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Member postings for The Merry Miller

Here is a list of all the postings The Merry Miller has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Myford travelling steady
16/07/2013 16:30:11

My genuine Myford steady is about 3" from the mounting face to the approximate centre.

Len. P.

Thread: Is it true that our access to the digital archive going to disappear?
11/07/2013 19:42:28


10/07/2013 20:59:27


Food for thought Diane.

Could well be worth continuing with the subscription for only tuppence or thrupence increase for each issue angel

Thanks for the info.

Len P.


Edited By The Merry Miller on 10/07/2013 21:00:34

08/07/2013 20:42:26

Hi Jason,

Yes please if it's not too much trouble.


My own subscription, I can't remember when I took the existing one out.

Does the subscription manager send out reminders? like with (most) other magazines.

Some of my magazines, they come back for a renewed subscription when you have six to nine months left (at a hefty discount mind)

Might be worth MEW taking a leaf from their books.

Len. P.




Edited By The Merry Miller on 08/07/2013 20:46:47

08/07/2013 20:09:11

Evening all,

I have noticed that in the MEW issue 205 something that could be the beginning of an exodus!!!

On page 8, there is an advert for taking out a new subscription for the magazine.

The implication is that you pay £44.50 for the year for 13 issues only. It makes no mention of free access to the digital archive anymore.

Have I missed something or is is it true?

It used to be a selling point giving digital access to back issues but not apparently any more.

It was last mentioned, as part of a new subscriber package, in issue 201, from then nothing!!!

Len. P.

P.S. Perhaps DC1 could comment.


Edited By JasonB on 08/07/2013 20:45:19

Thread: To Grease or to Oil, that is the question.
03/07/2013 19:39:54

Evening all,

I know that a light oil such as Nuto 32 should be used (or is recommended) on the headstock bearings on the Myford ML7 range.

I have just picked up an ML8 wood turning lathe, quite old, and the gent I purchased it from had always used grease on the bearings.

Now the instruction sheets for the ML8 are quite specific, in fact it is highlighted, that "ON NO ACCOUNT IS GREASE TO BE USED" on the bearings.

Now this ML8 must have been going for "Donkey's years" however long that may be with grease in the bearings and correctly adjusted, the bearings show no sign of play.

Are there any Tribology experts out there who may shed a little light as to why Myford were adamant about this point?

Len. P.

Thread: Pipe bending
22/06/2013 17:01:55


I came away from the "Hobbies" shop in Norfolk yesterday with a 2013 catalogue.

In it were a set of pipe/tube bending springs (external type).

They are in sets of five and will bend from 3/16" O.D. down to 1/16" O.D.

Price for the set is £3.85

Their website is:

As most of us oldies know, Hobbies have been going for many, many years and the Hobbies annual used to be a longed for birthday or Christmas present.


Thread: Remote control for 3 phase inverter.
17/06/2013 14:40:27

Possibly Oub!


17/06/2013 13:58:29

Hi Brian,

The remote unit I built many moons ago now is fitted to the right hand side of my Tom Senior M1 mill.

I did post images of it on this site but I can't locate them now, not even in my albums.

As a matter of interest many years ago when I was designing control panels for aircraft and ships we had procedures and ergonomics to consider that were laid down in Def-Standards (MOD were hot on this).

Most parameters, like to increase a function's value, a control dial was rotated in a clockwise direction, to decrease one would turn the dial anti-clockwise.

This, most of us see as commense sense.

What makes me wince is when I see switches labeled up such that to operate REVERSE, the switch lever moves from left to right and vice versa when good ergonomics dictates that when selecting FORWARD, the switch lever should move from left to right.

You even see this on proprietary gear being sold.

I know a lot of you would say, what the hell does it matter.

I say it's just a matter of good engineering design.

Anyway that's my grouse for today.

Love to you all!!!

Len. P.

Thread: Do you cheat ?
02/06/2013 12:11:25

Did almost the same on my 3/8" BSW drawbar on my mill where the thread had just about stripped.

Turn the end down to 6 mm dia for about 40 mm (just about removed all of the old thread)

Cut off 40 mm from a high tensile caphead and discard the head.

Drill right through the threaded section at 6.1 mm dia.

You drill right through to prevent the piston effect when you subsequently bond the threaded sleeve to the drawbar using Loctite 638.

Job done.

Very effective.

Len. P.

Thread: LED Work lights for milling machine
29/05/2013 15:25:06

Just received my two 48 LED panels from China.

Found a 12v-1 amp plug-in psu that used to provide the power for an old Netgear modem.

Hooked up the panels in parallel and they work a treat.

I have them on soak now in the kitchen, I'll give them a couple of hours to see how warm they get then look at ways of packaging them prior to attachment to the mill.

Len. P.

Thread: Motors to drive tools
13/05/2013 10:34:51

Hello Andy,

Just as a matter of interest for you.

I am halfway through building a Kennedy clone courtesy of Myfordboy from whom I purchased the plans/drawings.

His version uses a 1/3 hp motor (4 poles of course to give 1450 rpm)

He uses a 6" dia pulley on the crankshaft and a small dia toothed pulley on the motor, the crankshaft speed being about 210 rpm. He also uses a toothed timing belt for the drive but with no teeth on the large pulley.

This large pulley is available for purchase from him.

It's worth looking at his youtube clip to see it in action, quite impressive it is as well ( I think he wears safety shoes)

The clip link is **LINK**

It has been discussed on this forum before, search for powered hacksaw or "myfordboy"

Len. P.

Thread: Obtrusive adverts
29/04/2013 13:22:59

I use Firefox and the Ad. (on the home page) is still there as it is on my Ipad 3.

Len. P.

29/04/2013 11:02:04


I appreciate that the powers that be behind the Mew magazine need the income to keep going but how many prominent positions are you prepared to allocate to the detriment of the Forum space?

Len. P.

29/04/2013 09:24:19

Is there any chance of the Chester advert being mooved out of the main body of the forum and placed at the side where the commercial ones are located?

Pretty soon you will have to search hard to find the forum posts if this carries on.

Len. P.

Thread: Torsion Spring
15/04/2013 11:53:46

I have boxes of compression springs from "Lewis Springs"

One is marked music wire the other stainless steel wire.

Music wire is known as piano wire Ian and has better strength properties than the stainless wire but in your case I would plump for the stainless.

Len. P.

Thread: Lathe alignment
03/04/2013 16:09:10

I'm going to throw a spanner in the works now just as a point of interest.

The lathe beds of the Myford ML7 range, looks suspiciously like they are supported on the "Airy Points" or very close to them anyway.

Would this have been the case during machining of the beds or would they have ignored the flexing element and just clamped directly onto the machining table?

Would the location of the mounting feet on the underside of the bed have been a deliberate part of the design or just a coincidence?

Len. P.

Thread: Rechargeable 24 v drill
22/03/2013 10:07:56

Well thanks for your advice lads.

First thing to say is that I got my knickers in a twist over Li-Po and Li-Ion batteries so I went back to my shortlist and found the choice was between Ni-Cd and Li-Ion not Li-Po.

To cut it short, Screwfix were having a three day sale of a Bosch professional combi ( the Blue range not the Green) with two Li-Ion 2.6 AH batteries.

Price £179.99 reduced to £99.99, sale finishes Saturday.

I snapped one up.

Len. P.

21/03/2013 13:02:41

I notice on surfing the net that Makita seem to plump for Li-Po batteries now, I was using NiCd cells way back in the '70's but it looks like they are on their way out although DeWalt are still using them.

Len. P.

21/03/2013 12:56:54

My Bosch was a hammer drill plus screwdriver with clutch and reversing, I should imagine all the driver drills have reversing !

Thinking about it now, I haven't done much hammering with it I tend to use the mains drill for that.

Len. P.

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