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Member postings for vintage engineer

Here is a list of all the postings vintage engineer has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: High tensile steel
21/11/2018 23:14:13

It machines fine with tip tools but I'm not sure if it is suitable for exhaust valves.

Thread: Cutting a large round hole
21/11/2018 21:17:02

You need a longer tool.

Posted by petro1head on 21/11/2018 18:49:42:

I have Jason but it not big enough

Cheers Neil

Thread: Drill Chuck Falling Off
21/11/2018 21:14:40

Try lapping them in.

Thread: Remove play in internal square thread
20/11/2018 09:27:04

You could white metal the nut, this will remove the back lash and will last long enough to make a new nut.

Thread: It's a thread Jim, but...
19/11/2018 09:50:45

Use Rocol cutting oil and this helps a lot.

Thread: The new talking Mercedes
17/11/2018 10:04:55

I had a Honda CRV that had done 250k and failed it's MOT on emissions but was still totally reliable and rust free.

15/11/2018 13:33:09

Mercedes are absolute junk! Fortunately for me I profit from their poor quality. Heater plugs regularly cease and then snap off! Timing chain sprockets are made from cheap sintered crap and fall apart at about 50k stuffing the engine!

Making steel sprockets and removing heater plugs should pay for my holidays for the foreseeable future!

Thread: Lead Bearing Solder is Banned
14/11/2018 09:55:18

I make my own using old tankards and lead pipes.

Thread: press fit sizes
12/11/2018 18:37:16

As a rough guide you need the hole .001" per inch undersize. So you need to make the holes .0005" under the size of the silver steel. So measure the silver steel first then set your reamer to cut as above. I would make a test hole first.

Thread: Fireworks Ban
06/11/2018 22:40:28

Try here. **LINK**

Thread: An alternative to parting-off
04/11/2018 19:44:44

You make one! I own several lathes and one of them is a Galileo 330 x 2000 with hydraulic drive.

Posted by ega on 04/11/2018 11:33:27:
Posted by vintage engineer on 04/11/2018 09:41:17:

Never understood why people have problems with parting off. Now we have insert parting tools it's a doddle, as they are made for power feed parting off. I usually set the lathe speed to about 500rpm to 800rpm and a medium speed feed and let it go.

I have happily parted off 10" round bar with no problems.

Where does one obtain a parting off tool with a 5" projection? And what lathe runs it?

Not everybody has power cross feed. CNC apart, how does conventional parting off account for the progressive reduction in surface speed of the cut?

04/11/2018 09:41:17

Never understood why people have problems with parting off. Now we have insert parting tools it's a doddle, as they are made for power feed parting off. I usually set the lathe speed to about 500rpm to 800rpm and a medium speed feed and let it go.

I have happily parted off 10" round bar with no problems.

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