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Member postings for Steamshy

Here is a list of all the postings Steamshy has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Co2 Cartridges
15/01/2013 19:20:53

I think Jeffs idea comes to mind as a good storage device for small drills etc, so will try out your idea Jeff as I am always drpooing those small drills. Yes the same size sparklet bulbs RJW but contained Co2, Postage would be a problem I guess so have ruled it out. My missus said they might make good fenders in one of my model boats....drrrrrr ! I wouldnt have thought they would contain enought gas Paul to blow up a tyre, but you learn something new every day. Thanks for all your ideas . Andy


Edited By Steamshy on 15/01/2013 19:21:33

14/01/2013 06:49:49

Thanks Speedy, Have tried all the above, The old grey matter is still usual Andy

14/01/2013 04:16:59

Ive got heaps of the small Co2 cartridges left over and for the life of me I cant think of a use for them, I hate throwing anything away that might come in handy one day. So any ideas what they could be used for would be appreciated. Andy

Thread: Condensation in workshops
09/01/2013 06:39:58

Think air conditioning would go down well in my shed, just came from it as the temp is 34c Andy

Thread: Black hole
04/01/2013 19:08:43

I work in my shed which has a concrete floor and corrugated walls, Course the corrugations have gaps between the shed walls and floor so I know where my bits go too, Unfortunately its grass outside the shed so have no hope of finding anything. so dont bother, once its dropped its gorn forever if its not found in 30 seconds


Thread: Pickle solution for Gauge 1 Boilers
28/12/2012 06:13:51

Hi Alan, I use citric acid, its available at your local supermarket, its in dry form, about one teaspoon to a litre of water should do the trick overnight for you.


Thread: Silver soldering
21/12/2012 22:22:58

Ive Just changed over to Oxy and LPG, its a lot cheaper that the hire of acetyline bottle, Had to buy the proper regulator but I`m sure it will be a save in the long run. The heat isnt as much as acetyline but using a larger nozzle it does the job ok.


Thread: Do the ends need to be thicker?
12/12/2012 06:35:44

Hi Bob, The formula for copper Boiler plate thickness is T= P X D /7. This would give you the plate thickness in Thousands of an inch. The formula would give you a safety factor of 10. T refers to thickness, P is Pressure, D is the plate diameter. Brass is not mentioned often because simply it is not a good thing to construct boilers with.


Thread: Silver soldering
08/12/2012 19:39:38

I intend to build a 4 inch diameter boiler, currently I am using Oxy/ acetaline, which does what I want but I would like to change to just a gas torch as Oxy bottle rental alone spoilsjust about everything. Ive been following your convo regarding the sievert torches, Sounds just what I need for silver soldering, After looking at their website and comparing torches I was kind of hoping that somebody could advise me which would be the best model for both heating and pinpoint jobs. Sorry to hijack your thread Ron



Thread: Flood Preparation
27/11/2012 18:24:06

Hi Neil, I trust that all will turn out well for you and the floods do an you any serious damage. Just blame the government, its probably there fault anyway.

Thread: Need help on engine plant
23/11/2012 20:13:28

Hi Felix, I think its would be wise to change your burner over to gas, Much easier to handle than petrol and probably a lot safer on the whole as well. You are right in your assumptions regarding the boiler water feed, The PTO pump runs whilst the plant is in service. The idea behind the condenser is to create a vacuum in it so helping the exhaust from the engine to be removed faster along with the waste oil from the engine. The higher the vcuum the effecient your engine is.The wate oil tank looks to be removable so that it would have to removed to manually empty the waste oil after a steaming session. The pipe to the Waste oil tank from the feed pump is possibly a bypass arrangement. This would allow the excess to be feed to be pumped overboard through to the hull. I`m just guessing here but maybe the lagging from the boiler to the engine has been removed. The lagging from the condenser to the smokestack may purely to protect some part of your model from heat. The other PTO looks like its driving a vacuum pump ? Other than that it looks like you have a nice plant.


Thread: V Twin Engine
17/11/2012 06:49:49

Hi Dougie, As you say it might be a bit overpowered, but still a good choice of a twin.still its a nice looking engine, I liked the shaft driven feed pump.


Thread: What did you do today? (2013)
13/11/2012 06:36:00

My single cylinder wobbler as you probably know only goes the one way, so am making a crash box so I can have reverse direction, simple job made harder by using a handy piece of stainless shaft, trying to drill 1.5mm holes in it, Probably wasnt so flippin handy after all.


Thread: RPM from exhaust sound
09/11/2012 19:17:13

Hi Windy, To work our propellor effeciency you would first have to know you engine thrust horsepower ( horse power ) then simply divide that by the shaft horse power to find the propellor efficiency. Shaft horse power is the actual power deliviered to the propellor, Which would exclude any auxiliaries, PTO`s etc.


Thread: Need help on engine plant
08/11/2012 06:45:56

Hi Felix, It looks like you have some interesting plant there, Starting with the boiler, there seems to be no gas burner, Also it looks like the boiler was fitted to maybe a boat of some sort judging by the funnel configuration. You also look like you have an oiler and also a condenser or seperator, Preferably a condenser judging by the size of it. Ive never seen an engine like this one so sorry I cant help with the Identification of it. As you mention, a couple of valves seem to be missing, but as you have it in front of you and I havnt, i would follow the lines from the boiler right through to Engine and exhaust. It may help you to understand it more,


31/10/2012 06:09:05

How did that get there Stub ?


Thread: The Greatest Mechanical invention
11/10/2012 06:55:12

I Think it has to be the wheel, used much for transport, grinding corn in the early years, train wheels, Lathe gearwheels, airoplane wheels, wheelbarrow wheels ,In fact anything used for transportation. But having said that about transportation, We havnt made any real advances in the 50 or so years, Still seems to take forever to get to town.


Thread: Teflon Spray ?
10/09/2012 07:32:45

WD40 works well on your sore joints and knees, Just spray and rub in, works for me.


Thread: why do I keep snapping drills
21/08/2012 07:52:41

It`s best to stop frequently and clear the swarf out of the hole you are drilling especially with small drills, and as Norman said you have to feel the pressure you are putting on the drill.


Thread: Whistles
21/08/2012 07:48:16

To get a steam whistle working properly, if you can drain

the condensation out of the steam line prior to it reaching the whistle

you should get the same sound every time.


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