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Member postings for Rex Hanman

Here is a list of all the postings Rex Hanman has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Rob Roy Build/ Rally
11/08/2023 16:09:07

The short answer is it's a pain! With the pin pulled out I have to poke and prod it with the pin to get it to drop.

That's the easy bit, getting it back in is worse. I have found the easiest way to get it back in is to lay the engine on its side on a towel. Insert the firebars and then wiggle the ash pan back in until the pin can be inserted.

I can't see an easy way to improve things. You will probably need to cut lots of holes in the side and front of the ashpan to improve the air flow.

Thread: Safety gloves
14/07/2023 10:37:02

I have witnessed a gloved hand being caught in a lathe. NO! NO! NO!

I cringe whenever I see a glove in a workshop, other than welding gloves.

Thread: Rob Roy Rally
03/07/2023 15:18:27

This year's Rob Roy rally will be held on Saturday 16th September 2023 at Bromsgrove Society of Model Engineers.

A date for your diary! The event will be held at the Bromsgrove club, next to the Avoncroft Museum, Bromsgrove, B60 4JR.

I hope that we can have a good turn-out of Rob Roy engines, working or not. There is still time to do some fettling if needed!

Refreshments and a light lunch will be available.

If you know someone at your club with a Rob Roy please persuade them to come along too!

Please let Ian Horsfield know if you are able to attend.

07857 336425
01386 792628

Thread: Forum Platform Changes - PLEASE READ
30/06/2023 19:26:38

When is this change going to happen? Or did I miss it?

Thread: A Touch 'Pestoff'?
26/06/2023 15:10:32

Caught the missus reading my ME this morning. Imagine my astonishment! I thought, has it reached a wider audience?

Nah! She wants a flipping bird feeder now!

Thread: Is this a Warco / Metric thing...or am I just out of date?
18/04/2023 19:31:32

I have a Boxford and a Colchester. They differ. Keeps me on my toes!

Thread: Another nice Dasqua product
27/11/2022 20:30:42
Posted by Taf_Pembs on 27/11/2022 20:05:17:

I've just ordered a Dasqua 0 - 100mm depth mic based on the quality vs price of their surface plate I've got.

Will let you know how it is when it arrives - from RDG.

Some reasonable stuff on ebay but most missing something or rusty rods.

I bought one at the Midlands exhibition. It seems very nice, I'm pleased with it.

Thread: My Little Donkey
02/11/2022 18:51:03

That's nice!

Thread: Use of Techcote matt black aerosol paint as a smokebox finish
21/08/2022 16:31:25

I used similar on my Rob Roy decades ago. Worked well and is still on there. I don't recall what brand it was though.

Thread: Morton's super service
09/08/2022 18:49:46

Well, too good, or should I say two good? Got a swift reply to my request and the envelope arrived on Tuesday. Delivery note said 4695 as required but enclosed issue was 4696, leaving me with two copies of 4696 and still no 4695.

Contacted them again, got a swift apology, and 4695 turned up a few days later.

Well done and thank you Mortons!

Thread: Problem with locking chuck on lathe
09/08/2022 13:14:07

You probably already know this but if not it's from the Bantam manual.

cam lock.jpg

Thread: How to machine a flat and a slot on each end of small bar that are in line with eachother
09/08/2022 12:53:18
Posted by Bikepete on 09/08/2022 12:44:22:

Use a scrap end of rectangular bar stock to hold it by the 3mm diameter section (split and clamp screw). Then you can do slotting & milling operations on both ends in one operation, assuming you have enough travel, or easy enough to re-position if not. And you can just flip it over to do the other side.

Had the same idea but the 3mm part won't pass through a 3 mm hole, though something like a big end cap or bearing cap would hold it.

09/08/2022 12:40:52

Make a small V block to hold it and mount the v block in the vice or clamp it to an angle plate. Mill one end then invert it for the other.



Edited By Rex Hanman on 09/08/2022 12:42:06

Edited By Rex Hanman on 09/08/2022 12:48:15

Thread: Morton's super service
31/07/2022 17:27:37

I too didn't get 4695. E-mailed them Thursday or Friday last week. I will let you know if I get equally good service.

Thread: latest issue
27/07/2022 22:51:11

Robin, you are lucky to have something. My 4695 hasn't appeared yet. sad


edit: My copy of 4696 has arrived....all intact!

Edited By Rex Hanman on 27/07/2022 23:21:12

Thread: Is there a club in the southwest that’s not a Labour camp
27/07/2022 22:46:05

Andover and District MES only have one public event a year. You can run whenever you like, except for a few dates in the pheasant shooting period. There's always work to be done, but no one is pressurised to do it, it's purely voluntary.

Some members pay their subs, get a boiler test and run their engine, nothing more. Others commit many hours to keep the club running.

I believe you get out what you put in, not every one feels that way.

We make every effort to be a model engineering society, not a railway club, but the membership is biased towards trains.

Check out our brand new website at, which at present reflects that bias. More content will be added soon, it's only a day old!

New members are always welcome.

Thread: Rob Roy Rally
25/07/2022 11:45:48

Latest info.......

2022 poster.jpg

Thread: Rob Roy coupling rods
16/07/2022 19:36:32

It rather depends how you read the text on the drawing. To me it means 2 coupling rods, one off left hand and one off right hand, both with bronze bushes. I don't read it as meaning only 2 bushes. It would be less confusing if the term "2 OFF" didn't appear twice. Put the bushes in, we all know it makes sense!

15/07/2022 21:27:02

I would have to check but I'm pretty sure that I bushed it! Crazy not to!

Out of interest I will have a look, but I'm away tomorrow. On Sunday it is entered into our club efficiency competition, I will try to look then.

Thread: A bit of bother drilling
15/07/2022 10:35:51
Posted by Chris Murphy on 15/07/2022 10:13:20:

how do you adjust the tailstock to keep it from moving.


There's usually a plate that sits under the bed, with a threaded bar or bolt passing through it from the tailstock above. Locking the leaver (or tightening the bolt on some lathes) raises the plate to lock the tailstock in position.

There's usually a nut to tighten to adjust the locking force, It doesn't take much of a turn to set it correctly. You may have to slide the the tailstock off the bed (or at least partially) to get to the nut.

All lathes differ but the principle is basically the same.

Good luck!

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