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Member postings for AdrianR

Here is a list of all the postings AdrianR has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Sieg SX3 Machine DRO install
13/06/2023 08:59:32

Hi Keith, As Jason said they are from Machine DRO. The rail has side T-slots that hold square nuts, and the cover is drilled and screwed.
I looked on the Machine DRO site, and they have a section for rails, but don't have any, it may be worth contacting them to see if they are available.

Thread: How did these work theory or practice?
06/06/2023 07:13:30

It was quite some time ago but Dick Strawbridge had a programme called Planet Mechanics. They converted a land rover to run on wood gas and if I remember right drove it through London. You may still be able to watch it as the program seems to be streaming on National Geographic.

I also remember seeing online a WWII booklet from some US agricultural department on how to convert your tractor to wood gas.

I think the secret of how it works is that the top of the combustion chamber is sealed and the air is injected just above the grate. The air flows down through the combustion zone. This means the initial combustion gasses are passed over white-hot carbon. This converts the carbon dioxide, water and unburnt gasses to carbon monoxide, hydrogen and methane.

Thread: Aliexpress/Bangood and import duty
09/12/2022 15:36:18

Thanks for the info, that has put my mind at rest. Just have to watch out for duty scammers now :D

09/12/2022 12:24:49

I'm looking for some transformer E I laminations and the only place I can find them is on Aliexpress.

I have never bought anything from Aliexpress or Bangood and am wondering what the import duty would be and how it is paid.

Thread: Will they honour these prices, I wonder
07/12/2022 11:33:55

A coincidence? Today I am waiting for a delivery from Farnell. Just by chance while googling yesterday morning I noticed Farnell had an item for sale at a very competitive 90% off. Which immediately got the nod from the boss.

Before bed I looked to see if it had been any update on the order, there had not but I noticed the item was now marked as no longer a stock item. I fully expected today the order would have been cancelled but to my surprise, it is on its way.

It looks like Farnell has had some decimal point issues, and it looks like they will honour the orders which is a surprise as they don't have to.

Someone at Farnell must have big britches to make the decision to put customer satisfaction over profit.

Thread: Use of capacitor start/run with small fractional HP motors
22/11/2022 21:17:14

I have seen motors where the start switch doesn't open overheat as they don't spin up to sync speed.

Your motor may have had a centrifugal start switch or a timed start relay, it could not even be a single-phase motor that has been modified.

Thread: Replacement 1ph motor wiring (Warco BH600)
20/11/2022 08:47:04


You need to trace out the internal circuit of your new motor. Then you can find your primary winding and the secondary/start winding etc. They need to be separated and the primary connected to U1/2 and the secondary/start etc to V1/2

18/11/2022 17:05:04

Hi Joe,

I have a BH600G. My motor has 4 wires, U1,U2,V1,V2 and the reversal is done by swapping the phase on V1,V2.
I assume the motor has an internal start switch which is not connected via the terminals.
On your motor I think what you have to do is connect the main winding to U1,U2 and the start/run winding to V1,V2. I don't know enough about terminal naming to know which terminals you need to use.

I would be interested to know if your motor has enough omph to start the lathe at high speed, I have to start the motor with the belt loose then use the belt as a clutch to spin the chuck up. I am wondering if my start cap is on the way out.

Here are my wiring diagram and motor terminals.


Thread: Can you help me re-connect my dip switch?
17/11/2022 16:15:05

Tim, the difference between our circuits is that the relays are only energised when the main beam is on, the rest of the time they are both off. So if you did forget to use your isolator your battery won't run flat due to the relay.

17/11/2022 11:04:09

Hi Tim,

I did not post this earlier as it does require the headlight switch to be able to carry the full dipped current. But if it can then this should do it without having a relay permanently on.

When the stalk is pulled or pushed RL1 turns on and powers the high beam, it also powers RL2 which disconnects the dipped.


P.S. I just noticed the ground and chassis symbols :D

Edited By AdrianR on 17/11/2022 11:05:24

Thread: Words and phrases
16/11/2022 16:41:01

"Eats like a pig" and "Nosey Cow" I doubt many people have ever heard a pig eat ro seen how nosey cows are.

Thread: Mystery ancient thread size
24/10/2022 21:22:01

I know I am late to the party, but could it be that they are metric cut on an imperial lathe but without the benefit of a 127 tooth gear. Some of the approximations are quite a bit off.

Thread: sievert gas torch
07/10/2022 11:43:30

Has it ever worked? I inherited a set of burners. One looked like new even though it was many decades old, it had the same problem as yours, I found out why, the jet was badly drilled. I have tried opening it up but no joy.

I tried to get a new jet but could not find a supplier, in the end it went back in the box, I will buy a new burner if I ever need that size.

Thread: Central Heating Room Thermostat
05/10/2022 12:12:10

It is possible to get replacement LCDs for CM927, google "CM927 replacement screen"

Thread: Linux Mint
16/09/2022 07:09:03

Peter, I just sent you a PM about your DOS problem.

15/09/2022 20:44:28

I have recently upgraded two laptops, one from 19 and the other from 20.3, both upgraded just fine and I am happy with the way it works.

I upgraded because I needed a newer version of the Canvas libraries to run an application. There is an issue with some applications in 20.3. There is a problem that some of the desktop icon themes use a newer version of Canvas than is supplied in 20.3. For me, this meant that Gsender for my CNC would crash on trying to open files.

Changing from the icon themes from the Y series to X series fixed it in 20.3 but in 21 it all works fine.

LM 20.3 will be supported until Aprl 2025 so unless you are having issues there is no hurry to upgrade. If you do decide to upgrade then do the recommended backup, but then again if you have anything important you should be backing up anyway.


Thread: Tapping M2 thread in plastic - which?
03/08/2022 17:10:44

You could try gently swaging the holes smaller using a small punch and then re-cutting a M2 thread. Or try one of the low temperature Aluminium solders to fill the hole.

Thread: Wifi range extender
03/08/2022 16:58:56

If this is the one you have then at the end of the manual it says 12V 1A

Thread: Cutting a slot in a screwhead
30/07/2022 07:22:54

I use a DTI, zero it on the part then adjust the cutter height using the DTI. Add 1/2 the thickness of the cutter and part you are at the centre.

If you revolve the saw you can compensate for the wobble too.

Thread: Scorchio!
19/07/2022 14:55:34

I am in a bungalow have a loose floorboard in the airing cupboard so I can drop rat poison down under the floor.

Today it has a new use, 4 small equipment fans mounted on corrugated cardboard and I now have a nice cool draft.

Not sure how long it will last but every little helps.

I think if we are to get this sort of weather more often I will make slatted shutters for the windows. Hanging old bed sheets from the gutters over the windows works but is not a great look.

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