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Member postings for thaiguzzi

Here is a list of all the postings thaiguzzi has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Source for wiper felt
24/05/2020 14:58:25

This is who i buy my felts for my Boxford from. Current price is $19.05 for a set of 8, ie a spare set inc.

The SB 9 is identical to the Boxford for apron details.

the guy (Stevewb) is an excellent seller and well known in the US. His Southbend Resto book is very useful.

Thread: [Project 3] Dickson T1 Tool Holder
22/05/2020 11:15:15

After making the first one successfully, will you be making them in a gang of 3,4,5?

Much quicker, then saw off to length/width.

Looks like a good start so far.

Thread: Milling a 45 degree 'v' slot
21/05/2020 15:24:14
Posted by Lee Jones 6 on 21/05/2020 11:00:12:

That's my plan, although I'm limited to 4 at a time with my set-up.

It's okay, I was only jesting.

My plan is to make say 4 or 8 of my own and buy some from knock-offs when they come back in stock.

Yours look amazing by the way. Are they T1s or T2s?

Edited By Lee Jones 6 on 21/05/2020 11:00:48

Thank you.

Er, T1 ish (?).

73mm long rings a bell, 35mm high, stock a 16mm tool slot/capacity.

Originally sold for Boxfords/Bantams etc.

21/05/2020 10:57:59
Posted by Lee Jones 6 on 21/05/2020 10:50:32:

Show off. laugh

Don't suppose you want to make me some, do you? smile p

Edited By Lee Jones 6 on 21/05/2020 10:51:14

That was a block of steel to make 5.

No probs in making some more, but the postage back to Blighty could sting a bit.....

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Thread: A polite note to beginners from ARC
21/05/2020 10:48:37

Very nice OP, concur with all that was said.

In fact i'll also go one further; i don't understand why people buy stuff off Ebay when it comes from China, and you are saving $2 but you're not sure of the quality. $200 ok, but $2 or even $20 on a larger order/item?

I've always been the type to support your local business, and bricks and mortar businesses, that actually pay business rates, have real life employees, and occupy proper commercial premises, not working from your spare bedroom...

Back in my day...., sorry i'll stop ranting....

Thread: Milling a 45 degree 'v' slot
21/05/2020 10:22:58
Posted by Michael Gilligan on 21/05/2020 08:10:26:

Go for it, Lee ...

‘though it’s interesting to ponder how much simpler it would be to cut the vees on a shaper.


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Thread: Yet another parting-off question
17/05/2020 10:55:32

Guys, the OP's lathe is a generic 12x36.

That is Colchester Student/Triumph, Harrison M300 territory.

All the above lathes inc the OP's should comfortably part off 3" OD Ally. And more.

We are not talking flat slideways Myford S7's here.

If i can do it on my weedy Boxford either with HSS or 3mm carbide tips from the front, there is plainly something wrong with the OP's tool, tooling or technique.

Thread: Oil
17/05/2020 10:46:26
Posted by Kiwi Bloke on 16/05/2020 12:48:34:

OK, I admit it - I'm feeling grumpy, but I wasn't until I read this thread.

This discussion has surely been done to death several times already on this forum. There are two camps. One advocates expensive lubricants, designed for high-performance internal combustion engines, or high-duty transmissions, and also favours chain-bar oil 'because it's sticky'. In the latter case, why not use strawberry jam or honey? The other camp patiently repeats fact-based rational arguments. It's like Trump versus the scientists.

I'd imagine that the machine tool manufacturers and lubricant blenders know more about machine tool lubrication than anyone on this forum, so why not take their advice? The lubricants are entirely appropriate and are not expensive. There is no convincing argument to do otherwise.

You could probably get away with using anything vaguely oily in our little, lightly-stressed machines, and this is why the 'I've used old sump oil all me life and it's fine' type of argument gets rolled out tiresomely. However, if you have well-fitted, correctly adjusted slides, the advantage of proper slideway oils, which are designed to minimize the stick-slip phenomenon becomes apparent. A sometimes dramatic example of where this can be very important is in a shaper's ram. And the argument, previously made, against detergent oils is to be emphasized. So it's 'hydraulic' oil and 'way oil', as has been detailed previously. OK?

Edited By Kiwi Bloke on 16/05/2020 12:56:44



Its not rocket science and it certainly aint expensive..

Thread: Knurling Tool for medium (Harrison M300) size lathe
12/05/2020 15:34:15
Posted by Lee Jones 6 on 12/05/2020 08:53:03:

Went for a large 2 wheel push-in forming type; with fine, medium and course wheels provided ans a package.

A nutcracker type knurling tool has also been placed on the 'to-make in the future' list.

Thanks for all your help and advice.

If you are going to make one in the future, i cannot highly recommend Hemingway's Marlco copy enough.

Marvelous tool.

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Thread: Where do you put your chuck key?
09/05/2020 11:16:34


Thread: New hobby lathe for retired engineer?
05/05/2020 10:59:29
Posted by Andrew Johnston on 05/05/2020 09:47:02:

The requirements versus budget is utterly unrealistic. The only way to come close would be an ex-industrial machine, but that has been discounted. By greatly reducing the requirements the budget could be met, but no way are 98% of the requirements going to be met within budget, especially spindle bore.



The OP is searching for a machine tool unicorn, the 30mm spindle bore, Chinese, newish, less than 1k does not exist.

However, a decent Roundhead Student for that money still crops up now and again, but the OP has categorically stated he does not wish to go down that path.


Thread: Tool holder. What to do
04/05/2020 09:27:38

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You can get the idea what Clive was mentioning on these two parting tool holders made on the shaper for my Dickson QCTP.

Thread: Eagle Surface grinder - who here uses one?
04/05/2020 09:01:33

Had one, or similar a long time ago, handy tool in the shop.

Great job on the resto, congrats!

Thread: Quick change tool post
04/05/2020 08:46:14
Posted by clogs on 29/04/2020 17:20:35:


rather like ur degree circle.....tool post.....

as I'm getting olde this would make a good add on.........

did u make it......?


That plastic degree disc insert comes std with one of Tony @ t-slot cross slides.

04/05/2020 08:44:44
Posted by Matt Reid on 29/04/2020 20:10:27:

Guys information and help is appreciated I haven't long got lathe and it only came with one holder and cutter so can't really do much as never sharpened bits that's why the qctp I could buy carbide and then go for it rather than get angry because I could not sharpen hss so time in setting up is not important whare can I buy hss holders and which hss again thanks

You would not believe how easy it is to sharpen small 1/4 or 5/16" HSS square on a bench grinder to get a working sharp toolbit. Holders, Chinese copies or the genuine S/H Armstrong, all cheap on Ebay or go for the Diamond Tool Holder advertised on these pages, and a beginner CANNOT go wrong with one of these.

Thread: Clarkson autolock help
29/04/2020 16:59:09

Funny old world.

I ALWAYS make sure there is a gap twixt body and nut, been using Autolocks since 1990 professionally on a Beaver and home use on a Tom Senior.

Thread: Quick change tool post
29/04/2020 16:51:05

Clive as usual is right on the money.

Howard's comment on an article about a 4 way being as quick to change a tool as a QCTP. Puleeze.

i mean its not a race but how do you beat 5 seconds? If that.

I have a Dickson, and 19 toolholders,and have used Dicksons for 30 odd years, but TBH, all the QCTP these days for home shop use are pretty much of a muchness.

I also made myself a Lantern a couple of years ago, flat washer - no boat, and it has become a usefull little tool, gets in tight spaces and can shift metal.

I also have the original, genuine, ratcheting every 45 degrees 4 way, and is comfortably my least favourite holder, always relegated to last choice and "do i really have to"?

So, plenty of different, healthy opinions, as per usual.

IMHO, i'd get used to your lathe first, buy some HSS, use your lantern WITHOUT the boat, and spend the QCTP money on a decent 6-8" bench grinder.

The choice is yours.






Thread: Motorcycle General Discussion
23/04/2020 11:07:37
Posted by Bob Rodgerson on 22/04/2020 23:07:06:

I am currently restoring two Humber 350's an OHV and OHC. A few years ago I made up a new big end and built up a crankshaft using a con rod that I thought was the correct Humber rod. Unfortunately when I built up the bottom end of the engine and tried the barrel and piston for fit I found that the piston only came to about 1/2" below the top of the barrel.

The only solution I could come up with was to make a couple of new rods, one for me and another for a friend who is restoring another OHV Humber.

I started with two lengths of 2 3/4" EN-9 Bar.

This is what they look like now. Only the oil hole to drill in the little end and a bit of light polishing here and there should see them finished.img_4313(1).jpg

"like" button pressed.

Thread: Lions and Human conflict - What to do during Lockdown
20/04/2020 10:52:35

You are doing good work. Kudos and thankyou.


from someone who understands.

Thread: Cutting / tapping oil
18/04/2020 17:22:37

Never found anything better than Rocol. Prefer the liquid to the paste for taps and dies.

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