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Member postings for Journeyman

Here is a list of all the postings Journeyman has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Mystery object
07/01/2022 11:59:48

Don't know what it's called but looks like a fitment for a microscope platform to position glass slides.


Thread: ANTIKYTHERA MECHANISM not the first??
07/01/2022 09:55:51
Posted by Howi on 07/01/2022 09:48:23:

Just because it is on the internet, does not make it true.

Just look at the number of YouTube videos on perpetual motion machines.

You mean they don't work!! There's me been building one forever, still at the testing stage thoughwink


Thread: Digital subscription offer
07/01/2022 09:53:18
Posted by Neil Wyatt on 25/11/2021 10:21:08:

I have been told that the plan is to get the archives updated to HTML6 by the end of the year.


That's keen, as far as I know HTML 6 hasn't been released yet! Probably still safer to work to HTML 5 I would have thought.


Thread: Collet Choice
06/01/2022 16:02:26

An ER32 chuck and full set of collets would be ideal offering maximum flexibility but of course can be a bet expensive to get a decent set all in one go. Some suppliers will sell the chuck alone and then you can add individual sizes of collet as needed. On my smaller mill I use ER 25 and leave the chuck pretty well permanently in situ. I use the collet chuck for drilling as well as milling.

Advantage of the MT3 collets is that they don't use any headroom but you will be limited to size choice. That said you can get away with just four for the common shank size cutters 4,6,8 & 10mm. More restrictive if you need larger sizes. Same applies you don't have to buy them all in one go.

MT collets have a very limited range of opening basically just the nominal size. ER collets have a wider opening range .5mm for the smaller sizes and 1mm for the larger this range enables holding tooling with odd size shanks and indeed drills as necessary.


Thread: Internet Speed ?
05/01/2022 19:16:16

Well spotted. Yes all the right figures not necessarily in the right order, sad


Thread: Highway Code
05/01/2022 12:57:38
Posted by Mike Poole on 05/01/2022 12:21:49:

You must have some big ladies round your way...

I don't think that they are particularly large it's just that they seem to move about a lot to occupy all the available space. Along the lines of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle smiley


05/01/2022 10:51:49

As a cyclist I appreciate my disc brakes. Many times I have had to brake hard to avoid collisions with left turning motorists. Despite wearing the obligatory bright yellow and having flashing lights (not aimed at oncoming drivers) I still seem to be totally invisible to some motorists. I try to avoid roads, preferring bridal paths etc. but I still have to use the road to get to where I can enjoy cycling. Need more dedicated cycle paths, there are a few round about but usually shared with pedestrians. Why is it that a lady with a pram can occupy all of a path that is 5m widewink


Thread: Internet Speed ?
05/01/2022 10:37:20

I feel quite pleased with my connection now, seeing the abysmal speeds that some are getting. Just checked this morning and I am getting - 69.1Mb/s Up and 18.4Mb/s Down - that's on FTTC and my PC is on a WiFi link, so probably a bit faster at the router. I notice that near me in parts of Slough they (not sure who) are installing FTTP but that's not due here for a couple of years, wrong side of the Berks/Bucks border apparently.

Commiserations to those with tediously slow connections, it really is unhelpful these days as more and more services become available on line and increasingly difficult to do by phone or snail mail.


Thread: Warco Lathe setup
04/01/2022 10:38:49
Posted by Bo'sun on 04/01/2022 09:45:27:

I'm interested in Howards comment regarding adjustable pads. My WM250 doesn't appear to have any adjustment at the front of the saddle, or have I missed something? I have around 0.06mm of noticeable lift at the front and 0.01mm at the rear, which has a gib strip.

The WM250 has a couple of guide blocks at the front just behind the apron. Not adjustable and one (as image below) also forms the saddle clamp, which on the older WM250 at least can't possibly work unless the block is left loose. It is possible to adjust the fit by either filing or using abrasive paper on a flat plate. I played with mine to re-make the saddle clamp *** See Journeyman's Workshop ***.


It occurs to me that on the OP's WM180 with DRO the saddle clamp screw may be hidden beneath the scale depending upon how it is fitted.


Thread: Paranoid about Android
02/01/2022 11:16:31

The only way to really make the phone yours is to 'root' it and install a custom ROM. This however is not for the faint hearted and can easily 'brick' the phone if the wrong button is pressed or an incompatible software is installed. Thats if you can find a suitable ROM for the Alcatel.

Probably best to just carefully go through all the settings, remove the apps that you don't want or disable those that cannot be removed. It may be possible to find a 3rd party contacts app from the playstore that does what you need.

I'm sure you have already searched online but this is an interesting *** Article *** from


Thread: Accurate hygrometer / humidity meter for the workshop
01/01/2022 07:36:11

Can't vouch for accuracy but I use a couple of these:-


One to monitor the humidity inside a filament storage box and one outside the box in the workshop. From several suppliers at Amazon and similar for a couple of quid. Different styles and colours some have equal size temperature and humidity readouts. Press-fit into a hole about 45mm x 25mm or just leave them loose. Make useful fridge thermometers as well. More on filament storage box *** HERE ***


Thread: Middle of Lidl
30/12/2021 19:21:01

I think mine are 4-facet (split point) not a good photo but:-


This is what I bought.



30/12/2021 14:36:52

Lidl in Uxbridge still had loads this afternoon. Picked up a couple of boxes (one for the neighbour) they should last me a while. Larger ones are 4-facet ground. Haven't tried them yet.


Thread: DAB radio
30/12/2021 11:57:07

Given up on off-air radio and now use a 'Smart Speaker' advantages are that it can find radio, specific music genre, your own choice music etc. Downside is they tend not to be particularly Hi-Fi and you need a good broadband connection and good in-house/workshop wi-fi coverage. Small advantage is that you can talk to them as well, although you often get silly answers. There are quite a few makes but all seem to rely on Amazon, Google, Apple for the source material and 'silly assistant' .


Thread: What is it please
28/12/2021 13:48:03

See also *** POST *** for catalogue pictures etc.


Thread: ML 7 Acme threads,
24/12/2021 18:28:41

Ah, now we know what's being made. Cross-slide leadscrew for an ML7. As Pete says, you can pretty well ignore the indicator lines for a 10 TPI thread although probably as well to choose one line and stick to that just for good practice at engaging the feed as required. Don't know exactly how long the screw is but a flimsy long item like this will probably need the use of a travelling steady to stop the job springing away from the tool. I would be inclined to single point the thread and then possibly make use of a suitable die to correct the thread form. Definitely hard work to do the whole thing with a die. Doing single point cutting will ensure the correct and accurate TPI over the length of the thread and then the die will clean it up nicely.


24/12/2021 17:02:58

Just to be sure, when you say dial indicator, I take it you are referring to one of these:-


It's sole purpose is to make sure that the leadscrew is engaged at the correct time. Depending on the thread TPI/pitch and the leadscrew TPI/pitch it will be possible to engage the feed at any line, two opposite lines, just one line or for some metric pitches it wont work at all.


24/12/2021 16:30:08

Acme threads are only special in respect to their shape, you need the correctly profiled tool-bit. The TPI or pitch if metric will be as for any other type of thread. Just look at the thread cutting chart on the headstock!

As to the threading indicator dial not turning, that's how it works. Select the line to engage and when it comes into conjunction with the fixed point engage lever and it will stop turning.


Thread: Sets of parallels
14/12/2021 13:27:55

Well someone on Thingiverse got there before me *** LINK ***



14/12/2021 09:15:41

You could try these *** LINK *** haven't used myself but might be worth a go!

Going a bit 'off piste'  as it were, I wonder if 3D printed parallels would be any good. Of course these would not be precision or long lasting but might suffice for the odd job and 3D printing can be surprisingly accurate with a good set-up.


Edited By Journeyman on 14/12/2021 09:21:45

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