:39:
why not consider stainless steel as white and brass as black - this will give the pieces some weight (corian would also be heavy but light plastic pieces always feel wrong) - the board could use brass + stainless steel foil glued on a wooden base

The density of brass is around 8.5 and that of Corian is about 1.7, so it would feel very light compared to brass. SS is around 7.5 to 8.

Thread: Just how good is AI?
07/08/2023 12:00:32

I've just done a little test of BING - which is Micro$oft's AI based search engine.

I asked the question 'how many vowels are there in the words o this sentence' (notice I omitted the 'f' from 'of'.

Here is is the response...

There are 10 vowels in the words of this sentence. A, E, I, O and U are the vowels in English. Here is how I counted them:

how: 1 vowel (O)

  • many: 2 vowels (A and Y)
  • vowels: 2 vowels (O and E)
  • are: 1 vowel (A)
  • in: 1 vowel (I)
  • the: 1 vowel (E)
  • words: 1 vowel (O)
  • of: 1 vowel (O)
  • this: 1 vowel (I)
  • sentence: 2 vowels (E and E)

Total: 10 vowels

It clearly has problems with counting and adding up. What do you think of AI now?

Thread: tensile strength of 3d printed Disc
05/08/2023 09:42:13

***THIS*** video, made by Clough42 is an interesting test of various 3D printing filaments where, surprisingly, PLA proved to be the strongest. As suggested already, delamination is probably the commonest weakness which I usually try to overcome by design, where I try to divide the item in such a way that the parts can be assembled with the laminations unaligned and glued with superglue or epoxy.

Thread: Parting tool recommendation
03/08/2023 15:45:41

Although I've got, and use the insert-tip tool, I usually end up using the blade type with a groove along the top of the blade, like ***THIS***

Thread: Evolution TCT blade
31/07/2023 14:32:17

I've certainly cut through hidden nails and suchlike with no ill effects, but haven't tried sheets or bars of steel.

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