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Member postings for Tom Sheppard

Here is a list of all the postings Tom Sheppard has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Privacy Glass in cars
13/12/2022 17:22:11

You've all missed the point completely.

Privacy glass is fitted so that the little darlings don't have to suffer the traumatic social stigma of being seen by their peers, travelling in a Ford Fiesta. That is why it is a standard fit on the type.

08/12/2022 18:07:29

They don't obscure anything from the inside. The glass is one way. They keep the internal temperature down and improve security. I was sceptical but having had a car supplied with it, I would have no problem with it. If other road users have to hang back a little more, that is a bonus.

Thread: Screwdrivers
07/12/2022 18:33:52

Cousins Material House set of 9 AF screwdrivers. Replaceable blades, MUCH cheaper than Bergeon. I have had mine for sixteen years and have mended everything from Timexes to Rolexes and good watches as well.

Thread: How long should I keep my recently vapour blasted steel engine components before getting a primer coat down
05/12/2022 21:19:39

As soon as it has been cleaned, steel begins to corrode. Any humidity provides all it needs to rust. If you havent stored it in VCI paper or sealed bags with dessicant pouches then paint it now.

Thread: Yet another mini lathe question
04/12/2022 13:57:52

I bought an Amadeal Brushless lathe about eighteen months ago. It arrived well calibrated and has been completely reliable. I would nave no qualms about buying from them again.

Thread: Something for 9yr old to make
03/12/2022 18:10:35

Chuck glider.

Thread: This made me smile
30/11/2022 17:10:58

Aviation has a few as well.

Fault report: Port engine missing. Engineer's report: Port engine located on port wing.

Pilot: Autopilot in altitude-hold mode produces a 200 feet per minute descent.
Engineer: Cannot reproduce the problem on the ground.

There are many others...

Thread: Toys for Christmas
27/11/2022 17:18:10

If there were a good drill sharpener... Madam has decided to spend as much on a new coat I don't need as would buy a Tormek that I do!

Thread: Chuck and taper nomenclature
26/11/2022 18:27:50

It is not too difficult to strip the chuck down and you may be able to stone the damage out if it is not too badly damaged. Tightness of fist (or thrift, to give it its proper name) is a key qualification for model engineering.

Thread: A two die chuck
25/11/2022 16:42:54

That'll be the Bantam size.

Thread: the effect of Electrolytic de-rusting on Soldered joints
25/11/2022 15:07:00

The way it is commonly done (and it is very commonly done,) is to put a piece of rebar through the filler cap hole. A handful of gravel is a common addition but I wouldn't with a soldered tank.

24/11/2022 18:35:27

Lead, which will be the main constituent of the solder willl be pretty unreactive. Electrolytic cleaning will be fine.

Thread: Dryness
24/11/2022 18:33:52

Point of order. The English Tubal-Cain is just as much an upstart. As the great-great-great-great-great grandson of Adam and Eve, the real one was an Israelite!

Thread: Words and phrases
20/11/2022 12:51:55

The one that has gone out of use most recently seems to be "Railway Station". Train station seems an ugly phrase.

Thread: Just an amazing fact to do with mathematics
24/09/2022 19:47:24

Assuming about 7thou sheet thickness, somewhere near the distance from Earth to Venus.

Edited By Tom Sheppard on 24/09/2022 19:47:53

Thread: I have a computer, I need a simple oscilloscope
24/09/2022 19:23:03

You'll probably get a working scope off FB marketplace for under £20. It will do all you want and more.

Thread: Newbie needs Advice
03/05/2021 20:50:35

One of the nice things about UGS is the visualiser which shows what you actually asked the tool to do rather than what you thought it was going to do. Use that and a standard text file to refine your design and you will learn a lot as you go along.

Thread: Magnetic swarf
03/05/2021 20:35:04

Yes, it is hung from a rope so it aligns magnetically.

Thread: Oofle Dust
03/05/2021 14:43:16

Youngsters cannot spell. It is and always has been "OOFLE!"

Thread: What Engine is this?
18/04/2021 14:32:12

Drop it in a drum of diesel and come back in three months' time. It will come apart nicely and probably go back together and run.

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