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Member postings for NJH

Here is a list of all the postings NJH has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Aspiring Myford User
19/04/2019 11:37:07


Just look up Model Engineering Clubs Dorset in your browser then go and look at them and see if you like the atmosphere.

Good luck


Thread: Flying experience
19/01/2019 00:31:37

Yes Martin as a member of 150F (City of Oxford ) squadron I too attended a course (for a week I think) and,as you say, obtained my A and B gliding certificates. The T31 flew like a brick and instructions were give to make a circuit related to the reading on the altimeter and land anywhere on the field!

This experience, of course, whetted my appetite and, in time, I sought out my local gliding club ( near Oxford) and and was taught to fly properly in a K13. Once solo was achieved then progression was made to a K8 single seater and some soaring was achieved! Progress from there was to buy a share in a syndicate - three of us owned a Pilates B4 ( an all aluminium sailplane) between us . I progressed towards gaining a silver “C” by achieving the height gain and the cross country requirement - all that remained was a 5hr. flight. I must admit that this was a bit off-putting as I didn’ t relish sitting in my armchair for 5hr solid let alone being strapped into a small cockpit! That was all settled by a house move ( to Devon!) so my flying ended there - all gliding clubs are too distant.

Great memories though of happy days spent on the airfield.


Thread: Aircraft General Discussion
21/12/2018 18:35:18

Ho Bill

That's really sick!


Thread: Interests other than Model Engineering
05/12/2018 16:43:01


We live next door to the church and, whilst we don’t mind the bells for Sunday service and weekly practice, we certainly don’t appreciate the competitions! Most recently was a bout from 3pm to 8pm on a Saturday. I doubt most folk would appreciate the same tune played at maximum volume for 5 hours

It is a bit better since we renewed the double glazing but after a while the poor dog just sits and howls.

Other interest is photography. 



Edited By NJH on 05/12/2018 16:48:23

Thread: marking / layout blue
31/08/2018 16:10:04

In the olden days ( back when Adam was a lad! ) I went to a new (then) secondary "Technical School". We had engineering lessons in a properly equipped mechanical workshop ( 6 lathes, two shapers, milling machine, drills, oxy/acetylene etc. For marking out there was a tank of copper sulphate solution to coat the work piece first. It was effective ( as long as the metal was cleaned first) and a very fine line was possible with a sharp scriber. Within reason, it survived the construction process!

Having said that - now I use the "proper" marking out fluid or, as has been suggested, a broad tipped permanent marker pen - both work well for me though the marker is better for small bits.


Thread: What did you do Today 2018
24/08/2018 00:34:53


From experience I can assure you that you need to do nothing. In no time the empty floor space will simply disappear quite of its own accord.


Thread: How long to build?
20/08/2018 19:14:20

Well Stew

I’ve started my loco about 18 years ago ..... boiler completed and many parts machined .... however I don’t anticipate an early completion so this is a case of “ an absolute age” ! Life and “stuff” has got in the way and, in truth, running a loco is not a priority. I have made a few stationary engines and have a couple on the go now and this satisfies my workshop bug....... however a workshop is a VERY useful place to have. Once you have it almost all jobs become much easier. ( It is also a sanctuary to retire to where you will not be disturbed and you can ponder on life (or calm any frustrations you may have with life by wielding a large file and hacksaw until you feel better)!


PS Once you have your workshop it is best not to let too many folk know about it. There is always someone who will have a “ little job” they would like you to “help”them with...... it will likely be complicated, time consuming and inconvenient . (They will probably consider a beer as suitable payment)


Edited By NJH on 20/08/2018 19:22:46

Thread: British empire lathe
09/08/2018 23:54:15

Nick - you need to login to see the pictures.



Thread: Help with dewhurst wiring
04/08/2018 17:34:34

Hi Alan

Have a look in my photos for one called “Myford Reversing” - all should then be clear


Edited By NJH on 04/08/2018 17:35:21

Thread: Myford ML10 vs The Rest
27/07/2018 15:14:41

Well Jeff

I started with an ML4, moved on to an ML10 and thence onto a Super7B. All were capable machines and I had fun with them all. In terms of convenience the S7 wins hands down and it will last me out.

If I was starting out today I would look very carefully at some of the other contenders from Warco, ARC etc.

Good luck!


Thread: Beware the dreaded GOUT
15/07/2018 17:49:24

Well Guys

I too am a sufferer from the dreaded GOUT!! I've been in its company for years and can empathise with anyone who has experienced the monster ! I read somewhere a quote about (Johnson ?) saying .. " He was so bad with the gout that he could bear nobody even to look at him" ... and that is just it - it is appalling! It is made worse by others, who have not experienced it themselves, thinking that it is funny! ( After all nobody DIES of gout ... but sometimes sufferers wish they could )

The doctor can help a bit by prescribing Allopurinol ( two tabs of that a day for me) and by my wife overseeing a careful diet . Sadly booze is very much a No No and, as a moderate but enthusiastic beer drinker over the years, that comes a bit hard . I'd not had an attack for sometime and, on a nice day recently, I thought that a nice cool glass of beer would be just the thing .. and it was ( ...maybe two glasses ) Oh boy - that night !!!!!!!!!! - I remembered just why I don't drink anymore!

Off for a delicious glass of orange squash now I think!


13/07/2018 20:07:25


If. you have a look in my photos ( see left ) you will find a folder called MYFORD REVERSING. This will contain a schematic for the Dewhurst. Please remember though that the connection from the mains to the Dewhurst should be made via a NVR switch. This will ensure that , should you get a power cut , the motor wil not restart when power is restored and ,possibly , when you have your fingers in th works!


Thread: engaging back gear om Drummond M type lathe
12/07/2018 14:12:23

Hi James

If you have not yet done so look up - they have information about pretty nearly every lathe made. It may set you on the right course.


Thread: Political views within the forums
12/07/2018 14:01:20

My opinion, for what it is worth, is that this is NOT the place for politics. I don’t think that anyone’s political views have any relevance to the subject - what we all have in common is an interest in MODEL ENGINEERING!

If any political party likes to promise to introduce legislation especially favourable to model engineers then I may well change my alliegence..... however I’ve just glanced out of the window and seen a squadron of pigs fly past!


Thread: Source of quality cars
24/05/2018 18:21:04

Nicely done Ian - you must have a steady hand!

Many years ago, in my pre-ME days, I used to paint diecast model soldiers. A very precise and demanding hobby necessitating a steady hand and many tiny paint brushes! I still have a couple of models under glass domes which make me think “ however did I have the patience (and steady hand ) to do that.”


Thread: What's the best alternative to 'loctited'
23/05/2018 17:35:24



Thread: Thechnical issue regarding plaster.
22/03/2018 17:40:58

I had a flue liner ( flexible metal tube) fitted in my chimney then, via a closure plate, into the back of the woodburner. That seems to work well ....... but then we fitted an Air Source Heat Pump ( to replace the existing oil fired C/ H) and since then we’ve only had a couple of fires. Still have a shed full of logs though - out in the sticks here so power cuts can be more frequent ( not recently thankfully!) . Logs are thus a nice insurance policy! The only downside is that, with all the insulation etc. , the wood burner soon makes it VERY warm and we end up in hot summer clothing in the middle of winter! ( bit of a shock if more logs need fetching from the wood shed!)

So Dave I think the answer to your problem is to fit a flue liner.


Edited By NJH on 22/03/2018 17:45:52

Thread: Your Facebook information
22/03/2018 14:29:01

Well all this confirms my decision to leave the use of “Facebook” entirely to my grandchildren!



Thread: Myford ML7 metric threads.
03/03/2018 16:09:01

man handle 2.jpgman handle.jpg

Hi Myford Mann

Not too hard to make yourself...


Thread: Myford chuck 'oiling point'
25/01/2018 16:20:15


I fear these could be symptoms of D.I.D - I’ll leave it to you to look up. If this is not the case maybe there ARE two of you and both are contributing to ME discussion -either way maybe a case for a wage increase ?


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