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Member postings for Norfolk Boy

Here is a list of all the postings Norfolk Boy has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Workshop floor advice please
13/05/2023 22:42:30

For that thickness and if you want underfloor pipework, you need a pumped anhydrite screed which will self level pretty much and is hard, harder than you woud think. I think you are at minimum thickness at 40mm

Thread: Sourcing domestic momentary switch
19/03/2023 18:55:04

As Jason says or the screwfix 2 way one may be what you need if opening and closing commands required. From a review of it on screwfix

"I like these. They're nice looking switches and grid plates and one of the few ranges with a retractive switch available.

For those who've not tried it, retractive 2-way switches are ideal with automation systems. A standard switch can be "the wrong way up" if the system turns off the light rather than the switch, which confuses people. Connect L1 to L2 on a retractive, set the control module to handle retractive and pressing either end of the switch simply toggles the light.

Perfect. Wish Screwfix stocked more of the varilight grid range; I've had to go elsewhere to buy other colours for a couple of rooms."

You can probably use one two way switch where they have used 2 single way. Or get 2 two way and you'll cover all bases

Edited By Norfolk Boy on 19/03/2023 18:56:52

Thread: Workshop Mistakes (True Confessions)
17/03/2023 20:49:27

" Off topic but anyone reminded of an episode of a detective series in which the murder weapon, an aluminium crutch, was turned to swarf on the Myford the weird murderer had in his living room. The scriptwriter obviously had something against model engineers. "

I actually remeber seeing this and I might be mistaken but I think it was a documentary and the crutch was his maothers aid and he disposed of her shall we say without trace in the bath. Apologies for prolonging the off topic semi engineering at least misusing a lathe for nefarious purposes.

Thread: Squeezing copper tube?
31/01/2023 18:13:22

Just a couple of thoughts. I have never seen a system with a "restrictor" you want maximum flow to the hot water loop until hot water temp is satisfied and then the Y valve will shut off flow and concentrate on the heating circuit if demand still there. I built mine as S plan with mechanical bypass for overun. 2 port valves.

However I had a fault with a relations Y plan after a plumber had wired the Y valve the wrong way round (after replacing hot water cylinder) so was driven by opposite demands of controls. Had me foxed for a while. There is nothing to say that yours hasn't been wrong for a long time.

Thread: Photograph Resizer
02/11/2022 18:19:08

Image resizer for windows, it's small and neat and works on a right click drop out menu very quick and simple and does bulk also

Thread: Solvent for epoxy adhesive
18/09/2022 20:53:30

In Model Radio controlled aircraft I have used Methanol successfully for thinning epoxy and cleaning up.

Thread: Lifting milling vice off mill table
30/06/2022 16:44:11

If I understand the question properly put a length of bar in the vice sticking out to the side, and a piece of wood on the table and use a piece of wood as a lever to crack the seal. If its that much of an issue shim stock under key mount positions will decrease the "suction" area allowing the air in .


Thread: Info' that might be of use to Warco Lathe owners.
20/06/2022 20:48:15
Posted by ChrisB on 20/06/2022 19:31:38:

Have you ever had a look at the mating vee groove in the carriage? If I had to cut it with a hacksaw I would have probably done a better job!

I had to smile when I read that, the vee ways on my Warco simple surface grinder are the same, look like they have been carefully scraped by an angle grinder with a masonary disc. You kind of get what you pay for I think, it's whether the sum of the frustrations defeats you in the end.

Thread: forward reverse switch
08/05/2022 21:02:14

I'll give it a go. 4 pole switch,

Position zero nothing connected

Position 1:- 1 - 2, 5-6, 9-10, 13-14 are connected, 3-4, 7-8, 11-12, 15-16 are not connected

position 2 :- 3-4, 7-8, 11-12, 15-16 are connected, 1 - 2, 5-6, 9-10, 13-14 are not connected.

Alan, Pipped at the post

Edited By Norfolk Boy on 08/05/2022 21:02:57

Thread: Swedish Iron
20/04/2022 20:59:48

Thankyou for your replies gentlemen very helpful.


19/04/2022 21:12:11

I have come across some lumps of 3" diameter swedish iron. I realise from google that it is fairly pure and has great magnetic properties if heated to a level I could not attain, and is used as sacrificial anodes and armatures etc. I was wondering if anyone has turned any and what it's usability in model engineering might be. Does it compare with any other metals for example. Is it too soft to be of value.

Thanks Alan

Thread: Help identify collet type
09/04/2022 18:22:21

Thank you, I did lots of searching and didn't come across them, needed that "posilock" and " Osborn Titanic milling chuck " guidance.

Fairly sure I haven't got a holder of that type so must have acquired them at some point as you do. Will go in the spares box in case...

Regards Alan



Edited By Norfolk Boy on 09/04/2022 18:24:21

09/04/2022 16:28:38

Hi, I am having a sort out and seem to have these collets without a home. They don't appear to be Clarkson. I wonder if anyone recognises the type. They are imperial total length 1 3/4 inches.

Thanks Alan




Thread: Pressurised vs loft tank CH systems?
20/03/2022 19:27:54

There is always a little confusion over what is pressurised in a heating system. I don't disagree with any of the above comments. Just thought I would add my personal comments about my system and why I choose it to be as it is. House built in 1989 with standard regular boiler and two headers one for primary heating loop and one for immersion hot water feed.

When I upgraded I choose to fit a seperate pressurised hot water cylinder. Advantages no pumps for shower and mains cold water pressure delivered hot water. In the event of boiler failure I can turn on the immersion heater and still have hot water. disadvantage the pressure vessel will fail at some point between 1-3 years and that is a routine change out. (look at the number of pressure vessels screwfix sell to see this is a good turn around. I am prepared for this minor disadvantage as all other benefits outweigh it.

The boiler is a regular boiler it's sole job is to heat water with no added complication within. Separate standard pump to circulate, standard zone valves to divert water to where required. I split upstairs and downstairs and added workshop loop and underfloor heating. All these things are within my control and need no specialist intervention. I kept the open vent header feed for the boiler and not pressurised because I don't want to find micro leaks that may be no issue currently (although confident there are none) don't want the hassle of topping up when pressure lost. don't want the hassle of an internal special pressure vessel within a "system boiler" needing specialist replacement. Possible negative header tank washer every ten years but system will still work with overflow fault indication, simple. I don't regard freezing of tank or leaks in loft as a probability (although always a risk) and are covered with overflow tray to outside.

Combi boiler I would never consider as have had experience of them and a failure of any aspect means both heating and hot water are likely to be lost, and there are more specialist parts blenders, sensors etc. I found there is always an inconsistency in the hot water delivery and can be affected by draw off elsewhere in the property.

That said combis do have advantages they are quick to fit and make the installer more money, regular boiler and cylinder will cost more to fit. If space is an issue then clearly it can have it's advantages. It's the individuals choice but understanding fully why the choice is made is key to a happy outcome which will always be a compromise of circumstances.


Thread: Harrison 250
12/01/2022 18:11:42

Hi Spurry, I have an M250 and they are quite low, so can see 2 benefits with that set up, gaining height and flexibilty. I will definitely use that idea. Where did you source the stout looking wheels? I am sure some may think it would affect ultimate accuracy but I would be more than happy with the trade off.


Thread: Anyone Else an ELSA Guinea-pig?
09/12/2021 22:11:39

Norfolk Boy, Oven Man -

With respect you are missing the point. Microsoft designed 'Word' and 'Excel' and their .doc and .xls files and made them transmissable; and Microsoft has a near monopoly. It was always possible to exchange readable and indeed edit files (unless locked by the author) provided both parties have the same MS Office programmes, even if slightly different editions.

With equal respect to you, I feel I haven't missed the point at all, I am very aware of what you are saying and was simply trying to be helpful. As a user of MS office in the current versions I could go on to challenge each of your points including the one above but it would just appear argumentative and there is enough of that around already and I have no desire to be another keyboard warrior so hopefully you wil find a way around your problems without raising your stress levels too much. I hope you find a solution that works for you.


08/12/2021 18:03:27

I realise and accept your position and yes it's frustrating. MS Office has moved on to use the DOCX and XLSX file types as the more common version these days but the user could save them in .doc or .xls to send out, or as you say pdf as a commonly readable version.

There are simple routes you could try as the path of least resistance, like downloading OpenOffice for free which will read these types of file or upload the file to an online converter like docx converter depending of course on how you feel about security of your data.


Thread: Upvc front door
11/07/2021 21:19:33

They do no need lubricating, Bricky, but much of the mechanism is inaccessible in most doors and windows .

I'm not sure that's strictly the case. I have removed various mechanisms locks hinges etc and there are many websites, Screwfix included, but not exclusively, that supply either the direct parts or suitable common parts based on various dimensions of the plastic profiles. I have just replaced some window locks on daughters new house. Previously on my house and my Mothers house and I am no expert, trust me. Still managed to solve the issues.

Oh yes and when moved in to the current house stripped all locks out and mechs gave a good lube up and no issues since 10 years on, they were well gummed and stiff when we moved in.


Thread: Surface finish when turning.
29/06/2021 21:04:31

Quote:-Finally, I am never convinced that single phase drive is conducive to getting a good finish in certain circumstances. Usually this occurs (a bad finish) when a combination of factors amplify and create aliasing of the torsional vibration inherent in an AC singe phase drive.

I don't wish to cloud the problem with my lack of experience, however I will say that I have a Harrison M250 factory single phase resilient mounted originally, and I converted it to 3 phase vfd hard mount (as per factory spec) and the difference in cut finish was certainly extremely noticable (in the positive). I would not go back to single phase. As said there may be other issues causing ths, but felt it worth reinforcing the above quote from Oily Rag. There are so many variables in this pursuit.


Thread: Finding a penknife
28/04/2021 17:58:26

Smith Wesson £8.95 agree about one handed opening without fuss, I also use a knife every day at work for rope nylon straps, opening boxes, needs to be quick to use and fuss free.

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