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Member postings for Robin King

Here is a list of all the postings Robin King has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: A Touch 'Pestoff'?
28/06/2023 07:45:40

I think we are at crossed purposes here, As far as I can recall at no point in this discussion have I suggested that adverts are 'Editorial Content'.

Time to go kite watching methinks! wink

27/06/2023 22:51:39

'Paying for the privilege' maybe wasn't as clear a statement as it might have been.

We have two different situations. First as a casual purchaser buying a magazine in a shop, for example, you can look through it pre-purchase and then decided whether or not to buy - if you see content that you don't like, you probably won't buy. By contrast as a subscriber you have already pre-bought and therefore are stuck with whatever the publisher presents to you - like it or not, any element of choice has been removed. I don't subscribe to a magazine with a view to only reading parts and having to ignore others, I feel short changed if that's the case.

I do take the view that if I buy a magazine that's dedicated to a particular topic/hobby then I have a reasonable expectation that the contents will be directly relevant to that topic/hobby, not irrelevant extraneous matter, as I was trying to point out originally.

As I've said before, I fully accept the need for relevant advertising, but equally there is a need for there to be satisfied readers/subscribers too, and perhaps those of us who have been supporting the magazines for many many decades are more sensitive to this as we can compare editions over much longer periods.

26/06/2023 15:42:52

Thank you all for your comments thus far, and as you know all weeks start with Moanday!

To be clear, I have no issue with relevant advertising at all - financially it necessarily has it's place; we've seen plenty of it over the decades where it has had direct use/applicability to what we do in our hobby. For me the line is crossed when it is neither relevant or directly useful to us as in the current case, and I object to paying for the 'privilege' under those circumstances.

Kite flying now - for those of you blessed with red kites, locally here in Wales we frequently see vertical stacks eight or ten, sometimes more, circling overhead, and often just over roof level - a wonderful site. Down at Rhayader at the feeding site they regularly feed 500 - 700 plus every afternoon and that is worth a visit if you get a chance.

26/06/2023 13:19:30

Now I confess I'm one of those who occasionally gets out of bed the wrong side some mornings - today might be one of them.

The post duly arrived - obviously some sort of wild life magazine/advertising judging by what I could see at a distance, so dutifully ignored until lunchtime.. Wait a minute - it's ME 4720 - bearing a full back cover ad for a rodent proof bird feeder - what the dickens has that to do with model engineering? Well it makes a change from the ad leaflets about funeral services that appear in the poly sleeve - why do they send them to me - late seventies - I'm too young and crabby for that yet!

My biggest objection to this detritus is that I pay a subscription for a magazine with model engineering content (as I have since 1959) - not content like this; if I want that sort of content I'll subscribe to an appropriate body like RSPB et al.

Am I alone in this view? Is this Morton's new policy in operation to deter relevance from the magazine? What do others think?

Overheated and disgruntled of mid Cambria.

Thread: Early locomotive with vertical boiler
01/04/2023 12:56:27

Interesting. That looks very similar to the Clishay design by Robert Maynard, although that was for 7 1/2" gauge IIRC.

17/11/2022 12:51:17

Interestingly MST list '24% inc VAT, inc buyers premium and internet surcharges' so a tad under £360 total if my arithmetic is correct. Still not a bad price for an S7, even with very limited tooling and missing a toolpost.

16/11/2022 21:36:40

Well the S7 finished at £290 so the laugh is on someone!

Thread: latest issue
31/07/2022 10:31:58

Very prompt response by Morton's - replacement issue received yesterday. Thanks!

27/07/2022 19:27:49

Thanks chaps. Very helpful to hear from others but it looks like Tricky and I have part of a duff batch.

A quick call to Mortons help line this p.m. and a very helpful lady (Andrea) is organising replacements pdq; I can't ask for better service than that.

27/07/2022 11:07:45

ME 4696 just arrived - well most of it. In mine pages 195 - 202 are missing and also the equivalent ones at the back 219 - 226.

Anyone else got this problem or was I just unlucky this time?

Thread: Rob Roy coupling rods
16/07/2022 11:04:30

I've just had a quick read of the construction book - page 28 in the paperback edition - last 2 paras cover it.

After checking/adjusting the initial drilled hole positions on leading and trailing holes in the rods Martin describes drilling out to letter N, reaming 5/16" and fitting bushes 'as drawings'. The drawing doesn't clearly show a bush on the leading end but the text does read as though they are intended to be bushed. The idea of running steel on steel makes me shudder!

Thread: How to open a .dwg drawing created on a 32bit version of AutoCad drawing in Windows 10
08/04/2022 09:21:58

I have exactly the same problem - in my case drawings created in AutoCAD LT on my old Windows Vista based pc. Using Trueview on my other Win 10 pc allows me to print off those old files easily.

Thread: Original Tich
22/03/2022 13:35:02

Diolch Julian

21/03/2022 20:07:12

Nick and FF -

Thank you both; more food for thought. It would be interesting to see some photos of Leslie's Tich one day.


21/03/2022 11:19:30


No worries - my memory is much the same, but your mention of LLAS triggered some sort of recollection so worth checking.


21/03/2022 09:50:53

FF - thanks and yes indeed, I understand the problem with the axle driven pump from my own Tich, and seeing mention of LC's being driven off the leading axle set me thinking about a re-design, and was what prompted my initial post.

Dave W - thanks - I wasn't aware of LC having moved to Oz; I'll have a read through my LLAS collection.


20/03/2022 20:22:39


Thanks - that was going to be my next try.


20/03/2022 18:19:35

When LBSC started his construction series on Tich in ME 24th February 1949 he referred in it to the prototype designed/built by Leslie Clarke, who was then living in South Africa. Does anyone know what happened to the original loco or have any details as to it's current whereabouts?

Thread: I need to screw cut a 19 TPI thread.?
27/02/2022 18:36:51


Evan Lewis, who frequently posts on the Boxford Lathe User group, is a very knowledgeable chap on screwcutting computations and has set up a website called '' which gives a calculator for gear trains to suit various setups, pitches etc. It might be worth having a look at that as you might find the answer there; alternatively Evan is a very helpful chap and can be contacted via the Boxford group

Thread: Myford ml10 spindle removal
12/01/2022 09:38:47


you might already have seen this but on is one on 'Stripping a ML10 (Speed 10) headstock with details that you might find helpful inc references to the two grubscrews etc.

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