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Member postings for OldMetaller

Here is a list of all the postings OldMetaller has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: ME4717 Miscollation
15/05/2023 10:54:30

I've just had ME 4717 drop through the letterbox and I thought I was still pi$$ed from last night when I opened it- the pages are all jumbled up, in random order. Is anyone else's copy like this, or just mine?


Thread: How close have you got to a Darwin Award?
12/02/2023 05:47:58

When I was 15 I started work on the railway as a 'box boy', I kept the train register in the signalbox, polished the brass, ran errands and generally learned about railways. One morning, just as the newspaper train from London was propelling back into the yard, I heard a shout. The shunter was riding on the leading vehicle, and he threw a bundle of newspapers towards the signalbox, which landed in the four foot of the line nearest the box. "Great, we've got some newspapers", I said to the signalman. "Go and get them then", he said. I jumped up, remembered that a passenger train was just approaching the station, looked at the clock, booked it in, then ran downstairs and... jumped into the path of the train I had just booked in.

I can still see the driver's face now, he looked horrified as he blasted the horn at me. I jumped backwards and he missed me by a few feet.

I retrieved the newspapers and went back upstairs, shaking like a leaf. The signalman was laughing, saying, "You won't do that again, will you?".


Thread: Acton Works - overhauling Tube Trains in 1951
23/12/2022 06:53:51

What an amazing film, thanks Neil! I drove underground trains in the late '80's, a typical eight hour shift on the Met and Circle would involve 198 station stops, all of them 'service' stops, ie no tiptoeing in cautiously, all don't-brake-until-you-see-the-whites-of-their-eyes, balls-out stuff, the only way you could keep time!

I went on to drive HST's on the 'big' railway, much less stressful!


Thread: Coffee grinder __ recommendations please
18/09/2022 08:32:11
Posted by Michael Gilligan on 17/09/2022 09:11:44:Edit: __ it appears to be time based : **LINK**



Edited By Michael Gilligan on 17/09/2022 09:51:12

It is time-based Michael- you twist the base [you need wrists of steel to do this] and set the little red pointer, allegedly for the number of coffee cups you wish to fill. I leave it permanently on 8, as I am a bit of a coffee junkie.


Edit: I've no idea why I am whispering. sad


Edited By OldMetaller on 18/09/2022 08:33:24

17/09/2022 05:26:49

Michael, I've used one of these for donkey's years, the grind is so fine I have to scrape it out with a spoon. The sticky-uppy thing is a cleaning brush. The only time it fails is when a bean gets stuck in the microswitch, a quick prod with a table knife soon clears it. But switch off first, obviously. thinking

John.  [Sorry I can't post as a hyperlink]*fdap99*_up*MQ..&gclid=Cj0KCQjwvZCZBhCiARIsAPXbajvxKxf4b8lFlynGamf6CzZCTEVTbwq5bZJ0N1AeQJWgHPJXuY4HdfwaAlMREALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


Edited By OldMetaller on 17/09/2022 05:28:47

Thread: MEW Subscription lapsed with no warning
16/08/2022 04:46:27

Yes, me too. No reminder, nothing.


Thread: Fire Queen construction series
09/05/2022 07:47:19

That looks amazing, I shall watch out for that!


Thread: What Did you do Today 2022
01/01/2022 09:29:02

I got 2022 off to a good start by finishing the Guardian quick crossword in under four minutes, a personal best, and that was whilst fending off the cat, who thinks she's helping.

Hopefully I'll get the workshop tidied up today, and get my G3 wagons finished to clear the decks for the new loco.

Happy New Year to all!


Thread: roller bearing balls
01/01/2022 09:24:37

Bonne annee Jacques! May your balls always stay where you put them! smiley


Thread: Darwin's long-lost microscope
16/12/2021 21:20:34

Wow! That's amazing, thanks Michael!

What a fabulous instrument!


16/12/2021 17:11:19

Thanks Michael. I wouldn't be intimidated by the machining, but I would definitely need some drawings! It's a shame the video didn't mention the builder, especially as his name is beautifully engraved on the instrument.


16/12/2021 16:24:52

Charles Darwin's long-lost microscope is auctioned. Not very much about the instrument itself, but some lovely close-ups.

I would love to make a copy of this, but know nothing about microscopes. Does anyone know of a book or a set of plans for something like this?


Thread: Treadle Lathe- ID Please?
14/11/2021 08:18:17

Thank you gentlemen, I knew you would come up trumps!

I have passed a link to this thread to the owner of the lathe.


13/11/2021 11:54:39

Good morning- a friend of mine has this old treadle lathe in his barn and is thinking of disposing of it. He has been unable to locate any maker's name and nothing is known of it's history. Any observations on it's likely identity or value would be gratefully accepted.

I have been unable to see the lathe for myself as it is in a remote part of Wales, a long way from me.

Thanks in anticipation,


treadle lathe.jpg

Thread: Book Your Covid Booster! Errr, How? Where?
11/11/2021 15:02:41

Just booked mine on the NHS website. It helped that I still had the texts on my phone from the first lot of vaccinations, as entering the number they gave me then made it really quick and easy.


Thread: We thought the Aliens had landed …
20/07/2021 21:48:06

Posted by Michael Gilligan on 20/07/2021 10:58:21:

OldMetaller in particular may be interested to know that I have ‘rationalized’ the surprising location of the TRENT DVOR

It is very close to the Madge Hill triangulation point and is only three metres lower … and it has good vehicular access.

…All things considered; this seems a jolly good place to put a beacon.



I did wonder why they called it Trent, surely it's nearer to the mighty Derwent?!


19/07/2021 05:09:56

I've often driven past that and wondered what it was, thanks Michael!


Thread: Gauge '3' Society AGM & Show - Flitwick 29th May
01/06/2021 07:35:41

It was my first visit, having just joined the G3 Society. A great show, and a nice video capturing it!


Thread: Best place to find a replacement vice?
25/05/2021 06:41:46

Hi Adrian,

Some years ago I bought a Record No 5 from my local bric-a-brac market in Chesterfield, it is used but sound and I have found it invaluable. I think I paid about £25 for it, but the thing I remember most was what felt like an approaching coronary after carrying it to the car!

I still see Record vices at this market, I don't know where you live but I'm sure you have a local market you could visit.



Thread: Looking for a book
16/05/2021 09:42:04

I agree with Neil, Abe Books are pretty good.

The Tich book is well worth owning, even if you don't build a Tich. Just noticed that my copy is on the table behind me- I rest my case!


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