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Replying to enquiry from a classified ad

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Dave Wootton25/05/2023 09:30:44
505 forum posts
99 photos

I've got a couple of items listed in the classified section and have had an email enquiry from alerts@model engineer about one of them. However there is no return email adress other than the alerts one above and when I reply there is an undeliverable message from Mortons. I've checked my inbox on this site and nothing there, am I missing something or being exceptionally dim? both quite possible. Can anyone please tell me what I'm doing wrong, any help much appreciated.

And David if you are reading this I'm not ignoring you!


SillyOldDuffer25/05/2023 11:25:24
10668 forum posts
2415 photos
Posted by Dave Wootton on 25/05/2023 09:30:44:

I've got a couple of items listed in the classified section and have had an email enquiry from alerts@model engineer about one of them. However there is no return email adress other than the alerts one above and when I reply there is an undeliverable message from Mortons. I've checked my inbox on this site and nothing there, am I missing something or being exceptionally dim? both quite possible. Can anyone please tell me what I'm doing wrong, any help much appreciated.

And David if you are reading this I'm not ignoring you!


The issue might be because replies to classifieds add a block of text at the end that senders often delete, probably thinking it's just guff. But it's not - it contains the return email address.

Dave (another one)

JasonB25/05/2023 11:26:17
25215 forum posts
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1 articles

The system puts a line of text into the start of the e-mail that includes the buyers e-mail address, quite a few people delete this text so their details are lost.

Dave Wootton25/05/2023 12:39:59
505 forum posts
99 photos

Thanks Dave and Jason.

I thought it was me doing something wrong, hopefully he will get back in touch, I didn't want him to think I was ignoring him!


David P25/05/2023 15:22:42
4 forum posts
7 photos

Hi Dave

Just seen your post and have resent email,

I think it was my fault, I deleted the block of text….oops.


Trevor Drabble25/05/2023 16:37:14
339 forum posts
7 photos

Jason , Does the txt to which you refer include instructions not to delete it please ?

JasonB25/05/2023 16:42:13
25215 forum posts
3105 photos
1 articles

No, the bit in the text I have blanked out is my e-mail. My e-mail is also at the top in the "from" box but it does not appear as from me when the system sends it.


Trevor Drabble25/05/2023 20:41:21
339 forum posts
7 photos

Many Thanks Jason.

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