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Member postings for paul rayner

Here is a list of all the postings paul rayner has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Thompstone Engine
06/07/2023 20:30:47

Cheers Jason, I've just read about machining the cylinder and I get it now. I new it would be a stupid question!

having said that, I have not machined the cylinder yet as i've a poorly lathe (waiting for parts). Just thought I would do what I could on the mill while I have the chance.

Thank you


06/07/2023 17:17:23

Hi all, Just a quick one i'm back on the Thompstone decided to splash out and buy some PB for the cylinder rather than use CA, Stupid question but on the drawings on page 491 the valve block is 22mm wide but the steam chest is 20 mm wide, I presume this is a printing error and should read 20mm? also the text states on page 562 tap the steam chest M4 but the drawings state M5, I presume the M5 is correct? as the valve nut is also M5 & M4 would make it rather thin walled.

Sorry for daft questions, but I just want to clarify before I cock something up.

thanks for all reply"s in advance


14/02/2023 22:31:54

Hi Jason

I know what you mean about the PM bottle, It just doesn't just look right, maybe a bit skinny?

I do have 1 set of them clarkson castings squirreled away, Blackgates are stocking all clarksons castings and plans if anybody is interested.

I've never heard of Lark & Son. looks a nice engine. I will have to google it.


14/02/2023 18:39:31

oooh looks nice, another one to add to my retirement list!

have you any plans to do a tangye or twin victoria style?

or maybe even a bottle engine or am I asking too muchsmiley


Edited By paul rayner on 14/02/2023 18:41:06

13/02/2023 18:46:21

Hi James Love the colour.

As it happens I've just pulled out my bits this weekend, hopefully I should get some time over the next couple of weeks to do a bit more.


Thread: Advice on Cluttered Dimensions in Drawings
21/03/2022 21:05:48
Posted by JasonB on 21/03/2022 16:20:55:

Dave as it's now clear it's for home use then no real need to worry about the latest BS standard or dimensioning styles just do it to suit the way you are going to machine it. It's only if you are going to make the drawing available to others you need to give it a bit more thought.

Although I do a 3D model of all my engines and check holes line up and moving parts like cranks and conrods won't hit anything when turning I seldom print off drawings for use in the workshop to actually make the thing from. Typical 3D of the one I'm currently working on. I just take off what sizes I need from the 3D part and get on with making it

unreal 3d.jpg

I hope this won't make anyone choke on theirbeer but this is what it's built from, I think there is even an envelope or two in there and just one printed drawing.blush


But it seems to work for me as yesterdays little video shows. If it's going in the mag or for work then I'll approach things a bit differently

Edited By JasonB on 21/03/2022 16:22:26

Would be nice to see this in the mag

Thread: Thompstone Engine
27/02/2022 14:02:49

That's correct, with it being cast iron it will take quite some heat and time to get it to temp.

Where as I don't think my EF would cut the mustard.

Just out of curiosity I went on CUP's site and notice they have a flux for bronze!



27/02/2022 12:33:11

Jason, Bugger me I've got EF flux! so that wont do, JB it is

Geoff, thanks for that, a picture is worth a thousand words as they say.

Thinking about it I will try Jason's suggestion, use a smaller end mill and file the corners.

Now back to the shed with coffee in handsmiley

thank you all



27/02/2022 09:54:59

Thank you Jason, I think I will have a go at soldering some cast iron first.

Then maybe it will make up my mind!



26/02/2022 23:57:51

Hiya Nigel

I know what you mean, but this cylinder isn't as straight forward as that, The valve flange and the steam passages are in one "T" piece soldered to the side of the cylinder there is a picture of Jasons cylinder halfway down the previous page, or the drawings are in ME vol 226 no 4662 page 491 if you are interested.

I Think the only way round it would be rather than milling a slot into the cylinder, to mill a 10mm flat on the cylinder, that way I could machine the cylinder, flanges & decorative bands.

soldering it could be a problem for me though!

or part with some cash.

thoughts anyone?

26/02/2022 21:34:21

How does Jb weld fair with steam?

I do intend only to run on air but you never know.

methinks it could be tricky machining the slot for the valve and exhaust blocks with the flanges on.


26/02/2022 18:58:54

Hiya Jason

Just made a start on this engine at last!

how difficult is it to silver solder cast iron if I used that for the cylinders?

bearing in mind i'm a novice.

thank you for your response in advance



Thread: No reply to personal messages
15/11/2021 22:14:02

Hi all

Only time I log in is when I want to make a post or offer my opinion/service in anyway, also when I need help or advice. (I'm probably what is termed as a lurker.)

I have found though, when I have made a post, or if someone messages me, the system does email me, so I do know to logon and reply.

merry christmas everyonesurprise



Thread: Gage block lapping?
27/05/2021 21:28:18

The Mitutoyo was interesting reading Michaelyes

Thread: Anyone intersted?
27/05/2021 20:23:55

How about the thompstone being serialized at the moment.

going to have a bash myself when I get the time. The last one Jason did (muncaster) was excellent enjoyed making that and learned lots of machining skills taboot.



Thread: Can one buy pliers with parallel jaws that lock like mol
26/05/2021 19:00:23
Posted by Anthony Knights on 26/05/2021 16:32:43:

Personally, I think this guy is a wind-up merchant who's extracting the urine. He has come up with objections for every sensible suggestion made by people on this forum. If he's that desperate and genuine about what he wants, he should design something himself. How about this?

mini vice.jpg

If he replies, there's bound to be something wrong with it.


Thread: A new 'take' on Finite Elements
01/04/2021 18:07:01
Posted by Michael Gilligan on 01/04/2021 17:29:41:

Looks like nobody’s much interested in the fact that they modelled the dynamic behaviour of nearly 20,000 individual rings.

Oh well sad


I am, Just been working for a change, (need to earn some pennies). So I have not been logged on for awhile

You always seem to come up with interesting stuff, keep it up. Off In my shed now



Thread: O ring design & installation video
19/03/2021 22:09:18
Came across this video on the tube makes interesting viewing.
Thread: Jacobs Chuck run out
15/02/2021 19:15:59

Hi Geoff are you sure it is the chuck?

I had the same problem, turned out to be the stub was out that I had pressed it on to.

If you have the tackle try measuring it on a surface plate in a v block with a piece of silver steel in the jaws.

if you measure the silver steel with the arbor on the block and rotate it. see what you get.

then take the arbor off, put the silver steel in the v block and indicate the inside of the abour bore.

I found mine was cock on. I then rotated my 2mt spindle in the v block up against a stop with an indicator on the stub, and it was bloody miles out.

so you could try that it may or may not be that.

thats my own personal experience. good luck , let us know how you get on



Thread: ME magazine late again
04/01/2021 13:59:38

mine arrived on Saturday

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