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Member postings for V8Eng

Here is a list of all the postings V8Eng has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: This made me smile
14/02/2023 22:11:39
Cannot make this quote work properly so am deleting my post.
























Edited By V8Eng on 14/02/2023 22:14:58

Thread: Boston Dynamics
06/02/2023 10:07:19
Posted by peak4 on 05/02/2023 15:49:44:

It looks like Boston Dynamics has released a video of Atlas' slight mishaps

Sorry about the actual link, but the video is in there without accessing Twitter.


Just makes one realise how far things have gone in respect of making robots similar to humans.😉


Edited By V8Eng on 06/02/2023 10:08:37

05/02/2023 23:48:13


Edited By V8Eng on 05/02/2023 23:57:33

Edited By V8Eng on 06/02/2023 00:08:37

Thread: oddities embedded in posts
04/02/2023 09:48:20

Never had that (yet?).

Might just be worth running a full security/AV scan on your computer anyway, if you haven’t already done that.

Edited By V8Eng on 04/02/2023 09:49:28

Thread: Piercing saw blade advice wanted.
02/02/2023 22:34:20

Is this American chart any help?

Pepe chart

Thread: Bench power supply
27/01/2023 14:20:17

That looks a useful supplier.

Duly stored for future reference thank you.

23/01/2023 16:39:19

These people (Reading area) keep a wide range of good brands electronic kit. 
Might be worth ringing with your requirements.

No personal connections to them etc!


Edited By V8Eng on 23/01/2023 16:43:33

Thread: Boston Dynamics
22/01/2023 09:23:20

I want one as my assistant!

Thread: Is a bath sponge suitable as temporary fix for car air filter?
18/01/2023 16:49:39

Deleted V8

Edited By V8Eng on 18/01/2023 16:51:38

Thread: I thought winter was over.
18/01/2023 13:19:40

Perhaps the never cast a clout thing is a bit regional?

I was told that it is never cast a clout until May is out.

My wife also has that understanding of the saying.

We are soft southerners though!

17/01/2023 13:36:42

We’re wimps! There’s been 32cm in parts of Scotland (according to the lunchtime forecast) apparently with more to come.

Edited By V8Eng on 17/01/2023 13:40:34

Thread: Unusual drilling machine
15/01/2023 15:22:15
Posted by Ian P on 15/01/2023 14:28:29:

I wonder why one might need to drill pearls and beads in two operations 180 degrees apart?

Yes it might be necessary if the object was over the 35mm diameter but that would be a whopper pearl. I can imagine threading a string through double drilled holes would be fraught with difficulty because of the drill drifting

Ian P


I think it’s because drilling right through from one end might damage the pearl’s surface as the bit breaks through.


Edited By V8Eng on 15/01/2023 15:24:30

Thread: Battery Technology
13/01/2023 15:07:29

There is talk of mining Lithium In Cornwall it will be interesting to see how the waste and by products of production are to be dealt with.

Edited By V8Eng on 13/01/2023 15:08:37

Edited By V8Eng on 13/01/2023 15:18:01

Thread: Some VERY interesting LED modules
13/01/2023 12:49:20
Posted by Robert Atkinson 2 on 13/01/2023 12:33:11:

That dimmer specification is marginal. The 43V is the problem. It would work but you would probably not get full output. The LED is specificed as 44V typical, 46.5V max so the driver may not reach the rated 700mA curent.
This one:


has a 650mA 45V seting which would be better. and is 97.5% of the rating. You won't notice the missing 2.5%.

Robert G8RPI.

I think you may have linked to a local file on your C Drive?

Thread: Artificial "ivory"
12/01/2023 23:40:23
Posted by Jelly on 12/01/2023 14:23:38:
Posted by Chris Pearson 1 on 12/01/2023 11:58:59:

They were usually made of bone. If you can find a proper butcher, you may be able to get an ox's femur.

Don't need to, you can buy pre-prepared blanks of bone from suppliers to the cutlery trade.

SheffieldCutleryShop has a wide range of camel bone blanks.

Knife Scales! Well I still learn something new here on a regular basis.

Thread: Vent - please ignore
12/01/2023 23:27:53

I have noticed that the word “Gotten” is being used in the now.

Edited By V8Eng on 12/01/2023 23:28:27

Thread: Hydrogen
12/01/2023 14:53:30
Posted by Vic on 12/01/2023 12:35

It’s still early days for BEV’s but this is available now. Expensive at the moment but up to 320 mile range. Probably much nicer to drive than an old LR as well or are we talking expensive LR Discovery?



With a battery removable from below by undoing just 8 bolts, that should make a future income for the crooks currently nicking catalytic converters from under cars.

Edited By V8Eng on 12/01/2023 14:55:18

Thread: Surreal News story
12/01/2023 10:24:40

Perhaps Banksy should have painted a skip on the wall instead of the temporary type.

We have a Skatepark up the road and the graffiti (art?) on one of the walls can be amazing (sometimes not) but the park users change it every few weeks, worth a fairly regular walk past it though.

Edited By V8Eng on 12/01/2023 10:30:25

Edited By V8Eng on 12/01/2023 10:34:08

12/01/2023 09:59:14

Strange how generally graffiti appears to be seen as vandalism but Banksy is valuable artwork!

Just my personal viewpoint perhaps?

Edited By V8Eng on 12/01/2023 10:18:08

Thread: Harrogate Model Engineering Exhibition March 2023
10/01/2023 12:02:04

Removed double post.

Edited By V8Eng on 10/01/2023 12:02:37

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