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Member postings for J Hancock

Here is a list of all the postings J Hancock has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Hermes in action - Lost parcel ?
04/09/2021 10:02:56

Yes, I think they have 'a problem' with the folks in the distribution centres.

It is getting like 'the docks' , pre-container era , there was always an 'ullage' allowance for stuff that would never arrive !

03/09/2021 08:57:14

Why is it always me ?

Broke the spade four days ago, no problem , new one ordered from Doncaster , just down the road.

Yesterday, door bell rings while I am lathered in shampoo, no problem ,open door ,can't see but local HERMES lady drops small package inside the hall and drives off.

Half-hour later , pick up package , one end is already open .

Very obviously where the spade handle, complete with spade attached , had been !

Another HERMES unsuccessful delivery .

Thread: What are the potential hazards of using E10 fuel on classic car seals
02/09/2021 15:44:27

Bizarre isn't it , we have to buy nearly 14% of our electrical energy from France/Holland/Norway and yet for the puny difference that E5/1O ethanol difference makes , we can go to all the trouble to harrow/plough/seed/harvest an edible crop, render it suitable to distil and then distribute/add to spoil perfectly good petrol.

Using more 'fossil fuel' to manufacture it than energy released in the finished product.

Thread: Is the EV industry in too much of a hurry ?
01/09/2021 09:44:15

It will certainly be 'interesting ' as this EV story develops. People, in general , do not realise each one of those batteries is like a small thermite grenade .

Thread: Coolant pump - how to slow flow rate?
29/08/2021 08:51:50

A simple car windsceen washer set-up would probably be sufficient for your requirement ?

28/08/2021 08:28:56

Yes , happy memories , I was taught that screws were for hammering in ( The Birmingham Screwdriver ) and screwing out.

Thread: Is your name on a knife [Database]
25/08/2021 09:04:21

That was a Blackadder joke , Jorick carved his on a bullet.

Thread: The "Lost art of hardening copper"
20/08/2021 16:10:56

Not to forget copper oxide was an early use of a semi-conductor .

Thread: What features do you like to see in Youtube videos.
18/08/2021 08:28:05

David Jupp , if you had a relative who flew with 49Sqd in 1943 , please leave me a contact in my private message board of this forum.

Thread: Hoover AC Motor and Dewhurst forward/reverse switch wiring
13/08/2021 08:32:21

If you type Dewhurst into the keyword box , then 'go' , you will see all you need in those posts.

Thread: GigaFactory
09/08/2021 16:29:02

Strange that buying cheapest is so discriminatory , ie sugar is much cheaper to buy 'abroad ' but 'tariffs'

prevent us from buying it that way.

.I wonder why that is ?

09/08/2021 14:29:54

All achieved by closing our manufacturing industries and buying from China/Asia.

Close more and buy everything , 100% target reached.

Job done.

Now we don't need to do anything anymore.

Are they stupid, or am I ?

09/08/2021 12:52:49

On the last point , I think you will find all the big power stations in the UK sat on top of the coal-mine.

Killing the mines , killed the stations as well.

Crazy policies , as usual.

Nukes + coal for electricity. 1000 years

NS Gas for domestic heating+ some industrial uses 1000years

Too late , we've sold it all.

09/08/2021 09:19:39

How did we manage international trade pre-1900.

Oh,, yes , sailing ships.,horses.

The difference ?

That which can never be mentioned , population , greed..

08/08/2021 13:08:11

There was , but as usual , poor management in the later years destroyed the idea.

Bought by our 'parents' , British Steel, Rail. Transport, Gas, Sugar , Motor Corp, CEGB ,Aerospace, all sold for a pittance.,instead of sacking the management.

Thread: Recommended lathe outside protection?
08/08/2021 07:19:27

As a 'spray-on ', Dinitrol 77B , will be there long after the Waxoil has gone.

Thread: pH electrodes [advice requested]
06/08/2021 20:38:08

If I remember well , the ph sensor must be kept immersed in distilled water when not in use ?

Thread: EV Charging Hacks …
03/08/2021 09:45:24

Like it or not (Not) , electricity is going to be forced upon us as the only 'energy' source to use.

How it will be produced , is completely beyond the comprehension of those making the decisions.

The future will be 'interesting' , to say the least.

Thread: Aircraft General Discussion
30/07/2021 16:54:05

PBS America , last night , Electric aircraft ,present progress.

Distinctly underwhelmed by what has been achieved and massive over-hype on what can be achieved.

Little more than what serious RCME types know already.

Thread: Stainless Watch case
28/07/2021 22:14:29

Makes you realise what a bargain you are getting for a few Baht in the MK Centre in Bangkok , complete with strap and battery and keep perfect time .

How can they sell for that price and make a profit ?

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