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Member postings for J Hancock

Here is a list of all the postings J Hancock has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: china/India - Cop 26
18/11/2021 22:14:44

Not silliness TS , blame any shortage of gas for domestic heating on decisions made by 'officials' in high places who sold off our North Sea gas for quick financial gain.

Used for domestic and industrial purposes only it would have lasted 'indefinitely'.

Used to make electricity , almost criminal waste.

Nuclear and clean coal was the way to go , plus renewables of course.

18/11/2021 19:36:12

Thank you DW, with that knowledge I will sleep well tonight.

18/11/2021 15:50:55


Just what type of heating will builders be choosing to install in new builds when they are no longer allowed (mandated ) to use gas boilers in 2030/5 ish.?

Heat pumps are the latest wheeze by the State.

18/11/2021 09:07:18

I have asked my Belgian friends many times, none know of any plans Belgium has to make gas boilers redundant and heat-pumps mandatory in the future.

Thread: Not the time to be complacent about Covid
17/11/2021 09:56:15

Yes PatJ , the 'State' denied that 'contaminated blood ' brought misery and death to thousands from the 1960's onwards until people like me exposed the lies.

A girl-friend died because of it , transfused 1963 , died 1983.

And then there was Thalidomide, etc, etc.

Thread: china/India - Cop 26
15/11/2021 16:32:34

The 'arts-grads ' and their pseudo 'engineer/ scientists' orchestrating this disaster ,have not the slightest understanding of the Laws of Thermodynamics, or the order in which it is necessary to achieve their objectives.

They are trying to achieve the end result first , before providing the steps to get there.

All we can do is watch the catastrophe unfold , it will be 'interesting'.

15/11/2021 15:48:46

AND London to be the first to completely install heat-pumps before any other place in the UK.

15/11/2021 15:20:11

Especially as we have destroyed the very industries which made the 'things' to which we have become addicted.

Just what we need , not.

15/11/2021 14:32:44

Anyone have a view on the 'effect' of the massive movements of water which have taken place over the last 100 years ?

For example , the Aral sea has disappeared , the 3 Gorges has appeared , as has the Hoover dam , Aswan , etc etc.

15/11/2021 10:58:42

Impossible to prove but I listened on the radio to an elderly (ex- Rhodesian ) man tell of marks he made on the rocks in the Seychelles 50years ago after 'nightmare' stories that Mauritius and the Seychelles would be 'underwater' in 50 years time ie now.

He returned to find nothing had changed between high/low marks he had made all those years ago.

Thread: Decent hacksaw blades
15/11/2021 08:30:06

What is really shameful ?

For a reason , Eclipse is not mentioned.

Thread: A very close call with a scammer
13/11/2021 16:01:14

Coming down the line to you all soon.

A telephone call from a 'government' loft insulation survey inspector.

My old friend in Bracknell gave them £4800 to spray the underside of his roof with , hopefully , fire retardant foam.

I have had the telephone call , they had a polite two word answer.

Thread: What O-ring is this?
12/11/2021 11:51:02

Looks like the 'gas' has swollen the O -Ring , whatever size you choose , do make sure it is compatible for

use with the gas you are using.

Thread: SMR's a conundrum.
11/11/2021 17:28:41

Just look at the gas generation and the interconnector graphs 0600---1200hrs today , there was a problem !

11/11/2021 13:03:30

DW I was thinking of the 'Super scram lethal dump/injection of Lithium '.

I see the 'nukes' were running IN the red at 6.15GW this morning , flat out and some more.

This will not end well.

11/11/2021 08:28:19

You're right DW but when things get out of control , like Chernobyl , you can kiss goodbye to 400+sq miles for a long, long time.

The last resort SCRAM procedure has never had to be used on our stations , Windscale was a narrow escape though.

Anyway , COP has finished now and we can all go back to sleep ,while more time is wasted deciding ' what to do'.

10/11/2021 11:56:11

What you write SoD is entirely true , snag is , it suggests ANY form of energy NOT derived from the Sun's daily quota is , ultimately adding to the Earth's early 'demise' , for 'us'.

10/11/2021 10:16:55

Draw a circle , 30miles in diameter.

Colour the top half blue , that is sea.

Colour the bottom half green , that is 'uninhabited ' land.

A shiver used to go through the members of the TNPG commissioning team when they opened the

re-assignment letters , report to the centre of the circle ........................Dounreay.

This was where the SMR's were developed and tested., for the military.

A world of difference to the 'civilian' application they now hope to fill.

TNPG =The Nuclear Power Group ,

Thread: loco won't run
10/11/2021 08:53:12

First , a word of caution.

Do not use anything more than 10---15psi max. when trying to get the chassis running.

If it suddenly turns and your fingers are in there won't stop for those at 80psi.

If it worked before , it will work again , when valves/pistons are sealed and set correctly.

Thread: SMR's a conundrum.
09/11/2021 18:55:57

Exactly Samsaranda, the CEGB had their design /development dept. at Berkeley constantly researching

new designs.

This £0.5billion will recreate what once existed before , under a different name.

Meanwhile, we press on making the electric toys of the future with no 'battery' to power them with.

And "yes" JL , I am sure 'we' ,as a group , have more common sense / practical solutions to present problems

than ever will be employed by the ' State'.

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