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Member postings for WALLACE

Here is a list of all the postings WALLACE has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Quality of Engineer's squares
05/01/2012 18:39:37

Hi all.
Just a thought - I brought a nice, new Cromwell square of eBay - can't complain about the qualitiy and squareness (not that I've measured it !) - BUT - it's a bit of a silly design as the cut away that allows a scriber to go right to the edge goes to the top of the square if that makes sense.
So it's easy to have the square not sitting quite square . . . .
The 'notch' scribber cut away (like the old beaten up M&W one I have) doesn't suffer from this and is certainly the type I'd recomend.
Thread: Top Slide Self Act?
06/12/2011 21:09:42

Too late now as you've gone down the stepper motor route - But - I've often wondered about using a flexble drive for the table on my mill. The cheap and cheerful flexible drill 'shafts' you can get have a yard or so of cable just waiting to be used - although possibly with a worm drive as a high torque load may end up twisting it into knots !
You could run it off the end of the existing leadscrew although it would have to double back on itself..
Just a thought . .
Thread: How many T-Slots on a Rotary Table, 3,4,6?
06/12/2011 21:03:01

Ever thought of a slot arrangement like Harold Hall's faceplate ?
I've never tried it but it looks a lot more 'user friendly' than the standard radial slots which never seem to be in the right place for the vice I want to use !

Edited By WALLACE on 06/12/2011 21:03:20

Thread: RC engines of the future
25/08/2011 07:51:20
As the UK was on the receiving end of a number of pulse jets in 1944, I can understand why they wouldn't be too popular !!

Thread: Turning
18/08/2011 19:47:00
Find your local welders and scounge a length of stainless TUG welding wire off them. Sorted !!

Thread: Temporary Storage Workshop Contents
15/08/2011 11:56:38
You could always hire one of those steel shipping containers for a month. They come in various sizes and are pretty secure !
Thread: Fine finish
12/08/2011 13:19:30
I quite like the finish you get with an orbital sander - lots of small, fine circles - it's a bit of a 'poor man's' engine turning - but a lot, lot quicker !!
Thread: Sheet Metal Folder
05/08/2011 17:05:48
Am electric jig saw is effective (but noisy !) for sheet steel . It has the big advantage of not distorting the cut edge unlike a pair of gilbows.
Thread: Milling Machine
04/08/2011 18:06:52
I would have a wet and dry if I had the floor space - I will have in the next workshop as opposed to the current garage !
Thinking about it for more than 0.1 of a second it's definetly the way to do it - there seems no point in using an airline to blow the cr*ap all over the place. Might as well bag it and bin it !
But I must admit an airline is a God-send for cleaning engine parts or similar off just before putting it all back together. But it is only to remove the odd git grit spec etc from notionally clean parts - I wouldn't use it to clean dirty components !
03/08/2011 08:32:01
I read in an old engineering book that an air line tended to force dirt into a machine so wasn't a good idea !
Any truth in this or is it a bit of an old wives tale (not that SWMBO ever gets to clean up the workshop...... ..)

Thread: Rust and how to remove it.
27/07/2011 06:48:44
It's a balancing act really - the mug has to be dirty enough so that no one else will want to use it - but not so bad that things are growing in it ..... ...


Thread: Hammerte paint
26/07/2011 12:01:51
I think there well might be. I know hammerite uses a different thinners to 'normal' paint - and if you spray the stuff, you need to leave it for a week or so otherwise you get a wrinkle finnish - which actually looks quite nice ! I've painted odd bits of a car engine using this method - it gives go a nice glossh wrinkle finnish that's a lot easier to clean than the usual matt wrinkle paint.
I would leave it a good few weeks before trying - and then, try it first on a small area.
Thread: The perfect ME Lathe
21/07/2011 12:36:18
All too true - I transfered a BBC documentry about the 'Imperial Type Writer Company' a few years ago - it must have been made in the late 70's and it was all about how a once proud manufacturer was going under, people would be thown on the scrap heap and the governent was doing nothing about it - etc etc.
Lots of atmospheric shots of empty factories, busted typrewriters in a skip and interviews with people who had worked there all there lives - that sort of thing.
And the final bit was an interview with the man from the government whose last line was something along the lines of ' it's all very sad but there are new electronic devices coming along that will make the mechanical typewriter obsolete'.
All too true.
Thread: What happened to the Myford sale thread?
21/07/2011 12:20:52
Just wonder how much might be worth to a large car maker of a similar name !
Certainly worth the effort of changing to I would have thought . . . .
Thread: Getting your new mill home
20/07/2011 19:24:50
No safety specs in the workshop shown a few seconds before either.
Tut, tut.
20/07/2011 17:23:49
About 1'50'' into this video, there's a shot of how our antipodean friends get their latest purchase home . .. . .
Thread: Mounting lathe tools at center height / operator error?
14/07/2011 19:25:20
The other way is to find a cheap and chearful dial guage at a boot sale that's seen better days and make a fixed height guage. One where the pad comes out of the back is probably best as you can look down on it while adjusting.
Or if you're loaded ,buy a new one !

Edited By WALLACE on 14/07/2011 19:25:47

14/07/2011 11:27:51
There was an exellent idea for a device to set the height a few years ago in MEW - it involved a scribed bit of clear perspex and a mirror. Thought it was almost genius at the time - not that I've got around to making one though.. . .
Beware the facing off method for carbide tools - if it's a bit below, it's a very good way to remove the tip of a brand new insert !
Thread: What happened to the Myford sale thread?
13/07/2011 23:40:46
I think maybe we forgot the human side to all this - it must be very difficult for everyone involved.

I've never owned a Myford but from a distance I appreciated the quality, customer service and no little contribution Myfords made to model engineering.

How about a condolances thread so we can leave more appropriate comments ?


Edited By WALLACE on 13/07/2011 23:43:50

Thread: Harrison Lathes
11/07/2011 17:59:21

I think Harrison's were a bit of a law unto themselves with specific model numbers - certailny the older ones.
I have one badged up as a 5A but it doesn't look like anything on the lathes website as the motor is in the base, not hanging over the back like all the others i've seen. and it has a LOO tape which is a bit odd as well.
I'll have a poke around to se if it has a serial number - I seme to remember on mine it's on a brass plate on the far right of the bed.

Edited By WALLACE on 11/07/2011 17:59:59

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