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Member postings for Lambton

Here is a list of all the postings Lambton has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: 4, Independent, jaw chuck
14/07/2017 14:44:44



"4 Jaw Chuck Indicating Made Easy - YouTube"

It is by "Doubleboost" a man who knows exactly what he is talking about and he demonstrates a very simple and fast way of cantering work in a 4 jaw chuck.


Thread: A true 'beginners' lathework book?
10/07/2017 17:01:43

By far the best book for a beginner to turning is Using the Small Lathe by L.C.Mason.


Thread: Lots of Bearing Races to dispose of?
06/07/2017 16:50:02


Ketan is absolutely correct as bearings are size and type specific. Ones that do not conform to a potential byers specification have no value to him at any price.

Good luck +2


Thread: Myford Super 7 chuck alignment issues.
03/07/2017 07:29:58


I have sent you a PM please check the inbox near the top left.


Thread: Wanner oil gun
21/06/2017 07:06:41


"When Myford oil runs out, will look for cheaper good alternative"

There is nothing magical or special about Myford oil. It is simply 32 grade hydraulic oil which is widely available from many suppliers. My local commercial garden machinery dealer has a bulk tank and will supply small quantities at very reasonable price just bring your own one litre container.

Thread: Norton Quick Change Gear Box on Myford Super 7
14/06/2017 13:43:08


Please get yourself a manual; for the Super 7..It is absolutely essential reading for a new owner of a Super 7

PDFs of it are available on the net free .

Thread: Hobbymat /Prazi D-bed 'watchmakers' lathe - adjustment?
06/06/2017 16:09:50


May I suggest that you try using a smaller diameter piece of stock for taking your test cuts. I say this because it looks, from your photo, that the test piece is only being held by the outside half of the chuck jaws. It would be much better to have a bar the just passes right into the chuck and so would be gripped by the whole length of the jaws.

I my experience it is best to have the most rigid set-up possible if the highest possible precision is needed.

It might be worth putting your DTI at the outer top end of your existing test bar and just pushing the bar upwards gently with one finger simulating what happens when taking a light cut.. I think you will be very surprised how much the bar moves.


Thread: Split Infinitives
29/05/2017 11:46:05

I thought the silly season started in August!

Seriously the only important thing is for the words to communicate, to the reader, exactly what the writer intended in a clear and unambiguous way. The KISS principle should apply.

Thread: Myford ML7 mandrel diameters?
23/05/2017 19:08:15


Do you know about Plasigauge which a very simple product that allows bearing clearances to be accurately measured without the need for any measuring tools!

Link **LINK**

I used it a lot back in the day when I rebuilt all sorts of engines.


Thread: MJ Morse taper
18/05/2017 19:06:54


"There are lots of machine tapers, but four similar ones with the same rate of taper are Morse, Jacobs, Jarno, and Brown & Sharpe"

This is not the case - they all have similar rates of taper but certainly not identical ones. They are therefor not interchangeable.

Thread: Truing up chucks
06/05/2017 15:22:49

Hemmingway Kits sell a very simple kit for making any chuck adjustable rather in the manner of a Griptru.

The only downside is a small increase in overhang. I made one from such a kit for a 5C collect chuck and it worked perfectly. I anyone makes one though use 4 adjusting screws rather than the three on the drawing then it is much easier to get the chuck running true using a similar technique to centering work in a 4 jaw chuck.

Edited By Lambton on 06/05/2017 15:23:20

Edited By Lambton on 06/05/2017 15:23:58

Thread: The diesel controversy
03/05/2017 15:25:47

JA and Swarf,

Quite correct - slip of the mind I meant to say nitrogen reacts with oxygen to form NOx

03/05/2017 13:59:05


"You can't burn carbon "away" it will always be present

Carbon has the highest melting point of the elements, and when you melt carbon you are on the way to making a diamond"

Carbon burns by reacting with oxygen to form the gas CO2 and with nitrogen to form gaseous NOx. in an engine where combustion is always incomplete some carbon will remain as a fine particulate. This particulate and the NOx gases are the main problem with diesel engines. Yes the latest diesels are god but only by the use of additives and periodic burning off of the particulate filter. Both are a question of regular maintenance and will probably suffer as the engine gets older and more worn.

Diamond burns very easily leaving no residue as it has fully reacted with the oxygen to form CO2.

I suggest anyone who wants to know more about carbon and its properties to read Stuff Matters by Mark Miodownik.

Thread: TAPS, spiral or std
01/05/2017 08:52:35


If you are regularly breaking taps you are probably using a too small tapping drill. I recommend that you buy the book Drills, Taps and Dies by Tubal Cain. He explains all about selecting appropriate tapping drills and include comprehensive table at the back. An excellent book for the price of one good quality HSS tap!

Thread: 13DP Gears or Gear Cutter
27/04/2017 09:06:06


I have sent you a PM .The green inbox link at the top of the page should be flashing.

Thread: Cross slide adjusting collar myford super 7
07/04/2017 21:22:56


See page 29 of the handbook.

Thread: Musing About Oils
07/04/2017 12:54:50

Lidl sells 100%v rapeseed oil at £1.09 per litre labelled as vegetable oil.

Thread: Burnerd chuck with 5C shank
28/03/2017 08:59:19


Some time ago I wanted to extend the diameter of stock that could be held in a 5C collet. I had a spare 3" Burnerd lever scroll chuck so I made an adapter from an ARC blank 5C arbor as suggested by JasonbB.Tthis worked out very well so I wrote the project up and had it published in Engineering In Miniature Vol 35 No1 July 2013. There is probably just enough meat on the relevant ARC arbor to produce a Myford register and slightly shortened thread.


Thread: Mk2 S7 headstock front bearing oiler plug missing grub screw
25/03/2017 09:40:55


The “grub screw / oil plug” you refer is to retain the tension spring A3611/1 which cannot be removed from the top end inside the front bearing bush. It also stops headstock lubrication oil from escaping. I have a new one in front of me purchased some years ago from Nottingham Myford and it measures 0.407” diameter so the plug must obviously be big enough to clear this spring. Also it has a groove to accommodate the O ring H73 (BS 011) on the drawing so it is clearly not just a simple grub screw. I do not have one to hand that I can measure but In line with Myford practice the thread is likely to be BSF probably 7/16”. Have you tried Myford for a spare? They do not list one on their website but they may still be able to help.

The dimensions of a BS011 O ring are: Cross Section: 1.78mm Inside Diameter: 7.65mm Outside Diameter: 11.21mm. Obtainable from any good bearing stockist.

The 2BA grub screw referred to by Robbo is the small one parallel with the spindle and just below it that enables a sharp, thin probe to be inserted whilst holding down the lubricating wick whilst replacing the spindle after a belt or bearing change.

I hope this is of some help.


Thread: Classifieds with no photos
03/03/2017 10:54:26

A person placing an advert is perfectly free to do it in any way that is convenient to them.

It is, however, worth remembering the old adage “a picture is worth a thousand words”

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