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Member postings for WALLACE

Here is a list of all the postings WALLACE has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Woodwork Router Advice
06/03/2015 09:53:23
Axminster !

Hadn't thought of them !!

Basically, I need to fit new doors and frames - so it's locks, hinges and probably tenon joints or biscuits for the frame transoms.

Unfortunately, they're not standard sizes so it's going to have to be diy or lodsa money.

I bought a big one a few years ago for a kitchen worktop but have kept it in its box ever since as it scares me ... there's something about it not being bolted down - at least on my lathe I'm not relying on just muscle power to hold the headstock in place when taking a cut - it's very firmly bolted to the bed !!

Anyway - thanks all for the quick replies !

06/03/2015 07:45:31
Hello all.

I'm sorry to blaspheme on this site - but I think I will need to shortly do some 'woodwork' !

Can anyone recommend a good book -specifically on use of a router ?

There's lots of help pages and videos around but I'd like something I can flick through and doesn't require plugging in....should also add that it's for 12 inches to the foot modelling - it's for new door frames in the flat...


Thread: Washers (History)
28/02/2015 01:18:14
The Titanic watch reminds me of the ashtrays that occasionally turn up 'made from metal from the airship R101'

As a goodly number of the bodies recovered from the crash wreckage were burnt beyond recognition, an ashtray seems hardly appropriate. ..

Thread: Using 3D prints for casting
21/02/2015 17:30:05
Hello Bob.

Thanks for the reply - I'm still impressed by the castings however they were done !

Presumably its easy enough to print out the pattern slightly larger to take shrinkage into account as well ?

20/02/2015 22:01:23
Hello Bob.

Wrt to the castings - they look very clean and tidy. This is probably a silly question but I can't see any signs of risers or sprues on them - any idea on how they were cast ?


Thread: Parting Off MEW225
20/02/2015 10:04:40
I've seen a commercial one years ago on a stall at the MEE at Olympia. Definitely swan necked and also odd that it used a disc of ( presumably ) HSS with a segment cut out of it - not the usual long blade.

I was tempted but the thought of sourcing replacement cutters put me off...

Thread: Traction Engines in WW1
19/02/2015 19:30:18
Now I know !

Thanks !!

19/02/2015 19:16:32
Watching the clip made me wonder if traction engines have differentials ...

Do they ??

Thread: Parting Off MEW225
16/02/2015 20:27:33
I haven't thought about it too much ... but... I wonder if some of the 'angst' with parting off with a Myford is due to it being a plain lathe I.e. without prismatic guides ?

Would the various resultant forces on the tool post when parting off be any different with or without them ?

16/02/2015 12:09:30
Also... a sharp tool !

I used to sharpen my blades very crudely on a bench grinder - hand held as well...

Parting off become a lot less stressful when I started to grind them up properly !

Thread: Rust Treatment
15/02/2015 17:21:57
If you have a compressor, I'd use a small sandblasting gun. In my experience ( Lancia - need I say more ?! ), rust killers just slifhtly prolong the time for it to bubble through again - sandblasting kills it dead. It also gives a good finish for primer to adhere to.

Unfortunately, it usually uncovers a lot more rust than you were expecting - and if you're a but too enthusiastic, can blow holes in rust weakened panels...

Thread: Parting Off MEW225
14/02/2015 05:44:45 option I've found is to just use a hacksaw.....

Thread: oiling the cross slide
08/01/2015 15:13:19
I've sometimes thought about adding oiling points onto the cross slide of my Harrison which is similarly devoid of them. Would it be a good idea to mill a narrow channel to spread the oil evenly and act as a reservoir - and would a 'diagonal' one be best to cover as much of the sliding surface as possible (without going right to the edge ) ? Obviously I wouldn't want it any bigger than necessary to avoid increasing the wear on the remaining metal....

W. Edited for spell check getting ideas of its own....

Edited By WALLACE on 08/01/2015 15:15:25

Edited By WALLACE on 08/01/2015 15:16:28

Thread: Questions on an Electronics Expert
26/12/2014 15:55:10
Wrt to 2 - someone with a bit of experience would get a fairly food idea on the type - and if a power tranny - the wattage or 'VA' just just by looking at it - a 50VA transformer for example, is pretty much the same size as any other 50VA one. The primary and secondary windings I would identify and quantify by using a meter and 'Variac' - that's probably a little too dangerous if you have limited experience with messing about with potentially lethal mains voltages.

26/12/2014 15:25:22
Don't forget there's going to be a 0.7v drop across each diode....

There's a very good freebie programme - Google 'PSU Designer'that can simulate simple power supply circuits.

Thread: What did you do today? (2014)
25/12/2014 19:44:53
Ate far too much !

Thread: Problem with Single Phase Hoover AC Motor
22/12/2014 12:57:19
I seem to remember there was a previous post regarding a Hoover motor with perished rubber interior wiring so a rewire job may be on the cards as well to keep it safe !

Thread: Who might have made this?
10/12/2014 10:06:31
I could have done with something like this a few days ago when adapting a light to take a GU10 bulb...

A brief look with a rule gave the impression the bulb holder fixing screws where 12mm apart - the poor fit and a search on the net showed they should have been 12.1 !

Thread: LEDs ... The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
10/12/2014 09:52:23
I feel your pain. I had a couple of expensive professional audio recorders trashed at work due to so called 'leak proof' batteries ozing nasties everywhere

Even though they self discharge in about 6 months, I use Nimh rechargeables on everything of value these days at home !


Ps - scope pics of the led bulbs running of ac in my album !

29/11/2014 22:35:27
Hi Michael.

Scope pics will be posted when I return to civilisation....


Briefly, both lights use MC34063 regulators. There's a lot more supply ripple on the 3 led one - but it does take more current at 500ma compared to the 60 led one at 365 ma. This was at 12v ac measured with a 'true RMS' digital meter.

Probably more to the point, the 60 led bulb has 2 x 470uF smoothing capacitors, the 3 led one only a single 220uF.

Not the thing you'd really be able to tell unless you pull or rather smash them open unfortunately !

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