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Member postings for Former Member

Here is a list of all the postings Former Member has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Anyone bought a new Myford
26/11/2018 20:14:55

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Thread: 1233 copies over 74 volumes (1944-2000)
25/11/2018 10:01:42

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Thread: Wooden display base
22/11/2018 11:16:09

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22/11/2018 10:52:12

[This posting has been removed]

21/11/2018 08:24:22

[This posting has been removed]

20/11/2018 18:23:13

[This posting has been removed]

20/11/2018 16:58:24

[This posting has been removed]

Thread: Choosing...
19/11/2018 18:22:22

[This posting has been removed]

Thread: Myford Paint
18/11/2018 21:46:27

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Thread: The new talking Mercedes
15/11/2018 15:00:38

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15/11/2018 08:06:16

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Thread: Nickel plating
14/11/2018 08:34:41

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13/11/2018 21:44:00

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Thread: Do you clean up your rough end
12/11/2018 16:49:09

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Thread: Can you identify these castings?
08/11/2018 20:36:20

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Thread: The penny has finally dropped
08/11/2018 11:17:35

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Thread: Stuart No. 1 Build Progress
07/11/2018 11:47:19

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Thread: The penny has finally dropped
06/11/2018 18:51:21

[This posting has been removed]

Thread: Trying to contact a member
06/11/2018 11:03:46

[This posting has been removed]

Thread: Forum message system
04/11/2018 14:00:51

[This posting has been removed]

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