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Member postings for elanman

Here is a list of all the postings elanman has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Another Mystery Object
27/08/2023 16:46:52

Here's one I made earlier. It works very well and I have never seen another.

However in the pic of the OP and the link to the pins there are two good improvements I need to make. The thumbwheel will stop the jaws closing on your hand when a pin slips out and it looks as if the pins are held in with an O ring, meaning they are easy to change.





Edited By elanman on 27/08/2023 16:48:34

Edited By elanman on 27/08/2023 16:51:12

Edited By elanman on 27/08/2023 16:55:07

Thread: Collet issues
22/06/2023 21:51:46

The big advantage with screw loc cutters is that they cannot walk out of the collet and they should self tighten. The disadvantage now is that they are out of fashion compared to fifty years ago and so the selection of cutters one can buy is less. Tracy tools also sell the cutters as do other suppliers.

As the OP has eight collets I assume he has a full set, both imp and metric.

Edited By elanman on 22/06/2023 21:53:19

Edited By elanman on 22/06/2023 21:53:41

Thread: End Mill chamfering bit, 90deg
10/04/2023 17:20:31

I used a carbide burr, a lot cheaper and also from APT.

Thread: Harrogate Showground
16/11/2022 15:19:14

I do hope so, 22 miles vs 251 miles to Leamington makes for a much better trip.



Edited By elanman on 16/11/2022 15:20:31

Thread: 5/8th silver steel - good value!
13/10/2022 07:47:29

You need to be careful. There are at least 2 specs for the tolerance of the O/D size. The wider limit stuff is a lot cheaper, but if that's not an issue then it can save some £'s.



Thread: Indicator
24/03/2022 20:58:20

DTI, Indicator or dial indicator????

Where I was an apprentice they were all just known as a "clock". LoL.



Thread: Releasing a corroded stud (steel) passing through a casting (aluminium)
18/02/2022 17:02:54

Over twenty years ago now but I used Diamant Boart, they seem to have moved to Leeds but may be worth a call. Another firm I looked at at that time was Major diamond supplies who are still going and in Northampton. They do make core bits.



Edited By elanman on 18/02/2022 17:03:35

Thread: Grinding cylindrical HSS for lathe tools
07/01/2022 19:31:26

Way back when I was an apprentice we would use round blanks for small (say below 3/8in dia) boring tools and I still do. If you start with a round piece you've got less metal to remove to make the tool.

I would not normally use a round blank for external turning. One of the times I would use such a tool is the using up of a broken end mill to make a special (one off) tool.

Chris, no I would not grind a flat, just position by eye. Hold the tool in a V block or split square holder.



Edited By elanman on 07/01/2022 19:34:19

Thread: DRO's and mental agility
22/12/2021 14:11:51

I have a 2 axis on my lathe and a 3 axis on my mill, I would not be without either of them.

On a lathe to get the best out of it you do need one with tool tables on and a good QCTP with a fair few tool holders. That way you can change tools, tell the DRO which tool you are using and away you go, once it's all setup. Very useful if you are working on a job that you need ten of.

Others have said what's good to have on a mill.



Edited By elanman on 22/12/2021 14:12:22

Thread: Warco GH Universal mill help
22/09/2021 19:34:59

The first thing I'd do would be to measure how much torque is required to move it with the aid of a lever and spring balance. Then I'd look at what options there are to achive this torque. What size gear box might be needed in order to use a smaller motor? Then it might depend on how much you want to spend.



Thread: DRO scale Modification
19/09/2021 08:41:49

I have shortened a glass scale, but not a chronos one so you may need to adapt the method.

On the end that you are going to chop off, remove the end piece. Slide the read head to the other end. Fill the scale with cotton wool or tissue to try and stop grinding dust into the read head. Slide this packing upto the read head making sure that it's past the cut point. Mark the cut point on the outside case of the scale. I used an angle grinder with a 1mm thick cutting disc. Cut it so that the glass is supported by the metal in the direction that you are going to cut. Then go for it. Take it easy and do not force it though.

Just stick the end piece back on with sealer.

Best of luck.



Edit , I see some has typed faster than me and posted a better desciption with pics.

Edited By elanman on 19/09/2021 08:45:15

Thread: BA sizes
11/05/2021 13:36:35

Are some of the nuts made with the one size smaller hex bar to make the nuts look more in scale. So a 4BA nut would be made with a 5BA hex size. Kennions still sell these and also bolts.



11/05/2021 13:31:07

Are some of the nuts made with the one size smaller hex bar to make the nuts look more in scale. So a 4BA nut would be made with a 5BA hex size. Kennions still sell these and also bolts.



Thread: Danfoss Pressure Switch
16/04/2021 07:57:20

Another possible option is 1/4 NPT thread. This is .54in O/D * 18 TPI.



Thread: Unknown Castings Identification Help
27/03/2021 10:43:31

Yes they are DW castings, I think a Mk2 version.

PM me if you really need to know what's what and I can look it up in the build manual.



Edited By elanman on 27/03/2021 10:45:12

Thread: Harrison 300 Swarf Shield
06/09/2020 13:28:24

Hi Len,

On my M300 it's item 24 in the parts manual but has a different pt no to your suggestion. It is held in place with two small screws that screw into a couple of tapped holes in the bottom of the headstock casting.



Edited By elanman on 06/09/2020 13:30:52

Thread: What annealing temperature?
05/07/2020 21:30:42

Well I would temper to Mid to dark straw. Sorry I'm old school I don't know what temperature that is. Others may have different ideas.



Thread: What size lathe would I need ?
28/05/2020 10:37:53

If it's for a Rudge-Whitworth centre lock fitting then they have imperial threads. 8TPI. Oviously if you are going to make everything then the thread can be of your choosing.



Thread: Warco A2F quill backlash - any pointers?
28/03/2020 13:27:20


I did not use any calculations. I also have a Dore Westbury and so copied the idea from that. I made two as the quill is a lot larger than the DW. I do know that I made the springs twice as the first ones were not strong enough.

Sorry I'm not more help but it was a long time ago now.



25/03/2020 16:52:05


Thanks for the link, I've not seen those before.



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