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Member postings for DMB

Here is a list of all the postings DMB has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Hemingway taper turning kit for a Myford lathe
06/11/2022 21:52:26

I notice that Hemingway's version is based upon Ali castings. Seems a better proposition than the OEMs cast iron version. It's one hell of a colossal weight! I purchased one second hand in apparently little used and good condition, many years ago when I possessed something called strength! Even then, I couldn't hold it in position long enough and in alignment to screw it to the rear of the Myford. Lathe against wall and immovable, so attachment not used but also not had need to so far.

Take the above as a warning to give serious consideration to Hemingway's lighter version, rather than the original Myford one.


Thread: Clock lubrication
01/11/2022 17:53:56

Proops "Cock" Oil?


Seems rather sexist!

Wot about the hens?

Thread: Yet another scam
29/10/2022 19:31:29

Similar scumbags trick seen recently. Bank of England claims that new plastic notes are more difficult to forge but it didn't take em long! A sub post office in Brighton is displaying a "£10" note where the postmaster has written across it in black felt pen, "Fake". The note shows a narrow tower in the clear section which looks like Blackpool Tower. I don't currently have a tenner but remember that it has a much wider tower depicted. The fiver also has a much wider image, in this case, top portion of "Big Ben".

So, beware fake plastics!!

Thread: Poor material control causes helicopter crash
27/10/2022 10:51:13

I was told years ago that in helicopter maintenance, if a part would have say, 6000 hours use in a fixed winger, it would be replaced at only 2000 hours on a rotary winger, to ensure safety. One third normal usage. That was when I worked for a flight simulator company.

Thread: Unfulfilled Orders
26/10/2022 21:45:19

Have put added pressure on this week, like saying that I should have exercised my consumer rights weeks ago and cancelled the whole order. Whether it worked or whether coincidental events I don't know but a promise of delivery by Friday suddenly materialised.

In future all booksellers will only get an order for one book at a time and when the 28 days are up I will cancel. Note ISBN No and Author, etc and put on wish lists of the second hand sellers e.g., Abebooks, do will get it eventually and likely a lower price.

Thread: Welding course
23/10/2022 14:14:36

Yeah! I too spotted the cookery in between welding! Don't burn it!!

I did a local welding course many years ago and cannot now remember how much it cost but darned sure it was a 3 figure sum. Reckon that one could be very, very good value for money.

Thread: 2022 Midlands Model Engineering Exhibition, 13th to 16th October
23/10/2022 10:59:21

Thank you John for excellent review of the exhibition that I was unable to visit. Very appreciative of your efforts in photography and description.

regards, (another) John

Thread: Clocking on a 4 Jaw indepdent
22/10/2022 22:26:28

Somewhere on the internet, I have seen the suggestion of making two identical chuck keys in brass to twiddle one clockwise and the other anticlockwise, to move the work between opposite jaws until clock gauge shows zero error. Repeat with the other two jaws. Final tighten with a proper chuck key, watching the gauge needle. This is similar to Alan Qurashi's method. The two small keys were of course, a square at one end and the other end knurled for finger grip. I made them and find them more efficient than struggling with one proper key shifting from one socket hole to the next. Another chuck setting idea that I have seen and used, is to mark any two adjacent jaws, red paint or black marker pen and once work is set up, don't move those jaws again. Only release the job with the other two jaws and use same jaws to clamp the second, identical job and so on, effectively using the marked jaws like a jig. Why not use a plunger type gauge in the toolpost and fit an "elephants foot" attachment, so exact centre line achieved quickly every time.



Edited By DMB on 22/10/2022 22:31:12

Edited By DMB on 22/10/2022 22:32:19

Thread: Unfulfilled Orders
21/10/2022 18:55:01

Just as expected, postie long gone, no books. Yesterday's email apparently ignored.

He is now getting dangerously close to having to refund a cancelled order, sometime next week.

I may in future, place single book orders at a time with him or any other bookseller, only after phoning and asking if they actually have the book in stock.

Thread: 're-purposing' old screwdrivers
20/10/2022 21:24:42

Paint stirrer

Thread: Unfulfilled Orders
20/10/2022 21:17:43

Have sent him email asking for progress report and if he's actually ordered fresh supplies yet. Not expecting any response, based upon his track record.


Thread: Peculiar needle file
20/10/2022 19:28:43

Kwil, I uttered a certain word starting with F, upon reading Neil's Swiss advert and seeing the price, but I guess that as usual, you get what you pay for, if you're lucky. I think that you may have missed the fact that the Swiss version is Stainless and can be sterilised to prevent cross infection.


Thread: Unfulfilled Orders
20/10/2022 19:14:17

As I originally posted, I have spent rather a lot over the years with this bookseller. On occasion, I have had to wait for an order of two or more items due to one being out of stock. The length of time involved this time, really is stretching the 'goodwill.' Confirmation email received 3 September. Think I will ring him again in the next few days and make a decision as to my next move, depending upon what happens. Have no wish to name and shame if he's willing to make amends but so far, I have had no apology or voluntary communication whatsoever. TBH, I think that it is bloody rude or am I getting old and grumpy? Late wife used to say I should give people the benefit of the doubt, to which I replied that people's ways make me grumpy!


Thread: The cheek of McDonalds
18/10/2022 23:46:55

I regard all similar free offers and suchlike online are simply to obtain your email address. The fact that you take part in whatever it is, indicates that the subject is of particular interest to you and your connected email is quite valuable data which can or could be, be sold on. I therefore don't touch that sort of thing. Yet another example of " what's in it for me versus what's in it for you/ them?"

Edited By DMB on 18/10/2022 23:48:34

Thread: Unfulfilled Orders
18/10/2022 18:14:50

I ordered two books and a small paperback, totalling £60+ incl £6 or £7 postage on 3 September from a well known advertiser. Got email thanking me for the order and promising to inform me of any delay due to being out of stock. He has never to this day voluntarily contacted me. Several emails ignored so I phoned him and he said that the order was held up, pending new stock arrival. He wasn't apologetic and seemed quite off handed. It's now 45 days, damn near 7 weeks and I've paid the Cr Card "IN FULL" to quote Martin Lewis. Still reluctant to name the business but I may think twice about putting further business his way. Must have spent several hundreds of pounds on his books over the years, but this is stretching goodwill to unbelievable limits. Grrr! I know he reads this forum so hope he feels guilty!


Thread: Frustration
18/10/2022 17:57:41

Referring to my previous posts and being mentioned by one or two posters, date of first letter from Lloyds was 5/7, second letter 22/9, 48 day turnaround. When I supervised a correspondence section in my younger days, I would had my rear end kicked long before I responded to customers in 48 days. Given the time of the year, holiday s were hopefully the reason. As it's now a further 57 days, am hoping that I've cracked it. I have studied that form at length and cannot see any other possible way that it could be filled in, given my clubs circumstances. So, fingers crossed!! Needless to say, I kept a copy of both attempts. The second letter only said which questions I had not answered and that was because I thought they were irrelevant.


Thread: My cruise
06/10/2022 21:40:18

Hi Bill,

I think that if I was planning a foreign holiday and needed insurance, I think that I would ask my Surgery for a complete copy of my medical record and make sure that items listed were declared. That way, when/if there was a claim the insurance company would not be able to find some undeclared health problem.


Thread: Should I use anti-vibration mounts under Boxford AUD cabinet?
03/10/2022 21:18:49

Wondering what the source of the vibrations is. If it's the lathes motor, I suggest putting some sort of rubber insulation between the motor feet and the mounting plate on the lathe Iathe. I actually have a thick sheet of rubber under my motor, on the Myford. It was given to me by another club member who said it was a piece of conveyor belting. I was getting peculiar marks on turned work which stopped after fitting the rubber. That was with the original single phase motor but I have retained it under the 3 ph motor that I now have, controlled by VFD. Its a Newton-Teslar set-up which I am very pleased with. Can thoroughly recommend fitting one. I'm just a satisfied customer and wouldn't hesitate to purchase another if the need arose.

Can't think what's causing the vibrations if it's not the motor, unless there are loose components somewhere on the machine or its base.


Edited By DMB on 03/10/2022 21:22:00

Thread: Dore-Westbury Mk1-Milling Machine Construction Drawings
30/09/2022 10:35:16

Bugger! Could have done with them to check over my DW. Ah well, it works OK and I'm a satisfied user. 

Edited By DMB on 30/09/2022 10:37:45

Thread: UK DRIVING LICENCE [ 2022 issue ]
30/09/2022 09:48:55

I should add to the above, that I keep copies of insurance certificate, MOT and certain other docs in car in case of collision or police stops, just in case. Not even had a breath test yet and it would be neg anyway.

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