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Member postings for Swarf Maker

Here is a list of all the postings Swarf Maker has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Wrapping a swept profile around a cylinder in Alibre Atom
27/09/2023 00:02:42

In answer to the question raised by John Hinkley, F360 can also wrap and extrude complex profiles as a single action, as shown by this gearbox camshaft.

cam shaft construction v18.jpg

Thread: tap and die co
24/08/2023 00:23:46

I have never beeen succesful in purchasing anything from them. Their 'HQS' is a mystery and I suspect that they are a UK back-street outlet for a Far East factory. Their premises don't look particularly inviting!

Thread: ZWCAD
23/05/2023 23:08:16

Thanks Gary & Baz, you can see why I didn't waste time on it also! I was more curious as to whether anybody on the forum had been involved with it at any stage. In some ways it is an unusual product in today's market.

23/05/2023 00:48:59

Seeing as how we seem to be having a CAD heavy time on the forum at the moment, has anybody come across, or had experience of ZWCAD from ZWSoft?

I only came across it as a consequence of a customer requirement.

Seems to have a 2D bias but also has perpetual licenses for a mechanical engineering version. I don't have the time to dedicate to the free trial, but some of you may be tempted - although it may ignite the fuse for further Chinese product discussion!

Thread: CAD Doodlings.
29/04/2023 14:27:52

Rail guided lofts are very useful when reverse engineering compound shapes. This is a motorcycle handlebar lever modelled in F360.

exhaust lift lever v8a.jpg

Thread: Disassmelbing a keyless Rohm chuck
13/04/2023 21:55:20

If stiff grease is the issue, I suggest that you gently warm the chuck with a heat gun (hair dryer?). I doubt that any grease is so old that the lighter elements have all evaporated and so the warmth should lower the viscosity and you will feel the difference - thus proving your theory. In extremis, more prolonged heating and the old lubricant will probably run out, allowing you to introduce fresh.

Thread: Nut and Bolt supplier UK.
12/03/2023 10:29:58

How about using the much derided imperial (fraction) system and an outdated thread standard?

3/8" X 26tpi BSc is readily available in the motorcycle restoration world.

A decent product and price from 'Nooky's Nuts' may satisfy your need.

Edited By Swarf Maker on 12/03/2023 10:30:30

Thread: Suggestions for a simple to use free FlowChart software package
06/03/2023 20:03:06

I have used 'LucidChart' and found it very good.

Thread: Yet another scam
03/01/2023 11:02:22

Getting these text messages is a regular occurrence and is most definitely a scam. I often get one of these the day following a legitimate delivery by Evri, Jodel or DPD. It would seem that the customer telephone contact number is most likely 'leaked', perhaps during the final stage delivery where it would be easy for numbers to be forwarded from the delivery drivers mobile phone.

Thread: Shapr3D - any experience?
20/12/2022 00:36:07

It just seemed to me, from a quick view of the instructional and demonstration videos, that it might appeal to those who are struggling with hierarchical menu driven CAD. The tutorials and the user interface of the programme itself are by far the easiest to understand and master that I have seen. No strange nomenclature either!

Not what I need for myself but well worth a look if CAD is a tool to be used only occasionally, or for undemanding 3D modelling projects

19/12/2022 14:16:14

Just noticed Shapr3D, a 3D modelling tool that I had not noticed before. Has anybody on the forum tried it out?

There is a free basic version and a 14 day free trial of the pro version. I don't have the time to have a go myself at the moment but thought it may be a solution for some of the folk enquiring about CAD options.

Thread: New type postage stamps
08/12/2022 14:29:51

Post box option still appears to be an option, just as before, Duncan Webster. Nothing changed that I can see other than the yellow labels saying that collection is free?

Thread: Rust on New Lathe
09/11/2022 01:15:31

In addition to what has already been said. it may be an artifact of the photos or lighting, but it appears that the paint is 'dirty' in several areas and is that black oil descending from the headstock behind the chuck? Has all the appearance of a 'returned' item. The lack of 'chicken fat' grease supports that idea. Initial purchaser cleaned it up for use, but then found other faults to require its return.

I bought a lathe from Warco and went to collect it. "Oh dear, it hasn't been checked or tested", I was told. No matter, the lid was prized from the box, the plug inserted, button pushed, chuck rotated. "There, all OK and good to go".  Appropriate pre-delivery check? - I don't think so!

Another incident was with one of the larger milling machines (not mine). Spindle had seized bearing(s) from the very start.

A friend bought a 'combination' lathe/mill. No more than a dozen or so hours light use and the milling spindle lower bearing just disintegrated. By then, out of warranty.

For the sake of balance, other people have had much better experiences!

Edited By Swarf Maker on 09/11/2022 01:18:56

Thread: Another Mystery Tool
02/09/2022 22:24:07

I could use that tool. I still use hollow end rivets for fixing the lining on motorcycle brake shoes and I didn't even know that a tool like that ever existed! I will message you.

Thread: Antikythera Mechanism
09/01/2022 19:08:40

I have just found this article in 'Scientific American'. Apologies if this has been linked to before.

Scientific American

Thread: Mc Donald Model tractor
08/01/2022 12:38:17

Unfortunately real cork is getting difficult to obtain and is now rarely used for wine bottles. However, you may find that a home brewing shop will stock real cork stoppers and your solution would be to slice those into suitable segments, glue them in place and sand to an even thickness. They will certainly provide a longer service life and, provided that you use a suitable adhesive, they will be immune to oil contamination. Cork is used this way in full scale motorcycle clutches with oil baths!

08/01/2022 10:28:57

I have no idea how much of an issue it might be in this situation Fred, but you appear to have used reconstituted cork rather than 'real' cork. The 'glue and granules' format of that friction surface may just fall apart in use.

Thread: How much is a life worth
22/11/2021 00:11:37
Posted by Grindstone Cowboy on 21/11/2021 18:09:03:

Just spotted this article about an award-winning dashboard. Not entirely convinced...


Links to

The major problem with all of these touch screen controls and displays is that they require the user to look at them in order to 'touch' the appropriate part of the screen to fulfil a function. That of itself is a distraction, and often a lengthy one in terms of safety.

The modern trend of ignoring the value of the tactile sense is an extremely retrograde step.

In my car, with conventional knobs and switches, I don't have to divert my eyes from the driving task in order to operate any essential car function.

The radio and SatNav on the other hand has a touch screen and to use that I have to divert my attention to the centre console and look at where to place a finger in order to achieve any simple task. That is simply not appropriate, or good enough, for safe driving.

Thread: Not the time to be complacent about Covid
16/11/2021 13:49:34

I found this to be an interesting and informative article. Amongst other things it summarises how the virus utilises mutation in order to remain an effective threat to us, its hosts: Coronavirus - one step ahead

Edited By Swarf Maker on 16/11/2021 13:51:36

Edited By Swarf Maker on 16/11/2021 13:51:51

Thread: Elliott 10M restoration.
05/11/2021 11:11:32

You may find this a little clearer.  Click on the image and it will enlarge.elliott 10m chart.jpg

Edited By Swarf Maker on 05/11/2021 11:12:33

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