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Member postings for OuBallie

Here is a list of all the postings OuBallie has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: I’m done with big pharma‼️
26/09/2019 10:23:11

Was able to start walking within 12 days of leaving hospital culminating in doing 2km split morning and evening by end August.

Things have come to a grinding halt as hospital prescribed tablets are making me feel like a zombie.
Stopped taking them to clear the system and soon back walking with ease.
Then started one tablet at a time and guess what.

Now looking for natural substitutes, with garlic/aspirin being one of the most important.
The hospital put me on aspirin for a week then big pharma tablets and zombie time.

Geoff - I’m DONE with F****N big pharma‼️‼️

Thread: Bench block for small parts - ice hockey puck
16/09/2019 02:42:32

Been using them for years.

Geoff - Hadn't thought of using one for phone support 👍

Thread: How to upset the neighbours!
12/09/2019 05:50:01
Posted by Mike Poole on 10/09/2019 21:28:27:

No one would follow my Trident with its Norman Hyde 3-1 exhaust, strobing the Boyer ignition at 5000rpm when it was fully advanced tended to annoy some neighbours and bring a cherry glow to the exhaust header pipes. An hours riding like a hooligan made your ears ring. Also being a Motörhead and Ted Nugent fan I am amazed I can still hear at all.


A neighbour had a Trident, and the first time brother and I heard it we immediately said it sounded like a BRM F1.

Geoff - Twos & Blues to hospital end July & in recovery mode.

Thread: QCTP problems
26/08/2019 11:56:16
I would bin that QC
That bar material that looks of dubious quality.
Will be interesting reading responses.
Walking nearly a mile now and feeling good ✔️
Geoff - Soon back in the saddle.
Thread: 1935 Austin Seven Ruby ARQ
25/08/2019 11:29:17

I’m with you Howard.

Only taking pre-hospital tablets now until I see my GP.

Geoff - Starting to take regular walks now at last.

24/08/2019 12:26:58

Thanks Dave W.

Will give them a try, although I can tolerate live yoghurt.

Geoff - Numb bum again

23/08/2019 11:44:22

Thanks for the good wishes and laughs.

Started taking the hospital prescribed tablets and guess what⁉️

Throne time again and feeling completely washed out 😡 Pun intended😂

This is really p*ssing me off, so have stopped the tablets for now.

Geoff - Time to call my GP for advise.

19/08/2019 00:54:29

Been rather negligent in keeping my Thread up to date, as health has been playing silly bu**ers of late.

1935 Austin Seven Ruby ARQ

Had tilted the car to where it was comfortable to work on the NS Flitch plate, the copper coloured curved area, then some 10 minutes later found myself in an Ambulance with Blues & Twos going full bore.

25 odd minutes later, I wasn’t keeping count, I was in the CCU Theatre at NNUH for an emergency stent procedure.

I have always had a morbid curiosity as to what it was like to be in an Ambulance with lights and siren going, and being fully awake found it quite interesting, and can only give a thumbs up at the way the lady Paramedic driver performed in getting the Ambulance through traffic with little discomfort to me.

Only once did she have to brake really hard, no doubt due to some moron driver.

Road noise drowned out the siren a number of times

The episode took place on the 31 July, was back home on the 6th so in recovery mode, BUT feeling quite well considering.

The number of tablets I now have to take is eye popping, so had to buy a week organiser for AM/PM doses otherwise utter chaos would have resulted, as proved when I took one lot of AM tablets PM, but now we’ll organised 🤗

Unfortunately the combination of tablets prescribed by the hospital, plus two kinds of antibiotics by my local doctor to combat a chest infection, had left me feeling like a zombie, so doctor took me off of one lot and I started feeling better, but relapsed a day ago so wondering if the remaining antibiotic and tablets combination are fighting each other or just one or two.

I've stopped all tablets for a day or so to allow stomach to settle down.

Geoff - Sitting on the ‘throne’ for ages is not pleasant.

Thread: TTFN
19/07/2019 18:24:01


Spend the time away 'recuperating' and come back full of Vim.

You have assisted many, me included and glad to hear you aren't abandoning the family.

Do what I do and just ignore the idiots.

Geoff - Not easy sometimes.

Thread: Angle grinders - Dangerous or not
17/07/2019 17:18:40

When my Dad lost the end off of his RH index finger using the wood planer, whilst making patterns for the casting I sold in the shop, the surgeon made the following remark to him, that has stayed with me:

"Machinery will remove limbs very efficiently!"

Geoff - My conta temp with the circular saw was a close call.

17/07/2019 15:23:17

SV Seekers - Doug Jackson

Angle grinders: Dangerous or not

Building an all metal 75ft Chinese Junk in his front yard in Tulsa, USA

His video on the subject is interesting to say the least, and having been using them regularly since 2010 I do tend to agree.

i DO, however, wear full face protection, welding gloves plus a leather welding apron (heaving burnt holes in my blue dust coat and winter warmer from sparks that where aimed directly at them and me) and I check where sparks are aimed at having set fire to some newspaper in the past.

Watching his videos has been an eye opener and highlights that he is a stalwart believer in the the argument that 'safety is entirely your responsibility'.

I take my hat off to that man for his perseverance at overcoming set-backs, especially those he had when casting the propellers plus others.

His videos provided excellent viewing whilst recovering from 5 hospital trips last year and highly recommended, just watching what he has achieved and had to work out how to.

Geoff - Body and brain starting to work together at last.

Thread: Excel Die Filer
26/05/2019 17:05:57


I've split your post into Q) and A), easier for me.

Q) Is the main support pillar 1.25" diameter or is it reduced to a smaller diameter above the boss with the downwards projecting pin (pin used for adjusting radial position of the arm).
A) It tapers from 1.29/32 at the base down to 1.9/16 at the top where the 7/8"Ø bar fits into.

Q) Is the roller one piece with bearings and the conical shaped machined into it, or is it two loose cones (with or without bearings).
A) One piece, without bearings, the 1/2" shaft turned down to 1/4" for the roller.

Excel Filing Machine

Q) What size bolts are fitted and are they in counterbores in the main boss.
Large boss - 3/8" Whitworth C'bored Small boss - 1/4" Whitworth not C'bored

Q) What is length of short boss that pressure finger or roller arm are fitted into.
A) 1.3/32"

Q) Is it just an optical illusion that the finger arm looks to be at an angle.
A) It's at 90° to the shaft.

Geoff - Audiobook next me thinks 🤔

Thread: Getting rid of the garage door...........
25/05/2019 11:51:12

I converted my Up & Over into a side hinged door, and released all the space it needed to swing up.

If you are going to remove it, PLEASE secure that long spring, using either a nail or R-clip as seen in my photos.
That Spring has an enormous amount of stored energy, and it's sudden release led to it breaking free and causing the tragic death of a man, when the slider arms where disconnected, he having failed to lock the spring beforehand.
When I mentioned what I was about to do to a counter hand at my local Jewsons outlet, he crooked his finger at me to follow him round to the back of the building, where a complete spring assembly had been dumped, and proceeded to show me how and where to lock the spring.
All I can say is fortune smiled on me that day, as even now I have no idea what I would have done, research hopefully before touching that mechanism!

Up&Over Garage Door

Up&Over Garage Door

Geoff - I sliced one end off to make a std width door, the rest kept closed, both insulated.

Thread: Excel Die Filer
24/05/2019 18:32:53

Will post photos with dimensions in response to Colin's PM.

Geoff - Back working on the Austin at last!

Thread: The Chocolate Fireguard as designed by Mercedes Benz
11/05/2019 10:01:47
Posted by Derek Lane 2 on 26/04/2019 21:36:54:

Reading this I am so happy to have a 25year old car with none of this technology, it is controlled by me. If something happens it is down to me.

I think many people will blame the car when something goes wrong or something happens instead of down to them for not being in control


Agree wholeheartedly!

Reading this Thread, I now realise why I have a 1935 Austin Seven Ruby, a 1957 Austin A35 and a 1967 Morris Minor 1000.

Not a computer in sight!

I can lift their bonnets and see everything, BUT best of all, I CAN REPAIR just about everything as well

Geoff - A happy motorist

Thread: A close shave or why safety glasses are a must
05/05/2019 12:19:43

I prefer a full face shield after the following incident, it saving my face from being ripped open and possibly an eye destroyed into the bargain.

Was using the Emco Star circular saw to cut 1/8 ply used for the tool drawers I was making.

My mistake was the fact that the machine was only 2" off the ground, thus when one strip of ply reached the end of the cut it jammed between saw and fence and was flung straight out and upwards, impacting the face shield.

That face shield has a dent to show the impact.

I still shudder thinking what could have happened, and not forgetting the time the blade had a go at the heel of my palm.

Geoff - The machine is now at a safer working height.

Thread: Unusual miniature
01/04/2019 09:10:40

Interesting traction engine.

How is it steered?


Thread: Stepper Motor Controls
17/02/2019 12:33:23

It was interesting seeing the results when trying all combinations of settings on the 'driver' unit when I first ventured into stepper motor control.

Geoff - Still learning.

Thread: The Diamond Tool Holder
22/01/2019 12:38:38

Can attest to what John said about tool being pushed downwards on a heavy cut, but in my caseI hadn't tightened the holder enough.

That moving down, however, saved my bacon when I had a dig-in, due to not paying attention, the toolbit being pushed clear of work.

Here's my Edge gizmo for setting the toolbit heights, and what a pleasure using it:

Tangential Tool Holder

Tangential Tool Holder

Upside down tools a little tricky to set in my rear QC though, but I can put up with that.

Geoff - Ham & cheese followed by Rooibos tea

Thread: Occasional usage Sand blaster
22/01/2019 11:09:13

Ditto what John Rudd said about fitting a cyclone.

Have one attached to my Clarke cabinet and they work well.

Had to carry out many modifications to the sandblaster unit, as out the box they are pretty useless.

The 'net has loads of advise, plus I added some of my own just to get the unit to actually work properly.

It did the Seven's 17" wire wheels, there being just enough space.

Geoff - More videos up soon I hope 🙏

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