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Member postings for Geoff Theasby

Here is a list of all the postings Geoff Theasby has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Tinplate model
22/08/2023 12:09:17

DiogenesII, definitely London, see Sarah Siddpns

21/08/2023 00:56:57


long time no postings! But I have other outlets...

I have acquired a crude tinplate model of the above locomotive, it appears to be hand painted, and the wheels are wooden discs, unflanged on stiff wire axles. Track gauge is about 16 mm and it measures 230 x 50 x 80 mm See my album, Geoff

Does c anyone know anything about it? Or name a source of further information?dscf4614.jpg

Thread: Just for fun
11/07/2020 09:41:22

6255456376? Twitter code?

Thread: Amazon Prime scam?
08/07/2020 02:24:39

I have a Prime account, and find it works extremely well. The calls mentioned are a complete scam, do not be fooled.

Thread: In a pickle?
30/06/2020 20:12:31

Perhaps M.E. should be printed on waterproof paper, the glossy material currently in use can not withstand hot tea! Naming no names, but I don't drink tea... I am however learning about what paper conservators do. (Quickly!)

I now have to wait at least until tomorrow to find out whether my Plinths will come.

Thread: component tester
08/06/2020 14:04:15

Duncan, look at:$20-lcr-esr-transistor-checker-project/msg659867/#msg659867

you need reply 939, by Tom 666 (in bold atop the relevant posting)

08/06/2020 07:02:12

Two possibles, change the battery, or do a 'hard reset'. This usually involves pressing a specified key and holding it down as you switch the device on, or poking a pin through a small hole somewhere, which does the same thing, ie restores the factory settings. You may have to look hard in Google to find the details.

Thread: Soldering Iron
04/06/2020 08:42:05

Antex for me! I have used an x25 and its successors for years, Not temperature controlled, but good soldering technique helps. The only trouble with the Henley Solon (HSOC, anyone?) is removing the bit. Yes, the split pin, but the copper bit is held in an aluminium carrier and they can be the very devil to separate.

Thread: Slitting saw applications: limited?
04/06/2020 08:31:28

I have found this problem too. The arbour is already low profile, the next step is a bigger blade. My maximum so far is 60mm cutting aluminium. The next is an angle vice or fixture. This is very accommodating and I have used it several times. Mill off the surplus to make it square.

Thread: Macro-photography
18/05/2020 18:17:43

I now found my Macro'ed photo, a notched screwdriver for scraping copper wires clean, using the macro facility on my Fuji X-20.

zz notch.jpg

18/05/2020 06:32:44

My Fuji X-20 does not have interchangeable lenses, but screw-on closeeup lenses re a reasonable alternative.

Thread: Serious Readers, serious prices
15/04/2020 03:21:47

I was discussing this very subject with Serious Readers about a month ago. They claim that High Definition LED lights, which they use, give very accurate colour rendering, with a CRI rating of 100. Ordinary LED score 75-85. This may well be so, but I use a white LED in my reading light, with which I am completely satisfied, for the princely sum of £3. They didn't like that. They claimed that the quality would be remembered after the price is forgotton. As they charge £400 for a desk light, and £600 for a floor-standing light, it would be a long, long time for me to forget those prices...

Thread: Overwhelmed!
07/04/2020 15:50:56

Jeremy, as a beginner myself, I did buy several items not yet used, but as a basic list, I would say a set of HSS lathe tools, likewise twist drills in at least 0.5 mm increments up to 10mm. a tailpiece chuck and a bench grinder. I find that in the few years since I began, knowing little, these are the items I have used the most.

Thread: Unintended...?
26/03/2020 10:01:13

My wife, Deborah, was amused to see this cover, in that the title, 'Model Engineer', is accompanied by an alert for an article within, called 'Boring Eccentrics'...

Thread: Could bigfoot be real?
22/03/2020 01:17:12


Yes it is real! Observe, door laid flat, bearing vestigial vice, but with amateur radio station built on it it.

Below left is a component cabinet, with another full of wall-warts to the right. In the kneehole, spare transmitting valves, reference books, cable reels and paint, No room for knees. (Sings - "F'r knees a jolly good fellow...." Radio shack

Edited By Geoff Theasby on 22/03/2020 01:18:09

Thread: Electrifying Women - Cherry Hill
04/03/2020 01:35:35

You rang???

I spoke to Cherry by phone only a couple of weeks ago, she sounds her usual bright and cheerful self.

Thread: Spring's a-coming
01/03/2020 04:06:14

Bad choice of picture, JA, snowdrops can flower before Christmas, any year.

Thread: Solon soldering iron
11/02/2020 10:41:07


I refer the honourable gentlemen to the Henley Solon Owners Club, started in the pages of Club News. There are a multitude (3) of enthusiasts/obsessives, membership is free, and you get nothing for it. (Unless, of course, you have spare parts to help the afflicted above)

Thread: Old Computers - why do people bother
07/02/2020 12:05:51

Bandersnatch' mention of obsolete computers reminded me of my time with a NCR 500 visible record computer in 1968. When it broke, we would go to their office on the Leeds ring road to deal with that day's transactions. Ideal in theory, but the temptation to manually correct the entries on the card rather than ask my staff to do it on the machine was impossible for some to resist. Also, the abrasive iron dust from our foundry next door didn't help.

I also remember a statuesque young programmer called Marion de Vries.

Thread: What a sad day for the British motorcycle industry.
31/01/2020 21:21:57

Edward Turner...

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