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Member postings for Swarf Maker

Here is a list of all the postings Swarf Maker has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: harrison m300, spindle run out...bearings?
19/12/2018 01:31:46

Following up on Mike Poole's and Phil P's responses, one of the more significant possibilities for the erratic behaviour of your spindle is that the cage of one of the spindle bearing is breaking up. The cage may well be a bronze one and the source of your oil contamination. If the cage is allowing the rollers to take up their own positions there will be occasions when they will crowd together and thus allow the spindle to divert off axis. At other times, particularly with a longitudinal load on the spindle, the forces may well cause the rollers to distribute themselves more evenly. Worth serious consideration I feel.

Thread: GEC Motor Bearings for Lathe Motor
04/11/2018 09:18:27

I tend to agree on the shaft size Michael, although I will always consider errors in measurement first. In this case I think that Andy has been consistent and accurate.The other dimensions do look rather close to imperial fraction sizes though. On other things that i have worked on that were manufactured before and through the middle of the last century, it is not unknown for mixed imperial and metric dimensions to be used for parts!

Main thing is that the problem has been resolved!

Thread: bridgeport motor bearing clearance
03/11/2018 23:39:40

I suspect that as nobody has answered this question that the question itself is not understood. Whereabouts does the clearance that you are asking about supposedly exist?

If you are able to clarify the question I won't be able to answer it myself, but someone else may be able to.

Thread: GEC Motor Bearings for Lathe Motor
03/11/2018 23:35:35

Not sure why the sizes are such a puzzle. The bush length at 0.376" measures 1 thou over 3/8". The outside diameter at 0.4218" is 2 tenths of a thou under 27/64". The shaft diameter at 0.316" is 3.5 thou over 5/16".

Your motor is nearly 50 years old and its design origins probably pre-date its manufacture to some degree. Fractional imperial sizes were still in common use at that time.

Thread: Learning CAD with Alibre Atom3D
29/10/2018 07:38:59

Jason, as always ever trying to be helpful on this forum! Can I suggest a better way to make videos of the use of CAD?

There are screen capture programmes that will do this for you, so no need to set up a camera to look over your shoulder. As it happens,one is available to users of Fusion 360 and is one of the ways that a F360 user is able to communicate a problem to the programme developers. It is also used to make F360 training videos. That programme is called 'Screencast' but I believe that other such programmes are available.

Thread: What did you do Today 2018
26/08/2018 00:14:06

Damn the forum, I always look forward to your gliding stories Andrew!

2 spitfires, 3 tiger moths and the Red Arrows flew past today at various times. Excellent!

Edited By Swarf Maker on 26/08/2018 00:15:35

Thread: Am I getting an irritable old git?
06/07/2018 09:21:30

I think that it is about time that this discussion moved on to an erudite analysis of the use of "git" in the context of this thread.

Thread: Milling machine operation
28/06/2018 23:38:56

One readily identifiable cause of wandering on a narrow slitting saw is if the cutting edge of the teeth are either worn or incorrectly ground, such that they are not precisely at a right angle (i.e. exactly parallel to the arbor). If there is thus a "slope" to the cutting edge there is a small resultant force vector that will cause the saw blade to move 'sideways'. I had a 1/64" fine tooth saw that had perhaps hit a hard spot and incurred slight damage this way. This saw subsequently exhibited a sideways bias, even on the horizontal mill. Close examination highlighted the problem and a re-sharpen resolved it.

Thread: How do I undo this screw?
23/06/2018 09:55:10

If these screw heads are inside the safe, then with an allen key socket (i.e. the type used with socket set accessories) and handle, use a machinist jack or other means to wedge the socket into the screw head against the roof of the safe. This stops it 'camming' out.

If you don't have a suitable allen socket then make one by cutting a length from an allen key and using the corresponding ordinary socket that will fit it.

Thread: My Digital subscription
24/05/2018 18:55:14

Hi 'Fowlers Fury'. The only reason for stating 'Plugin' as distinct from 'Extension' was as a consequence of your previous advice:- "If you're using ver 6.0, click on Help > Troubleshooting information.
Scroll down to "Extensions" and look at Flash Control to see whether "enabled" or "False".

I also use Firefox at the same version level as yourself and if I do as you suggest, for me, like Raymond Berry, there is no mention of Flash under the 'Extension' heading and thus no options to select.

I offered the alternative method using the menu as a possible route to helping him out of his problem as it seemed to be the most obvious place where a user selection can be made. I wonder if there is a difference between the 32bit and 64bit versions of Firefox? I am using the 64 bit version 60.0.1 on Windows 7 Professional.

Edited By Swarf Maker on 24/05/2018 18:57:27

24/05/2018 17:27:00

Flash is a 'Plug-In', not an 'Extension'. With Firefox open, using Ctrl, Shft A (or the menu) takes you to the 'Add Ons' page. Select 'Plugins' on that page. If Flash has installed correctly you can select whether it is activated manually or automatically, etc.

Edited By Swarf Maker on 24/05/2018 17:28:10

Thread: Phone Scam
28/04/2018 20:58:29

"Thank you for calling the Action Fraud hotline. For the purposes of security your call is being traced . . . . . Please hold the line"

Seems to avoid further calls!

Thread: Warco WM250 Lathe and Warco WM18 Milling machine (Advice please)
26/04/2018 22:52:17

Reminds me of when I went to collect a mini lathe from the Warco works. Advertised as fully checked as was their wont in those days. When I arrived the lathe was hauled out from the back somewhere, still in its unopened Asian packaging. Has it been checked then says I? "No, not yet" came the reply - "I'll do it now". Tape on box cut, lid lifted, lathe on it's side. Mains lead oiked out, plugged in, switched on speed knob twiddled, chuck rotates. "Yep, all OK - there you go." Was I impressed?

Again, at an exhibition took a mate to look at machines. One of their bigger mills - can't remember which one. Usual touchy feely things that one does and the spindle won't rotate - at all! Speak to man on stand. "Oh is it?" he says and shows no further interest in us.

Another mate ill advisedly bought a combination machine, 300 something or other. Not many weeks in, the milling spindle started rattling, wandering and then seized. Company showed no interest, warranty or otherwise. So we stripped it and replaced the bearings with decent quality ones. You should have seen the apology for bearings that had additionally been running in sand-laden grease.

No comfort to STK2008 I'm afraid and my experiences were a few or more years ago now. One would hope that things have improved?

Thread: Drawing board v CAD
21/03/2018 00:16:15


I think that there is a fundamental problem for many people that wish to get familiar with 3D CAD, and that is the lack of basic tutorials. If you are anything like me, who needs the manual!

However, this is one case where it pays dividends to get to grips with two things: One - the nomenclature - which may not be quite what you thought the words meant; and Two - the structure that the programmer expected you to put in place and follow during construction.

For F360 this is important, but contrary to the belief of some, it is entirely appropriate to start with a 2D sketch, the fag-packet equivalent. Indeed, in my case where I sometimes call upon 2D drawings made some time ago, I start by importing a dxf file.

It's not appropriate to try and do a tutorial session via the forum so I have sent you a private message.

Edited By Swarf Maker on 21/03/2018 00:17:05

18/03/2018 23:46:10

Clive, perhaps this may help.

Agreed that F360 learning is a bit hit and miss but it may be that you have not discovered the route to the more conventional 'user manual' style teaching area.

With F360 open on your screen, click the 'Help' question mark and select 'Learn Fusion 360'. This opens a page in your web browser.

That page has a series of short video tutorials which although they demonstrate a few principles, don't answer the kind of questions most of us would ask. However, at the bottom of the table on the LHS of the screen is an option 'See all Fusion 360 learning".

Click that link and you are taken to another web page that is laid out very much more like a user manual and with links in each category that branch into further depths.

You may have already been there and found it unsatisfactory, but others may not have discovered it, so perhaps useful to have noted it in this thread.

Another route which is also useful is to use keyword searches having entered into the 'Community Forum' area, again under the question mark, top right in the application banner. A lot of information via that route, plus you can ask specific questions and usually get a prompt answer.


Edited By Swarf Maker on 18/03/2018 23:48:50

Thread: Making an alloy gear knob, help needed
01/01/2018 13:31:43

I would have thought that the hole and thread is the starting point and from which you hold the raw stock to do the shaping operations. i.e threaded onto an arbor.

Thread: Designing and building a Morgan style parallel arm 3D printer
31/12/2017 15:50:19


Any model that you generate is also stored on your local computer and is available for when you are off-line. the baseline for storage is 'project' and within that you need to construct a library structure (file folders) to keep track of where you keep related things.You can also export copies of any/all of your models as either fusion *.F3d, *.igs, *.iges, *.stp, *.step, *.sat or *.smt to wherever on your own computer you wish to store them.

Think of the cloud as your backup.

You have some further PM's to read.

31/12/2017 11:01:18

Joe, you have a private message in your inbox.

Thread: Fusion 360 centre of gravity
08/11/2017 00:05:41

Should add that you must assign the correct materials to each component or body in the design.

08/11/2017 00:03:56

F360 works out the centre of mass of any body or group of bodies for you.

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