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Member postings for Swarf Maker

Here is a list of all the postings Swarf Maker has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Pulling cog off Albion Type C gearbox
01/11/2021 22:54:29

Could you show some picture of the arrangement please Ian Whittaker, just to make the arrangement clear and useful to pass on to others if needed?

29/10/2021 23:56:30

I doubt that Albion did anything radically different to any of their other gearboxes - or indeed other gearbox manufacturers. The sprocket will be on splines on the output shaft which is integral with the top gear - together known as a 'sleeve' gear. The sleeve gear will carry a normal RH thread, thus retaining the final drive sprocket. It is normal for there to be a locking washer that mates with the splines and allows a segment of the periphery to be turned and locked against the sprocket nut. The nut on your gearbox has been replaced with the battered ring but should still be threaded - unless something dire has occurred to the sleeve gear in which case this ring may be locked in place by deforming things or with some adhesive type locking compound. A ring without features to enable it to be 'spannered' does seem a bit strange though.

Thread: Aircraft General Discussion
25/06/2021 23:52:47

Well it would certainly be good to know what I have said to offend Andrew Tinsley! I have flown out of Lasham for many years and the aircraft servicing company that operates there have mainly been focussed on Boeing aircraft for very many years. In that time many 727's have flown in and out, some of which are privately owned by the likes of pop groups and high flying (literally) personages. A 'heavy' departed there on Wednesday and flew directly overhead, heading south, so Petersfield would be almost directly ahead. By the time I had gone out to see what was making the racket it was a tail-end view and appeared to be a 727, and with that amount of noise, not unusual for the type! Since I can only report what I believe to be true in that hope that I might have helped, in this case Nigel McBurney1, I am surprised to have this categorised as B/S by a member who had not been a respondent to the query that I was answering.

It would have been much more useful if Andrew Tinsley could explain what my error of observation had been and then we all could have shared in and learnt from his knowledge.

25/06/2021 21:02:42

I think that what you actually saw Nigel, was a 727 out of Lasham. A particularly noisy example left the airfield and headed south over Petersfield on Wednesday, staying significantly lower than normal. It was the only local large aircraft movement that day.

Thread: Another Stolen Loco
10/06/2021 19:08:35

Another sad story - keep a lookout.  This is a BBC news item  **LINK**

Edited By Swarf Maker on 10/06/2021 19:09:16

Thread: (bicycle) thread identification?
12/04/2021 00:15:52

Poor Mr Whitworth must be positively squirming in his grave.

Thread: Moving warco gh universal into workshop
21/03/2021 18:54:12

Remember that the chuck guard must be down and operating its safety switch. Gear/belt cover also needs to be in place?

Thread: How do I get the bearings out of this?
08/03/2021 17:30:01

It has to be simple. The disc with three holes is likely there to retain the bearing in the housing. Tap the far end of the shaft with a copper mallet and the shaft will likely exit, bringing the bearing and that ring with it. once out and clear of the housing the other bearing can be removed from the opposite end by judicious use of a drift through the housing. Do the first exploratory taps and see what starts to move to confirm.

Thread: A milling anomaly
24/02/2021 16:21:17

Hi Tug, Check that the small centre that the threaded end of the cutter locates into, is still in the chuck. Also have a look to see if the threaded length on the failed cutter is shorter than expected. Both faults will stop the locking action from taking effect.

Thread: Hermes in action - Lost parcel ?
28/01/2021 13:59:25

Need more information to support that photo - and as for Hermes in the title, one of those parcels is labelled YODEL - a competitor to Hermes!

Thread: What air compressor should I buy?
28/12/2020 19:30:02

There is some cross-over between the standards used by couplers. There are couplers made by PCL that will connect with Euro, ISO B12 and XF according to Air Technique Ltd. Have a look at

Thread: Our 10 Day workshop "respite"
30/11/2020 00:53:19

What a treat those picture are Joseph. Something to lift the spirits of those of us locked down on a dreary day. Thank you!

Thread: Arduino Pendulum Clock Design - Comments Welcome
30/10/2020 11:58:18

Another parameter for you to consider regarding unexpected perturbations - earth tremors?

Thread: EN8
07/08/2020 11:33:53

I find it worrying when people with little metallurgical or manufacturing knowledge choose to make safety critical items for their vehicles. In this case 'c wastell' has chosen to ask for much needed advice and for this he is to be applauded.

There is a slight problem in that we have no knowledge of the duty that this wheel spindle will be required to fulfil, and no knowledge of its design parameters.

We all should exercise our 'duty of care' when offering advice, particularly when we know so little about the actual requirement. So whilst EN16T, now better identified as 605M36, is likely to be the preferred specification if this is for a simple spindle supporting individual bearings, there may be other limitations that need to be considered first.

So please 'c wastell', let us know exactly what it is that advice is sought for. And furthermore, when that advice is given, please ensure that you have adequate assurance from the supplier that the material is truly what has been specified. You may well not find the material locally so don't limit yourself to whatever the nearest stockist may have.

Edited By Swarf Maker on 07/08/2020 11:34:58

Thread: Mystery Lathe fitting
20/07/2020 11:20:38

It is the bed anchor for the Colchester style taper turning attachment. I don't know if different models of Colchester lathes used a different part but it would appear to be identical to the ones that I have on my Master 2500 lathes.

Thread: ER32 frustration
29/06/2020 14:20:15

I think that the problem is with local gravity! I have occasional issues just like this with a Clarkson collet ring. I think that what happens is that just at the moment that the thread would engage, your hand lets the ring drop a fraction and thus miss the opportunity.

If it doesn't go first time with one hand I use two fingers (not like that!), one either side of the tool to hold the ring in constant contact with the tool holder body. The other hand does the turning. Usually works within the one turn then.

Thread: Gear Generator
25/06/2020 15:38:00

The F360 Spur gear Add-in allows selection of:- DP or MOD form, Pressure Angle 14.5, 20, 25 or custom, your selection of DP or MOD value, Number of teeth, backlash value, root fillet radius, gear thickness and hole diameter. It computes the pitch diameter for you.

25/06/2020 12:15:44

But do note that Rush Gears only provide representative tooth forms in their drawings unless you are prepared to enter into discussion with them.

Thread: Boxford motor help
24/06/2020 23:41:57

Ewan, you raised the point earlier tonight about wiring and switches. If you use a VFD with a new 3 phase motor then you will have to connect the VFD directly to the motor. You will not be able to use any switches/wiring in the same manner that was used in the original 3 phase configuration. A VFD is not a plug compatible substitute for a 'real' 3 phase supply.

Thread: Hermes Parcels
16/06/2020 15:52:17

I always now ask sellers to NOT use Hermes. For a period of time the individual with the final stage delivery contract for our rural area was someone from the traveller community. A battered estate car would roll up and while the driver dealt with handing over the parcel, 3 other individuals would get out and quickly scout around the outbuildings, look over fences, etc. Clear intent to come back another time to nick anything tasty. When challenged they all strangely were looking for somewhere to have a quick leak - yes, I really believed that! Neighbourhood watch did the police liaison bit and a more reliable delivery lady took over. She has been good for whenever Hermes was unavoidable.

For me, Yodel is another one to take serious effort to avoid. Unfortunately the Dutch postal system seems to favour them for carrying this side of the channel.

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