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Member postings for Mike Hurley

Here is a list of all the postings Mike Hurley has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Knurling tool
24/03/2023 11:55:42

Not necessarily the tool I'm afraid, more likely your technique. It is difficult to get right ( how do I know that) but lots of practice and the correct application will get you there. Plenty of discussions on here about good methods if you do a search.

Regards Mike

Thread: rocket plans
23/03/2023 11:05:40
Posted by Dalboy on 23/03/2023 10:00:20:
Posted by Mike Hurley on 23/03/2023 09:17:33:

The odd thing was they said it was a 'Hornby' model - I never knew they made live steam models?

regards Mike

Yes they did. This was one of the very early ones they made.

Yes, thats the very same type I saw on the program (it was Yellow also). Thanks.

Wouldlike to see a 'runner' though

regards Mike

Edited By Mike Hurley on 23/03/2023 11:06:28

23/03/2023 09:17:33

Coincidently, was watching 'Dickinsons real deal' on TV yesterday and a lady bought in quite a reasonably sized model of Rocket complete with tender. It was apparently a live steam version although it had a bits missing, didn't look as if it would be too bad after a bit of TLC.

The odd thing was they said it was a 'Hornby' model - I never knew they made live steam models?

It only sold for about £40 I think. You might find it of interest if you could see it on whatever TV catchup service you might have if any.

regards Mike

Thread: Spam emails
17/03/2023 10:23:03

Interesting Simon, but to be honest I can't remember the last time I had one - my Gmail spam filter just seems to work! Anything that did sneak through would tend to stand out like a sore thumb!

Now, about the £1Million prize you have won, just let me have you account number and PIN so I can credit you wink

Thread: Workshop Mistakes (True Confessions)
15/03/2023 10:51:47
Posted by Samsaranda on 11/03/2023 10:12:40:

Dave, when grinding cast iron the orange dust has a propensity to bond with the glass of double glazing if it’s is still hot when it hits the glass, don’t ask how I know, I am still married, only just after peppering the windows of the conservatory. Dave W

Been there, done that, tried to blame atmospheric pollution - that didn't wash! Put self in dog-house.

Thread: hello
14/03/2023 09:35:31

Welcome to the forum Thomas, plenty of friendly useful info on here.

Unfortunately your comment ' I am interested in purchasing a lathe' is one that appears here regularly and there is no simple answer as it depends on a hundred and one factors - such as £ available, space available, your skills, size and type of 'parts' you which to repair etc etc.

Suggest you go to the home page and half way down there is a search box - put in 'basic lathe type' or 'beginner lathe suggestions' etc or something similar, and you will find masses of info and previous answers to questions similar to this.

All the best, Mike

Thread: Strange Set of Craft Tools?
12/03/2023 11:08:36

I might have thought more needlecraft / sewing / lacemaking. Stuffing soft toys?

I've seen the 'bear ladies' on Repair shop use long wires to stuff wadding etc. 'Rolling pin' to flatten felt etc.

A very random guess though to be honest.

Thread: Nut and Bolt supplier UK.
12/03/2023 09:11:13

No Guarantee but try West Bromwich Fasteners in the midlands - huge range and sell small quants via their trade counter. Have had loads of oddments from them in the past. Worth an enquiry if you're stuck.

All the best

(No connection)

Thread: Canterbury Lamb
07/03/2023 09:38:46

You seem to have made a cracking job of that. Pat on the back time - keep up the good work

regards Mike

Thread: Lurker finally signed up!
07/03/2023 09:36:28

Welcome Phil. You'll certainly find answers to any and all questions here as the chaps are really helpful with years of experience and expertise. You'll also get some smiles and useful information about non-technical matters, usually good tempered! - a pleasant way to spend a little time on a frosty morning when you need to put off going into a cold workshop.

Not into M/Cs myself but there are many on the forum who are and have seen numerous interesting discussions. I'm retired which has both advantages & disadvantages, but being able to immerse yourself in a hobby such as this will make it a more pleasant experience and definately stop the brain from atrophying.

All the best. Mike

Thread: Dial indicator repair
05/03/2023 12:17:10

Does the front bezel screw onto the main body? Note the small semi cicular cutout in it that may be there for use by some kind of pin spanner across it? It doesn't look as if that is there as a zero-setting adjustment for the scale as it wouldn't seem very easy to use in normal operation.

Edited By Mike Hurley on 05/03/2023 12:20:00

Thread: Re-creating Brunel chains
05/03/2023 12:13:23

I think that the idea was so that when the chain was not in tension, the links remained in a better 'linear' sequence rahter than sagging too much. The purpose being that whe tension was applied, there was considerably less 'snap' which could otherwise result in sudden failure.

It would also tend to resist the 'figure of 8' necking of links under extreme strain


05/03/2023 11:46:16
Posted by Hopper on 05/03/2023 10:29:40:
Posted by Mike Hurley on 05/03/2023 10:05:37:

... If big, the the photoshop printed backgrounds are a non starter, ...\

Why? It is how they do giant billboards, the sides of buses, tradesmen's vans and all sorts of things these days. They will even do your whole car in the colour and graphics of your choice and mould it to the shape of the body work and stick it on, indistinguishable from a new paintjob but a lot cheaper.

Yes, but as I said, ' its for a temporary village project & the budget is low', so I wouldn't have thought the expense would be justified

p.s. Acrylic spray paint works fine on balloons.

Edited By Mike Hurley on 05/03/2023 11:48:13

05/03/2023 10:05:37

Its not too clear to me how large the finished item is to be? life sized, 12 ins tall ? If big, the the photoshop printed backgrounds are a non starter, also papier mache and plster would reuire a lot of material and time / effort whereas as its for a temporary village project & the budget is low you can't expect miracles - to my way of thinking the balloon suggestions seem to be promising, quick, cheap and with a bit of care should look ok.

Can you clarify final size?

Thread: Lithium vs PTFE grease
02/03/2023 09:43:39

Agree with everyone else - don't use grease! For normal purposes (i.e. non-industrial) any reasonable light / medium oil will do, I bought a can (aerosol) of slideway oil years ago for a few £ and it still feels as heavy now as when I bought it - so a little goes a long way. But generally, I wouldn't get too uptight about it.

Thread: Amazing crankshaft repair
21/02/2023 09:45:03

Yes, needs must. I'm still in awe of the work by these chaps. However, in reality, I must assume that a 'reconditioned' item like this will have a limited life afterwards. In no way can a guy (no matter how experienced) with some old calipers get the dimensions correct to the nearest thou / micron or whatever the original design space of the affected part was, which will result in an inefficent engine proboably using excess oil and poor MPG. Is a weld ever going to be 100% as strong as original solid material no matter how well done?

MTBF? probably low

Yes, I know the many stories of .the 'old guy' in 'our factory' who could do this, that and the other by eye at 100 paces while standing on one leg etc etc but most are folklore. Experience is very important, and i'm not decrying the 'old guy' in any way as they often have years of sound practical knowledge that is important to be passed on to the younsters.

I still think these crankshaft guys are pretty cool though!

Thread: Cant seem to get a nice finish
20/02/2023 09:45:37

+1 for that video. Clear & concise - must have a look at some of his others when time permits


Thread: Amazing crankshaft repair
19/02/2023 10:21:05

Fascinating and a bit humbling, how these guys do such a job with limited resources, just a boat load of skill and experience.

Thread: Microsft 'Edge'
19/02/2023 10:07:33
Posted by Peter Greene 🇨🇦 on 18/02/2023 23:03:55:
Posted by Clive Hartland on 18/02/2023 21:51:36:

I sit possible to get rid of Edge?

See here.

Bet you Microsoft quietly reinstall it at the next major upgrade though!

Thread: Modern DROs and their scale interfaces
16/02/2023 09:21:38

That looks remarkably similar to the Warco unit I bought & fitted a couple of years back, Might be worth checking out

Regards Mike.

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