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Member postings for Nathan Sharpe

Here is a list of all the postings Nathan Sharpe has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Advice from the photographers.
25/10/2021 23:43:56

Michael G,

You are welcome to the originals and what ever files/ screenshots I can send you. I'm sure present and future members will be grateful for your advice and guidance.

Andy C.

I know I have a Canon lens 35/80 modified for Macro. I've never used it but will try to understand the set up and use.

To both MG and AC.

If you would like the paperwork that came with the lens I'm happy to send it.


24/10/2021 22:44:27

With regard to the Plustek scanner , I downloaded the demo versions of software and tried them out. On all versions I have problems with Kodachrome slides , most of the time on green foliage which tends to geometrically block. On other slides I have no problems (Boots own / other labs own) does Kodachrome have it' own problems?

All the demo versions do is to watermark the copies there is no loss of program facilities in all three that I've dowloaded. The programs in question are all Silverlight and are their basic SE/SE+/ and AI.


24/10/2021 22:28:03

Many thanks to all who responded, it always amazes me that so much help is available here.

As Michael Gilligan points out it(the Panagor) would always crop. I do not know how I missed that so thank you Michael.

My very grateful thanks to Martin K/Howard T/ Peter G Shaw/ and Sam Stones for their input.

With regard to Sams post, I've seen a Youtube video using a projector to automate that style of copying and did buy a projector to try it, but have yet to try it.

PGK's offer is typical of this forums membership but I will only take up his offer if I can offer something in exchange.

Again my thanks to all.


22/10/2021 19:18:05

I have been set the task of digitising several hundred 35mm slides. These are my partners parents slides of wildlife/flowers etc so are of significant value to her. I have an old but good Canon D40,numerous lenses and a Panagor slide duplicator.

My problems.

1) the Panagor is OK but seems to crop too much and has limited adjustment. It fits direct to the camera body via a T2/ EOS adapter.

2) I have a loan Plustec Opticfilm 7500i but without the Silverlight software, OK with some slides using the Plustec download but not with the majority.

My questions.

1) Could I fit one of my lenses to the camera and then an EOS to T2 adaptor on the filter thread to then take the Panagor? I could make a support to relieve the weight on the filter thread.

2) Can anyone suggest affordable software for the Plustec?

I'm no great photographer so am hoping some of you Really Good photographers/optics experts can help!


Thread: cutting spur gears on a mill
19/08/2021 22:39:29

Please all excuse my lack of knowledge in this subject.

I'll address my question to Andrew J.

If I were to use the same tap to cut a number of gears with varying diameter with the same tap would they mesh or would they not?

If I were to introduce a "worm" of same thread between gears would I be able to build a gear train to increase/decrease speed?

I've never cut a gear in my life so have no idea, would like to know where to start If I wish to!


I should have said "mesh on their outer edges. Sorry.

Second edit repeated myself in para 1.

Edited By Nathan Sharpe on 19/08/2021 22:44:19

Thread: Yet another scam
17/08/2021 16:41:43

Ian, I agree not all are dodgy numbers. I would not expect to get the same message when dialling 1471 and the call is picked up on second ring. I also doubt the bank would hold the connection once I've ended the call. Pretty obvious scan to me. Nathan.

17/08/2021 12:46:08

New one for me today. The phone rings and I pick it up to hear a recorded message purporting to be from Visa debit/credit security team. Then it asks you to press 1 to cancel payment. End the call and dial 1471 to find a number but get the same recorded message again. They are waiting to see who call and then take over the call. Beware! Nathan.

Thread: Mad Modder site not secure?
08/03/2021 11:38:25

Thank you both. I'm using Edge/Win 10/64 bit.


08/03/2021 10:42:24

Morning all. Do any of you visit Mad Modder? If so do you get a security warning on the login page? I also get a warning that "autofill" has been turned off.


Thread: 2-Part Covid Vaccinations
15/02/2021 12:00:31

I have no idea of what's happening in England but here in North Wales (Bangor area) no invitation is required for 65+. I was told last Thursday and rang the local surgery to get a contact number. I rang it but no answer so I did what the surgery staff told me to do, that was to let them know how I got on, they then booked me in from the surgery on Friday for an appointment that afternoon. No fuss, no bother just turn up and fill a form in then wait for your turn. This was at the MVC/emergency hospital in Bangor who are using the Pfizer/BioNtech vaccine, other half had hers at the surgery which is using the Oxford/Astra Zeneca. I'm 66 in April she is 70 in April.

Go for it don't hang around.


Thread: V twin double acting oscillating engine.
24/12/2020 22:33:17

Jason B,

Didn't Tel do a write up on MEM? Or am I mixing it up with another type of engine?


Thread: Alternative to 365/office etc.
15/12/2020 11:55:04

Many thanks to all who replied. I'll move to LO after my 365 subs run out next year.


14/12/2020 22:27:48

Generally, is there an alternative to MS 365 which will give the same ease of use without cost? I have no wish to change OS, happy with Win 10 64bit.


Thread: SARS-CoV-2 Spike mechanics
29/11/2020 16:30:20

Martin, thank you for the second paper. A very good and interesting read which gave me hope that the remaining brain cells still work. That "significant reduction in risk" should be more widely disseminated to patients, it might help to reduce the worry among older/at risk members of the population.


29/11/2020 12:35:44

Interesting to read but difficult to understand! Does it mean that those of us who are taking an ACE inhibitor have a reduced chance of contracting Covid19? Or have I totally misunderstood?


Thread: Windows 10 latest offering
17/11/2020 23:54:47

Again thanks to all.

I forgot to add that I'm running 64bit pro. Will it make any diff to user ease of use ? Nathan.

17/11/2020 19:42:40

Thanks to all.

I'll download it tomorrow. Nathan.

17/11/2020 15:24:07

Afternoon all.

Has anyone any experience of the latest Win 10 update released in October?

My machine is telling me to download it.


Thread: Bushnell camera problem
17/11/2020 15:20:59

Thanks all. I'll put it aside for now and come back to it when I have time. Nathan.

16/11/2020 13:54:20

I had no idea that it had a mike but having looked again I can see that you are all correct. The other side of the board shows no sign of a removable cell.

Lcd connector is soldered so I don't think thats the problem. Perhaps this is a write off after all.

Thanks for your replies, Nathan.

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