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Member postings for David Clark 1

Here is a list of all the postings David Clark 1 has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Time for a name change?
05/01/2016 12:19:02

I said the CNC manual millers I came into contact with were useless, not all CNC millers.

Yes, it can take longer to program a component than to make a manual component, it is all different now, all programmed on a computer. 20 or so years ago we programmed manually and a couple of days to write a program was not unusual.

Conversely it is often faster to program and make a one off than it is to do it manually. Depends on the complexity of the program.

My argument is that if designers did not use computers to design these complex components we would not need computers to make them.

A typical CNC job I did was replacement parts for a Nimrod. One batch of these were about 18inches long. They were surfaced all over, nothing was flat. The people who made the computer drawing (no paper drawings existed) had literally taken a part from an old Nimrod and put it on a CMM to produce the drawing. When they made the original Nimrod I doubt they had surfacing facilities. I think I was making brand new components that were 30 years old.

I had been working on these components for 3 weeks on nights and I came in for my shift and one of these so called CNC millers had skimmed the bottom of the components flat as they were distorted. No it wasn't distorted it was correctly surfaced. He had scrapped 3 weeks work. Not my problem fortunately.

05/01/2016 10:59:11

If you can't use manual machines you should not be using CNC as you won't be able to use them to their best ability. I used to know severel CNC millers who could not manual mill. Totally useless.

Thread: What Did You Do Today (2016)
05/01/2016 10:04:55

Hi there thank you all. Still a bit weak for the workshop due to oxygen dropping. And I never smoked in my life. Hopefully a couple of weeks and I can get out there.

Thread: A request
05/01/2016 10:00:14

I thought Neil had unilaterally decided to change the spelling of arbor to arbour in the latest MEW.

Thread: Hi Bob here
04/01/2016 19:15:53

Hi Bob Astill Welcome to the forum. I spent many years machining two stroke engines for British Seagull Outboard Motors back in the 1970s. Great fun was had by all.

Thread: A request
04/01/2016 19:12:51

Just read the post before hitting the "add posting " button especially on an IPad that thinks it can spell but can't.

Thread: What Did You Do Today (2016)
04/01/2016 18:54:21

I went to the hospital for final cancer check. All is clear with no sign of disease. I would like to thank everyone for their public and private messages wishing me well.

Regards David

Thread: £1 issues
04/01/2016 11:05:45

Hi here again, don't forget to resubscribe. The subscription page offers paper copies.

04/01/2016 11:04:31

Yes, 11.25 a month. I hope I have not given them an idea?

Thread: Tailstock turret
04/01/2016 11:02:26

Tailstock turrets are very useful for multiple components. The turret is, I think, described in Spareys book.

Thread: Use By/ Best Before Dates
04/01/2016 08:42:47

Don't know if they still do it but I saw a documentary of a major chocolate factory that melted their old chocolate down when it went white, bulldozed it all into a pile and recycled it into new chocolate bars.

Thread: Guhring tooling reputation
04/01/2016 08:38:29

Guhring are good drills if you can afford them. Used them for years for hardened steel airplane components.

Thread: £1 issues
03/01/2016 11:18:18

Page 47 in the magazine says £1 for 3 issues and £11.25 for a quarter. Not sure how that works for 13 issues a year?

Follow the subscription process on this site and on page 46 and you can get 3printed issues for £1 down and £11.25 a month.

You can cancel any time in the first 3 months so I would not worry. The new subscription company seems far more efficient than the old one.

Thread: A Lathe Bible Book
03/01/2016 10:37:05

Metal Turning In The Lathe by David A Clark and no, I don't get more money if more copies are sold.

Thread: £1 issues
03/01/2016 10:33:52

£9 for digital and £11.25 for print. Did you select digital or print subscription?

Thread: How are people finding Windows 10?
03/01/2016 09:38:28

I believe you can go back to the win 8 menu system by choosing settings and changing back to the win 8 start menu.

Thread: The Workshop Progress Thread (2016)
01/01/2016 18:03:52

Yes, it is on the blue arbor press.

Thread: Tidman Organ Engine Completed
01/01/2016 17:14:03

Nice engine. I hope you can put some of your other designs into ME?

Thread: What Did You Do Today (2016)
01/01/2016 11:32:22

I am going to sort through several thousand emails as I have been to ill to do this. Must be over 10,000 of them over 3 weeks. Then tidy up the writing room and remove anything that does not belong in there. No, it is not untidy just full of stuff I don't refer to much now. Then I will tackle Windows 10 privacy settings and start a new backup device for 2016.

Thread: How are people finding Windows 10?
01/01/2016 11:24:30

Thanks Michael Gilligan. Regards David

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