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Member postings for FMES

Here is a list of all the postings FMES has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Will it be strong enough?
20/10/2012 21:31:14

Why not stainless steel?

Thread: The Greatest Mechanical invention
18/10/2012 12:19:20

How about the 'Differential Gear' ? first known application over 1000 BC in China and still in use today.

Thread: Non de plumes
14/10/2012 13:51:39

At 6' 4" I've been called 'Lofty' since me teens, and as now in my mid fiftiesaren't going to stop now ))

Thread: Using acetylene with silver solder
07/10/2012 11:52:16

Hi Ianmac,

I agree with Richard, I also use Oxy/Acetylene for those last little bit of additional heat areas, and its really important not to touch the silver solder with the O/A flame.

Normally once the flux has run properly and the heat is well into the job, the ss will flash into the joint without any directed heat at all, but as Richard says, you really do have to keep your wits about you.

How about getting a couple of bits of copper and having a practice?

For your current job, a re clean and acid pickle, reflux and reheat will more than likely help to give a better joint.


Thread: missing motor
19/08/2012 17:17:52


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