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Member postings for mark costello 1

Here is a list of all the postings mark costello 1 has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Learning Curve
04/10/2023 18:19:22

A learning curve is usually as steep as falling off a very high cliff. One step and You are off to the races.

Thread: Bolt or screw?
26/09/2023 21:46:17

I was taught a bolt is 1/4" od. or bigger. A screw is anything smaller.

Thread: Making aPolishing Mop "Tail"
26/09/2023 21:43:41

Here is a hint for Someone Who does not have a taper attachment. This pipe chaser is put on square against the tool post,20230616_175440.jpg

12/09/2023 19:36:14

Here I am cutting a set of splines.spline bushing 2.jpg

Edited By mark costello 1 on 12/09/2023 19:37:03

Thread: Scams
11/09/2023 21:38:52

for the first time in My life I had an Irish Traveler (no disrespect to the Irish) stop in. He wanted to tarmac My drive. His truck had a badge on the side that had "road crew" on it. No other company or county name on it. Thank the internet as that was the only way I knew what it was.

FIL had His barn roof painted and it washed off the first rain. He supplied the paint and carefully watched but some how things got switched.

Thread: This made me smile
01/09/2023 17:39:44

A college jab............ One School bragged, Tower of Learning. Neighbors called it The Heights of Ignorance.

Thread: When boredom overtakes, make something, anything!
30/08/2023 21:07:08

I don't have time to invent a wheel that has been well traveled by some of the giants before Me. Listen, learn, then adapt and over come.

Thread: 12 x 2 lead screw
24/08/2023 02:27:06

I have seen a drum arrangement used in the USA to make a tapered shaft for the WW2 effort.

Thread: I need custard.
17/08/2023 21:16:47

I cannot understand how rock dust explodes, but it must. Starting fluid detonates also. Here's how I know. Taken about 1 minute after the event. Whipped the starter cord violently back and hit My hand in the process.img_20220528_232537_mp.jpg

Thread: Fuse Rating for VFD
16/08/2023 21:49:30

They wanted to encourage fast showers, with minimal water use.

Thread: oops voyager
04/08/2023 16:34:29

It's bad enough when a part is reworked or scrapped, it's a whole nother thing when the mistake is broadcast around the world.

Thread: Coventry Diehead
02/08/2023 17:48:58

Working in a screw machine using Geometric chasers once in a while putting the chasers in sequence would not work. Boss showed Us to take and put the chasers out of sequence, instead of 1-2-3-4, He would change it to 1-3-2-4. Or moving the chaser blocks around 1 hole for the start position. Some times they were fidilly but eventually He got them to work. Did not think it would work but it did.

Thread: Damaged Screws & QCTP help!!!
02/08/2023 17:23:50

HSS tool bits do not have to come out to be resharpened.

Thread: oops voyager
01/08/2023 21:10:44

We seem to have raw talent for that.

Thread: Why do modern car engines have different types of bolt type heads like Torx etc?
26/07/2023 23:42:40

How about Metric bolt heads on Imperial threads?

26/07/2023 23:41:11

How about Metric bolt heads on Imperial threads?

Thread: MK Metals
22/07/2023 14:31:21

Silver Solder.

Thread: Gluten Intolerance
21/07/2023 19:45:23

Sour dough bread? Thought it was the breakfast of champions.

Thread: Vintage Austin Brake Adjuster - The Denouement
16/07/2023 23:14:16

Rain activated? Sort of like the bobbing birds that drink out of a cup.

Thread: a machinist making a knife
15/07/2023 20:55:57

It is not what the weapon does, it the user.

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